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ICE Customer Surveys and CRM Status

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1 ICE Customer Surveys and CRM Status
3rd Quarter Mr. John Cain, J-4 Customer Support August 28, 2018 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

2 ICE Surveys 3rd Qtr Roll-Up
Satisfaction Goal is 90% Response Rate Goal is 16% RESPONSE RATES APR MAY JUN 3rd Qtr TOTALS Business Area Sent Resp RTD/LESO 712 298 649 118 636 79 1997 495 Transportation / Turn-in 506 99 487 30 531 45 1524 174 Hazardous Waste (HW) 65 19 53 9 23 6 141 34 General Comment Cards 29 27 TOTALS: 1283 416 1189 157 1190 130 3662 703 Overall Resp Rate 32% 13% 11% 19% Q3 Satisfaction SATISFACTION 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Business Area APR MAY JUN 2nd Qtr RTD / LESO 94% 90% 97% Turn-in / Transportation 82% 91% 78% 84% Hazardous Waste (HW) 69% 29% 100% 66% General Comment Cards 92% 81% 84% Our monthly (briefed quarterly) surveys solicit responses from three specific targeted Business Areas; RTD/LESO, Transportation/Turn-in, and HW. General Comment cards are unsolicited random customer initiated surveys therefor we do not include the unsolicited General Comment cards in our response rate calculations because it would artificially increase our Response Rate and Confidence Level, however, we do include the General Comment Cards in our Customer Satisfaction metric. 3rd Qtr FY-18 Survey Confidence Level is 95% with a margin of error of + / - 3% Turn-In/Trans Yellow Trends Long Wait Times No Shows HW Red trends 1348/Documentation/Time lines:… Q3 Response 19% FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

3 Standard ICE Questions 3rd Quarter Results
2.74-0 Rate scale of: Excellent (5.0)/Good (4.0)/Okay (3.0) /Poor (2.0)/Awful (1.0) REUT /LESO TRANS/TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Facility Appearance 4.62 4.48 4.55 4.42 4.50 4.31 4.57 4.60 Employee Staff/Attitude 4.72 4.54 4.68 4.61 4.45 4.51 4.65 4.32 4.13 Timeliness of Service 4.38 4.49 4.41 4.26 4.19 4.27 3.93 Hours of Service 4.39 4.33 9 4.53 4.15 Did the product or service meet your needs? 95% 93% 92% 91% 82% Overall Satisfied 96% 90% 86% 72% Turn-In/Trans Yellow – Sample Comments “Can't even comment on how inadequate the truck line was that you hired to pick up my equipment” “My truck never showed up too get my pallets. I contacted you guys all day and couldn't get an answer” HW Yellow – Sample comment: “Processing of documents by DRMO takes too long.” “Taking too long to process DD1348 and establish delivery orders especially one COR. Oldest document is not being processed first.” 69%-0% 89%-70% 100-90% FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

4 Standard ICE Questions 3rd Quarter Results
REUT / LESO TRANS / TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 G3: In your latest interaction with DLA Disp Svcs – did you feel valued as a customer? 95% 91% 90% 94% 88% 84% 96% 82% 74% G3a: If no, please select from the drop down where we can most improve Ease of doing Business 20% 29% 25% 40% 28% 0% 33% Competency in resolving problems 13% 11% 4% 5% 22% 50% Responsiveness (timely in getting back to you) 53% 17% Consistency in stating procedures 14% 8% Nothing listed above (please provide details in comments) 15% Results are for ALL Business Areas Trans/Turn-In Example Comment/s: ”Fix DLA Disposition Services website. Needs more available dates and times for turn-ins, nest available is September 17, 2018.” “Your transporters repeatedly arrive 4-6 hours late. We can't be ready if you're ALWAYS late.” HW Example Comment/s: “DRMO CORs not knowledgeable on the regulatory changes that come up and the generators has to educate them”. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

