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Customer Survey Results

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1 Customer Survey Results
2nd Quarter FY17 Customer Survey Results Greg Dangremond Informational Brief June 6, 2017

2 2nd Quarter ICE Survey High Level Summary
Response Rate Goal 16% RESPONSE RATES JAN FEB MAR 2nd Qtr TOTALS Business Area Sent Resp RTD/LESO 538 153 110 50 707 168 1355 371 Transportation / Turn-in 475 65 411 27 572 21 1458 113 Hazardous Waste (HW) 39 3 14 143 12 247 29 General Comment Cards 36 66 34 136 TOTALS: 1052 221 586 91 1422 201 3060 513 Overall Resp Rate 21% 16% 14% Q2 17% SATISFACTION 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Note: Our quarterly surveys solicit responses from three specific targeted Business Areas. General Comment cards are unsolicited random surveys therefor we do not include the unsolicited General Comment cards in our solicited / targeted survey response rate. If requested General Comment card data below; Response Rates with General Cards: Q2 = 20% (649 total responses vs. 513 divided by 3,196 vs 3,060 Satisfaction Rates for 2nd Quarter: (Above response rate goal of 16%, with or without General Comment Cards included) General Comment Cards yellow trends top three; Limited ETID access: example comment – “For the past 6 days or so I have had very limited/no access to the external business portal/ETID which is an absolute must to generate the ETIDs per week that I generate..” Deleted HazWaste Profiles: example comment – “The update to the ETID system removed all the HW profiles in the system that had not been recently certified within the ETID system.” Long wait to turn in even though I arrived early: example comment – “On the 29th March we had an appointment for turn in of equipment at 11am. We checked in around 10:30 and did not get the 4 items turned in until 12:45.” Business Area JAN FEB MAR 2nd Qtr R/Y/G RTD / LESO 95% 100% 91% 92% Transportation / Turn-in 98% 88% Hazardous Waste (HW) 86% 80% 85% General Comment Cards 66% 84% Q2 93% Satisfaction Goal is 90%

3 Standard ICE Questions 2nd Quarter Results
2.74-0 Rate scale of: Excellent (5.0)/Good (4.0)/Okay (3.0) /Poor (2.0)/Awful (1.0) REUT /LESO TRANS/TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Facility Appearance 4.46 4.56 4.59 4.61 4.50 4.36 Employee Staff/Attitude 4.66 4.73 4.79 4.35 Timeliness of Service 4.51 4.49 4.47 4.00 4.21 Hours of Service 4.54 4.44 4.26 Did the product or service meet your needs? 97% 96% 88% Overall Satisfied 94% 95% 83% 85% HW Disp typically doesn’t have enough comments to glean trends, below are a few example comments; “Not following contract, lack of personnel to support the contract.” (Pearl Harbor) “COR, late arrival or no show. Not properly reviewing manifest and 1348's. Excessive time to process 1348's and pick up of delivery.” (Pearl Harbor) 69%-0% 89%-70% 100-90%

4 Standard Question (All Business Areas) 2nd Quarter Results
REUT /LESO TRANS/TURN-IN HW Disp Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 G3: In your latest interaction with DLA Disp Svcs – did you feel valued as a customer? 93% 94% 82% 85% G3a: If no, please select from the drop down where we can most improve Ease of doing Business 30% 29% 0% 38% 25% 20% Competency in resolving problems 5% 13% Responsiveness (timely in getting back to you) 3% 32% 43% Consistency in stating procedures 10% Nothing listed above (please provide details in comments) 75% 40% 100-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% HW Disp yellow trends top three; (so few overall comments that these are the same as previous slide) “Not following contract, lack of personnel to support the contract.” (Pearl Harbor) “COR, late arrival or no show. Not properly reviewing manifest and 1348's. Excessive time to process 1348's and pick up of delivery.” (Pearl Harbor) Example comments for Nothing listed above REUT/LESO: “The biggest issue is what is listed on the RTD site and the lack of information on most of the items. Many do NOT have pictures and many do not have an accurate description of the item and the condition.” TRANS/TURN-IN: “Requesting a pick up/ transportation was awful. The scheduling system took 3-4 months to schedule a truck.” HW Disp: same as noted above.

5 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R1: Which type of Disposal Services customer are you? (327) - Reutilization (100) 22% 31% - Transfer/Donation (Combined) (12) 2% 4% - LESO (180) 71% 55% - Firefighter, CFL, Other (Combined) (35) 11% R2: How would you rate your experience in using the Reutilization Transfer Donation (RTD) WEB (270) - Good (286) 77% 81% - Fair (57) 20% 16% - Poor (12) 3% R2 – Experience using RTD Web (trends from Poor rating) “Please add more photo’s” “I have had several items show as awarded and then sometime later show as canceled.” “The biggest issue is what is listed on the RTD site and the lack of information on most of the items.”

