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2 ELO 3.1 – Administer an HR Metrics Program ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE
TLO 3.0 – HR Metrics ELO 3.1 – Administer an HR Metrics Program LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for applying HR Metrics. Students will gain a basic understanding of the HR Metrics HR Enabling Systems. Students will gain a basic understanding of the Medical Readiness Classification and the Physical Category Codes. Students will gain a basic knowledge of deployable and non- deployable codes. Tri Army Learning Area (ALA) – General Learning Outcome (GLO’s) ALA Human Dimension – GLO 7 ALA Professional Competence – GLO 13 & 14 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: Direct / Interactive Instruction METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Structured overview Demonstration Drill and Practice Practical Exercises responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for applying Personnel Summary Metrics in they d to measure and assess the levels of HR support and readiness of their unit. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Administer an Human Recourses (HR) Metrics Program CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given access to the In a classroom environment given access to the Personnel Readiness Summary Guide, Army Directive , FM 1-0, awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and actors.dummary Guide, Army Directive , awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and . STANDARD: Perform the following with 70% accuracy: 1. Employ HR Enabling Systems to retrieve level HR Metrics. 2. Interpret HR Metrics from the HR Metrics Program enabling systems. ACADEMIC HOURS: 8.0 LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson introduction HR Enabling Systems Medical Classification System Physical Category Codes Deployable and Non-deployable categories ASSESSMENT Practical exercises. Students are required to complete certification training for the scan operator, record manager, and the authorized official in order to receive a GO. Students are required to print certificate for each of the training. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 2: ADMINISTER AN HR METRICS PROGRAM

3 Army Posture Statement
“Today, the Army faces a rapidly changing security environment that requires the Army to make difficult decisions in order to remain an effective instrument of the Nation’s military power. An Army ready for combat is the most effective tool to continually assure allies and deter or defeat adversaries… the Army risks going to war with insufficient readiness to win decisively. Therefore, the Army’s number one priority is readiness.” SHOW SLIDE 3: ARMY POSTURE STATEMENT NOTE: Ask Students, “What do you think about this statement or what do you think readiness means?

HR professionals at the S1/MPD level have the primary responsibility for maintaining Army HR systems with accurate and timely personnel data HR leaders provide oversight controls, review standard reports, resolve errors, and ensure systems updates on a daily basis to maximize accuracy and readiness Commanders work with their HR leaders and primary staff elements to assess the quality of support and level of readiness within the command SHOW SLIDE 4 : PERSONNEL READINESS SUMMARY METRICS UNCLASSIFIED

5 PERSONNEL METRICS Man The Force Provide HR Services
Coordinate Personnel Support Conduct HR Planning and Operations SHOW SLIDE 5: PERSONNEL METRICS UNCLASSIFIED


7 RESPONSIBILITIES Soldiers Leaders HR Professionals Commanders
Must maintain current and accurate information in their Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) AR requires Soldiers to review their personnel and finance records using the Records Review Tool (RRT) in iPERMS during in-processing at new duty stations, annually, and prior to separation from the Army Leaders Ensures that Soldiers comply with directives and requirements Validate Soldier professional qualifications and training Safeguard Personally Identifiable Information (PII) First line supervisors must work with the chain of command to identify exact problems HR Professionals Responsible for Personnel Readiness Summary (PRS) to commanders Responsible for providing HR support and customer service via RRT program Updating HR systems with accurate and timely information Commanders Own the PRS and responsible for directing actions required to correct readiness deficiencies Provide support to HR professionals Supervise and assess all Tier 1 Readiness metrics at a minimum SHOW SLIDE 7: RESPONSIBILITIES

8 Check on Learning 1. When it comes to reviewing personnel and finance records, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? a. Review records during in-processing b. After separation from the Army c. Annually d. All of the above e. Both a and c Which of the following reports provides the primary means of Soldier accountability? a. AAA-095 b. AAA-160 c. AAA-162 d. AAA-199 SHOW SLIDE 8: CHECK ON LEARNING


10 Medical Readiness Classes
MRC 1 Medically ready / deployable. Temporary profile < 7 days. Source: Datastore Report: MEDPROS *Not required CDR’s deployability determination MRC 2 Partially medically ready/deployable Temp profile >8 days but < than 14 days MRC 3 Not medically ready/nondeployable *CDR determines deployability for profile > 14 days (DL1) and dental readiness 3(DL2) MRC 4 *Not medically ready/nondeployable Source: Datastore Report: MEDPROS SHOW SLIDE 10: MEDICAL READINESS CLASSIFICATION *Soldier is not medically ready/nondeployable CDR determines deployability