5 Customer Categorization and RTD Web
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R1: Which type of Disposal Services customer are you? (206) - Military/DOD (51) 18% 25% - Reutilization (25) 21% 13% 12% - Transfer/Donation (Combined) (4) 3% 1% - LESO (109) 71% 52% 53% - Firefighter, CFL, Other (Combined) (17) 64% 9% R2: How would you rate your experience in using the Reutilization Transfer Donation (RTD) WEB (222) - Good (180) 82% 77% 81% - Fair (33) 16% 20% 15% - Poor (9) 4% R2 – Experience using RTD Web (trends from Poor rating) “The DLA website is not very user-friendly. I had to request assistance on numerous occasions.” “It has taken me a long time understand how to use the RTD website. One of the major constrains of the website is the lack of pictures for items listed..” FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

6 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R3: If you requested assistance during the screening/requisition process, did you get the help you needed? (158) 95% 90% 94% R4: Did we ship property to you or did you go to pick it up? (191) - It was shipped (71) 37% 44% - Picked it up (120) 63% 56% R4b: If you picked it up, was the property ready and available at your scheduled appointment? (124) 96% 93% Green/Green FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

7 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R4a: If it was shipped – did the property meet your expectations? (74) 90% 86% R4a1: If it did not meet your expectations – was it because of: (15) - Quantity was incorrect (0) 6% 0% - Unit of issue was incorrect (1) 7% - Condition of property was incorrect (6) 24% 21% 40% - Stock number received was incorrect (3) 13% 20% - Part number received was incorrect (0) 4% - Property was not delivered by the RDD (1) 8% - Other (4) 59% 54% 27% Example comment/s from Other category; I have had issues with RTD requests recently that are given a “rejected- warehouse denial” status, after showing on hand If possible, could there be additional reasoning/notes added into the RTD site that gives the reason the items are shown in inventory but not releasable to the customer Items were shipped from United States to overseas. Items took 4-6 months to be delivered. Quantity was incorrect. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

8 Turn-in/Transportation Customers
( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4tht Qtr Survey T1. How would you rate your experience using EDOCS (Electronic Document System) for retrieving your DD1348-1s? (68) - Good (50) 77% 75% 74% - Fair (11) 17% 21% 16% - Poor (7) 6% 4% 10% T2. When was your turn-in receipt (signed ) available in the Electronic Documents (EDOCS) system? (52) - Less than or equal to ten (10) days (34) 78% 65% - More than ten (10) days (18) 23% 22% 35% T3. How would you rate your experience when requesting property pick-up/transportation and/or turn-in services? (83) - Good (60) 81% 72% - Fair (14) 15% 12% - Poor (9) 11% T1 – example comment from Poor category; “eDocs upload times are extremely slow, usually over a month..” “I have been trying for months to get onto eDocs. I have repeatedly ed customer service with solutions that have not worked.” T3 – example comment from Poor category; “Items took 4 months to be delivered. Covers/boxes were broken. T3 – Top negative comments; Long wait times Trucks show up late or not at all FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

9 Transportation/Turn-in Customers
% of Customers who answered Yes 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey T4. If you experienced an issue with your turn-in, was it due to … (27) - Problems with the Scheduler system (3) 21% 15% 11% - Improper or lack of paperwork (0) 14% 13% 0% - Problems with the Electronic Turn-in Document (ETID) system or ETID approvals (5) 19% - Limited hours of operation at site (4) 7% - Insufficient/unsatisfactory support from Disp Svcs personnel (4) 9% - Issues with your Receipt in Place (RIP) property (1) 4% - Other (10) 29% 35% 37% T5. If you agreed to have Receipt in Place (RIP) Property, did we honor the agreed upon time for property removal from your location? (23) 97% 84% 91% Green Other: The online site for scheduling returns has never worked We have just been having trouble with carrier pick-up time and status. On two occasions, rescheduling pick-up was needed because the designated carrier failed to arrive . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

10 Hazardous Waste Customers
% of Customers who answered Yes 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey HW1. Are you satisfied with the disposition solutions for your unused Hazardous Material (HM)? (If no – please explain in the comments section) (18) 82% 89% 78% HW2. Are you satisfied with your Contracting Officer Representative (COR)’s management of your Hazardous Waste (HW) contract removals? (20) 95% 83% 71% HW1 Comments Ttaking too long to process DD1348 and establish delivery orders especially one COR. Oldest document is not being processed first. DRMO does not review documents prior to sending to generator (manifest, LDRs, MSDS). Inexperienced HW2 Comments CORs who are not being mentored or trained correctly. The service did meet our need but not in the required timelines established by DRMO and the contract. DRMO CORs is not knowledgeable on the regulatory changes that come up and the generators has to educate them. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