6 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R3: If you requested assistance during the screening/requisition process, did you get the help you needed? (270) 100% 95% R4: Did we ship property to you or did you go to pick it up? (300) - It was shipped (117) 41% 39% - Picked it up (183) 59% 61% R4b: If you picked it up, was the property ready and available at your scheduled appointment? (204) 97% Green / Green

7 Reutilization/LESO Customers
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% % of Customers who answered Yes ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey R4a: If it was shipped – did the property meet your expectations? (122) 95% R4a1: If it did not meet your expectations – was it because of: (18) - Quantity was incorrect (0) 0% - Unit of issue was incorrect (1) 9% - Condition of property was incorrect (8) 36% 44% - Stock number received was incorrect (2) 11% - Part number received was incorrect (0) - Property was not delivered by the RDD (1) 6% - Other (7) 45% 39% Example comments from Other category; “Please add more photo’s.” “I have had several items show as awarded and then sometime later show as canceled.” “The biggest issue is what is listed on the RTD site and the lack of information on most of the items.”

8 Transportation/Turn-in Customers
( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question 100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey T1. How would you rate your experience using EDOCS (Electronic Document System) for retrieving your DD1348-1s? (91) - Good (68) 77% 75% - Fair (18) 16% 20% - Poor (5) 7% 5% T2. When was your turn-in receipt (signed ) available in the Electronic Documents (EDOCS) system? (66) - Less than or equal to ten (10) days (53) 74% 80% - More than ten (10) days (13) 26% T3. How would you rate your experience when requesting property pick-up/transportation and/or turn-in services? (105) - Good (83) 73% 79% - Fair (14) 19% 13% - Poor (8) 8% T1 – example comment from Poor category; “I did a direct ship on 14 March 2017 and here it is six weeks later and the documents have still not been uploaded in eDocs.” T3 – example comment from Poor category; “The issue I had was the failure of the trucks to show up as scheduled.” T3 – Top three negative comments; Scheduling system is unreliable Trucks show up late or not at all Wrong conveyance type show up and can’t load items

9 Transportation/Turn-in Customers % of Customers who answered Yes
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey T4. If you experienced an issue with your turn-in, was it due to … (23) - Problems with the Scheduler system (7) 15% 30% - Improper or lack of paperwork (2) 11% 9% - Problems with the Electronic Turn-in Document (ETID) system or ETID approvals (3) 25% 13% - Limited hours of operation at site (2) - Insufficient/unsatisfactory support from Disp Svcs personnel (2) 10% - Issues with your Receipt in Place (RIP) property (0) 1% 0% - Other (7) 26% T5. If you agreed to have Receipt in Place (RIP) Property, did we honor the agreed upon time for property removal from your location? (32) 95% 97% Green

10 Hazardous Waste Customers % of Customers who answered Yes
100%-90% 89%-70% 69%-0% ( x ) Represents number of respondents for that question Question 1st Qtr Survey 2nd Qtr Survey 3rd Qtr Survey 4th Qtr Survey HW1. Are you satisfied with the disposition solutions for your unused Hazardous Material (HM)? (If no – please explain in the comments section) (17) 73% 82% HW2. Are you satisfied with your Contracting Officer Representative (COR)’s management of your Hazardous Waste (HW) contract removals? (23) 81% 87% HW Disp yellow trends; (so few overall comments that these are the same as previous slide) “Not following contract, lack of personnel to support the contract.” (Pearl Harbor) “COR, late arrival or no show. Not properly reviewing manifest and 1348's. Excessive time to process 1348's and pick up of delivery.” (Pearl Harbor)

11 Overall Comments Summary
Satisfied Comments 269 Neutral Comments 2 Not Satisfied Comments 60 TOTAL Comments Received 331 81% of comments were Satisfied 18% were Not Satisfied 1% were Neutral Positive trends; Employees recognized in a positive way by name Staff is Helpful Good job adding more photos Negative trends; Long wait for eDocs to update Trucks do not show up on time or at all NETOPS (Reduction at Dix – employee driven) All positive and negative comments get forwarded to the supervisor/chief of the person or site mentioned in the comment. All customers who mark “response requested” get a response in the form of a CRM ticket and are tracked to closure/resolution. All 30 customers who marked (Response requested) have been answered and closed.

12 Trends from Survey Customers who requested a response
Top 3 trends from the 30 Customers who requested a response; (6) Request Dix not be downsized (employee instigated) (4) Why were our HazWaste Profile Sheets deleted (3) Unreliable or conflicting DSR information Remaining trends were assistance requests for; Requisition & Shipping status, ETID, Copies of 1348’s, How to create a want-list, Scheduler, DSR contact information, Helicopter parts search, RTD office assistance