11 Overall Comments Summary
Satisfied Comments 187 Neutral Comments 11 Not Satisfied Comments 55 TOTAL Comments Received 253 74% of comments were Satisfied 22% were Not Satisfied 4% were Neutral Positive trends; Great Customer Service Positive employee attitudes and enthusiasm 1033 Program (LESO) positive comments Negative trends; Waiting Time for stamped/signed copies of the 1348s Long wait times/No Show for trucks Time it takes to wait for pick-ups or make appointments All positive and negative comments get forwarded upon receipt to the DSD/Supervisor/AM/ or Chief of the person or site mentioned in the comment for commendatory or corrective action. Neutral comments; “I Have Not Yet Used Your Service.” “No issues.” All customers who mark “response requested” get a response in the form of a CRM ticket and are tracked to closure/resolution. All 32 customers who marked (Response requested) have been answered and closed. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

12 Trends from Customers who requested a response
Top 3 trends from the 32 Customers who requested a response; (11) Transportation/Scheduling assistance (8) NETOPS (5) Help with locating property Remaining were assistance requests for; HW Shipping, Zip Code Mapping, EDOCs, and Delivery Orders, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

13 Outstanding Personnel (1 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: NORTH-EAST Rolfe, Phil Aberdeen Temple, Lorraine Aberdeen Biacco, Perry Columbus Dornbirer, Tom Columbus Fenner, Carrie (3 Times) Columbus Marshall, Eric Columbus Dutton, Michael Meade Dutton, Sarah Meade Huffines, Carolyn Meade Williams, Keith Meade Cropp, Regina Norfolk Foose, Nuria Norfolk Jones, Terrence Norfolk Madsen, Gary Norfolk Young, George Norfolk Papciak, Nicholas Pease Stubbs, Rodney Pease Cherry, Gwendolyn Richmond Singleton, Terry (3 Times) Richmond Tate, Christina Richmond Wilson, Theresa Richmond Cates, Jett Scott NORTH-EAST (Cont) Anderson, Cynthia (3 Times) Susquehanna Coronacion, Serverino Susquehanna Fortin, Mark Susquehanna Fox, Tanya Susquehanna Hahn, Lynn Susquehanna Hambrook, Chad Susquehanna Riley, Natasha (3 Times) Susquehanna Rivera Frankie Susquehanna SOUTH-EAST Harrison, Marny (Twice) Cape Canaveral Castille, Richard Eglin Dean, Al (4 Times) Eglin Hall, Richard « Brock » Eglin Johnson, Barbra (Twice) Eglin Daniels, Dan (5 Times) Huntsville Davis, Kristie Jacksonville Gordon, David Jacksonville Hamilton, Thomas (Twice) Jacksonville Kane, Tracy Jacksonville Wilson, Dianne Jacksonville Hineline, Cynthia (Twice) Lejeune Brown, Anthony Warner Robins Listing of employees complimented in surveys by customers. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

14 Outstanding Personnel (2 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: MID-AMERICA Comito, Christopher (3 Times) Bliss McGinty, Thomas Bliss Cervi, Joseph Col. Springs Fullman, Mark (Twice) Col. Springs Hope, Kevin (Twice) Col. Springs Ortega, Shontovia (Twice) Col. Springs Sams, D.B. (Twice) Col. Springs Stevens, Mike Col. Springs Wilcox, John (Twice) Col. Springs Williams, Toni (4 Times) Col. Springs Molina. Carmen (Twice) Riley Martinez, Jose San Antonio Burnett, Michael Sill Chappell, Donna Sill Clelland, Paul Sill Cleophat, Jean (Twice) Sill Turner, David Sill Willis, Wayne Sill WEST Buswell, Heath Barstow Cooper, Daniel Barstow Kashalla, Nuhu (Twice) Barstow Wilds, Dustin (Twice) Barstow Grimshaw, Jared (Twice) Hill Schultz , Christopher Hill Stickney, Dave Hill Coulson, Gregory (Twice) Pendleton Escoto, Jorge Pendleton Gonzalvo, Ruel Pendleton Thompson, Barry Pendleton Guzman, Luis San Diego Chapman, Zachary Tucson Daker, Rosezanna Tucson Enriquez, Jesse (Twice) Tucson McCombs, James Tucson Smolic, Janet (5 Times) Tucson FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