13 Outstanding Personnel (1 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: EAST Kendrick, Dexter Bragg Harrison, Marny Cape Canaveral Brown, Robert (Tom) Cherry Point Ottey, Gregory Cherry Point Bouley, Dale Eglin Brown, Uelivia (Libby) Eglin Dean, Al (twice) Eglin Miller, Neil Eglin Mitchell, Curtis Eglin Ramirez, Vincent Eglin Rios-Dean, Tina Eglin Williams, Jessica (3times) Eglin Craft, Carl Fort Dix Newlund, Chris (4 times) Fort Dix Hamilton,Thomas (8 times) Jacksonville Ellis, Earl (3 times) Keesler EAST Estal, Dee Keesler Hernandez, Monica (twice) LeJeune Huffines, Carolyn (twice) Meade Bowland, Millicent (twice) Norfolk Cadosio, Victorino Norfolk Cropp, Regina Norfolk Hendley, Tammy (4 times) Norfolk Williams, Clifford Norfolk Dotson, Correy Portsmouth/P Stubbs, Rodney Portsmouth/P Waugh, Merrill (Sonny) Portsmouth/P Dezon, Philomena Richmond Clarke-Wiggins, Virginia St Juliens Creek Anderson, Cynthia (3 times) Susquehanna Hambrook, Chad (twice) Susquehanna Riley, Natasha (3 times) Susquehanna - Listing of employees complimented in surveys by customers. Broken out by region/site.

14 Outstanding Personnel (2 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: WEST Wigginton, Kathy Anchorage Ensley, Mike (4 times) Col. Springs Fernandez, Steven (twice) Col. Springs Hope, Kevin (twice) Col. Springs Plott, Jared (4 times) Col. Springs Sams, David (twice) Col. Springs Thomas, Michael (twice) Col. Springs Washington, Jerry Col. Springs Williams, Toni Col. Springs Lovato, Elaine (twice) Hill Hill, Jeremy Kirkland Castaneda, Zina (twice) Lewis Majillo, Enrico Lewis Powers, Karen Lewis Jones, Margaret Nellis Quejado, Edel Pendleton Little, Richard Red Stone Cubarrubias, Ed San Diego Ramiro, Charles San Diego Barberis, Chad San Joaquin Moody, Gilbert San Joaquin MID AMERICA Carr, Debbie Anniston Badger, Joe Anniston Joes, Anthony (AJ) Campbell White, Debra Campbell Caron, Lucien (twice) Columbus Fenner, Carrie (4 times) Columbus Harrington, Margo (twice) Columbus Lawson, Carl (twice) Columbus Grant, Joe Gordon Flaningam, Noel Great Lakes Little, Paul Huntsville Hines, Shannon Knox Morehead, Gary Knox Simmons, John Polk Larson, James Riley Craft, David San Antonio Anderson, Ed Sill Allen, Michael Stewart Berry, Leander Stewart Mitchell, Willie (twice) Warner Robins

15 Outstanding Personnel (3 of 3)
Employees complimented by name in survey comments: HQ BC Everest, Sheila RTD Fix, Carol RTD Wilds, Dustin Workforce Development Zink, Twyla (twice) RTD EUROPE/AFRICA Forbes, Sean Aviano Nelson, Chris Aviano Kyle, Tracy Guam Lang, Robert Kaiserslautern Lutter, Richard Kaiserslautern Del Castillo, Joaquin (twice) Rota Lamontagne, Maria (4 times)Rota Montes, Manuel Rota PACIFIC Clay, Michele Misawa CENTRAL Hampton, Tremain Arifjan Hicks, Anthony Arifjan Webber, Kenneth Arifjan Williams, Gus Arifjan Williams, LaTanya Arifjan SFC Holleman, Yazmin Qatar

16 Outstanding Sites (1 of 2)
Sites complimented by name in survey comments: EAST Aberdeen Cherry Point Eglin (4 times) Dix (4 times) Groton Jacksonville (5 times) Lejeune Letterkenny (4 times) Meade (3 times) Norfolk (5 times) Portsmouth/ Pease Richmond St. Julien’s Creek (3 times) Susquehanna (3 times) MID AMERICA Anniston Benning Columbus (twice) Dyess Gordon Hood Knox (twice) Polk Red River Riley (3 times) San Antonio Sparta (twice) Warner Robins WEST Anchorage (twice) Colorado Springs (5 times) Hill Lewis (3 times) Pendleton San Diego San Joaquin HQ LESO (10 times) RTD (11 times) Listing of sites complimented in surveys (as a whole or whole staff).

17 Outstanding Sites (2 of 2)
Sites complimented by name in survey comments: EUROPE/AFRICA Kaiserslautern Molesworth Rota (twice) Sigonella PACIFIC Guam (twice) Misawa Okinawa Pearl Harbor CENTRAL Kuwait Listing of sites complimented in surveys (as a whole or whole staff).

18 Sample Comments It is never a simple, pleasant experience dealing with direct truck transportation I was a little early for my appointment and the personnel at DRMO accommodated me cheerfully rather than make me wait It was a bit tedious to figure out the website and turn – in procedure. There is a need for context help when requesting pick-up of items online We had a lot of old gear we needed to process through the DRMO in order to prepare for an inspection. Patience, knowledge of the job and overall customer service were extremely helpful and undoubtedly were a part of the reason that we had a successful inspection The lady at the front desk has a very bad attitude and was even told by one of the other DLA employees to stop being rude The NSN should not have been included for the thermal site because the mount has a separate NSN. That would be like advertising a Corvette with the VIN number and then delivering the wheels. It is great knowing we have a support staff that care about providing quality support to the field


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