15 Outstanding Personnel (3 of 3 )
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: Europe and Africa Echtinaw, Brian (3 Times) Djibouti Tandu, Matondo (Twice) Djibouti Dobrick, Eric Kaiserslautern Harris, Daniel Kaiserslautern Herb, Steven Kaiserslautern MSgt Mendoza, Arvie (Twice) Molesworth Pacific Durocher, Brandon Anchorage Evans, Ramon Anchorage Wigginton, Kathy Anchorage Cruz, Rose Guam Rivera, Julie Guam Smith, Shawn (3 Times) Iwakuni Rembert, Nyam Okinawa Bontog, Melchor Pearl Harbor Castaneda, Abel (5 Times) Pearl Harbor Delagente, Gilbert Pearl Harbor Espanto, Lucrecio Pearl Harbor Mendiola, Joseph (3 Times) Pearl Harbor Matsumoto, Toshiyuki Sagami Central Alvarez, Francisco Arifjan Williams, Gus (Twice) Arifjan Williams, LaTanya Arifjan Headquarters Cain, John Customer Relations Ganka, Jennifer Customer Relations Fix, Carol RTD FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

16 Outstanding Sites MID-AMERICA Colorado Springs(3 Times) Corpus Christi
Hood Red River (Twice) Riley (Twice) San Antonio Sill NORTH-EAST Columbus (Twice) Crane Letterkenny Meade (Twice) Norfolk Portsmouth Pease Richmond (3 Times) Susquehanna (5 Times) Wright Patterson EUROPE/AFRICA Djibouti ( Twice) Grafenwoehr (3 Times) Incirlik (Twice) Kaiserslautern WEST Fairchild Hill (5 Times) San Joaquin Tucson (5 Times) SOUTH-EAST Anniston Bragg (Twice) Cherry Point Eglin (7 Times) Jacksonville (5 Times) Lejeune (Twice) Warner Robins HQ RTD PACIFIC Anchorage Guam Iwakuni (3 Times) Okinawa Pearl Harbor (3 Times) Listing of sites complimented in surveys (as a whole or whole staff). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

17 Sample Comments Recommend time off awards and cash awards to those folks - they make it happen every day! I have left messages. I have ed several departments. There is no help. DLA reps have been extremely helpful to our organizations. The unit has been without a Supply Tech for over a year. In our first experience it took 4 or more weeks to receive transportation and this is definitely a real hinder to our overall operation due to limited storage space. EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE AND VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Loss of field office in Newington, NH creating a local negative impact .Current process to ship DRMO material from our location in Bath, Maine is completely unacceptable. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

18 CRM Tickets 3rd Qtr FY18 DLA Service Level Met (SLM) GOAL: 75%
Tickets CLOSED External Customers 88% (trend) 89% COMBINED (External and Internal Customers) (QTR AVG) Internal Customers 91% Type & Quantity CRM Ticket POC: John Cain Phone: Updated: July 1, Data Source: EBS web and CRM web KEY POINTS 3nd Qtr: TOP OF CHART – Tickets CLOSED in 3rd Qtr: 225 Goal is to answer 75% of CRM tickets within tolerance (Service Level Met (SLM) – DLA measure) 32 28 47 3 1 17 5 3 COMBINED TICKETS WORKED BY DISPOSITION SERVICES: - Answered within tolerance: ( 89%) - Answered out of tolerances: ( 11%) 44 26 5 14 EXTERNAL Tickets:: - Answered within tolerances: (88%) Answered out of tolerances: (12%) INTERNAL Tickets - Answered within tolerances: (91%) Answered out of tolerances: (9%) 21


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