12 MRC 1 Soldier is fully medically ready and deployable. It includes:
Soldiers with temporary profiles up to 7 days in length Includes Soldiers with completed medical or administrative board actions who have no deployment-limiting physical category codes and have: - returned to duty without any board indicated - had their area of concentration (AOC)/military occupational specialty (MOS) reclassified - received a US Army Physical Disability Agency Fit Memorandum from a Physical Evaluation Board SHOW SLIDE 12: MRC 1

13 MRC 2 Soldier is deficient in one of the following:
Temp profile > 8 days but < 14 days Hearing Readiness Class 4 (current within 13 months) Vision Readiness Class 4 (current within 15 months) DNA (drawn/on file with DoD repository) HIV (drawn/on file with DoD repository) Immunizations Hep A, HepB, Tdap, MMR, Polio, Varicella, (Influenza-seasonal) Individual medical equipment (glasses, hearing aids) SHOW SLIDE 13: MRC 2

14 MRC 3 Soldier is deficient in one of the following Deployment Limiting (DL) codes: SHOW SLIDE: 14 MRC 3 Note: DL 3/4/5/6/7- Unit CDR cannot make deployability determination for routine readiness reporting. When assigned a mission, deployability will be IAW combatant command policies.

15 MRC 4 Soldier is deficient in one of the following: Status is unknown
Periodic Health Assessment is expired Dental Readiness Class 4 Outdated medical data SHOW SLIDE 15: MRC 4

16 Physical Category Codes


18 Deployable A Soldier under the direct operational control of the reporting unit, whether present or able to be present within 72 hours, who is in compliance with all required personnel readiness standards and is not restricted from deploying to perform the unit's core designed an assigned mission. SHOW SLIDE 18: DEPLOYABLE

19 Non-deployable A Soldier who is restricted from worldwide deployment for a unit’s core designed and assigned mission for one of the following reason: Lautenberg Amendment Legal Processing Sole Survivor/surviving Family Member Conscious Objector Family Care Plan Parenthood Transition Leave AWOL Operational Control- Individual Soldiers who are not under the operational control of the unit for deployment Mission/Prisoner of War Unsatisfactory Participant (RC/NG) Assigned not joined (RC/NG) Soldiers who have not graduated from AOC/MOS awarding course Commander’s call SHOW SLIDE 19: NON-DEPLOYABLE.

20 Non-Deployable Categories (1 of 2)
MRC 3 CATEGORY DEFINITION Current CD Codes Soldiers with CD Codes already applied in eMILPO Deployed w/Unit Soldiers who are currently in support of the unit deployment Deployed Outside Soldiers who have deployed separately from their unit MRC 3 Not medically ready/non-deployable MRC 4 Legal (LI) Soldiers under military or civil criminal investigation Legal (LZ) Soldiers pending action by military or civil court Legal (LD) Soldiers who are pending administrative/legal discharge or separation Legal (LR) Soldiers who are under arrest or being held in confinement by military authorities Parenthood Military mothers of newborns that are non-deployable for six months after childbirth Dwell Time Soldiers unable to deploy because they will not exhaust dwell time prior to the milestone event TSIRT/ IRT Soldiers with incomplete Theater Specific Individual Readiness Training (TSIRT), Individual Readiness Training (IRT), or other training required for deployment Sole Survivor Soldiers son or daughter status or surviving family member Conscientious Objector Soldiers with an approved objector status are deployable only to areas where duties do not involve handling of weapons Family Care Plan Soldiers requiring Family Care Plans are considered non-deployable if there is no evidence of a current validated plan Leave/TDY LS: Transition Leave. Soldiers who are on transition leave whom the commander would not normally call back for deployment LT: Leave / TDY. Soldiers on leave or Temporary Duty (TDY) whom the commander would not normally call back for deployment MIA/POW Soldiers that are currently Prisoner of War, Missing, Missing in Action, or Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (DUSTWUN) Avail Late Deply Soldiers with no known non-deployable conditions IAW with DA Pam but will deploy late at the discretion of the commander PCS Soldiers not deploying due to PCS orders or who have returned from deployment early in order to proceed on PCS orders Retire /ETS Soldiers with an approved retirement date within six months of milestone event Lautenberg Soldiers with a conviction of a misdemeanor or felony for domestic violence Soldier under 18 Soldiers under the age of 18 SHOW SLIDE 20: NON-DEPLOYABLE CATEGORIES (1 OF 2)

21 Non-Deployable Categories (2 of 2)
SHOW SLIDE 21: NON-DEPLOYABLE CATEGORIES (2 OF 2) Yellow – Consider for Commander Override PerOR % - Green if 90% or higher PerOR % - Red if 89% or lower Actual PerOR % = Includes All Non-Avails Possible PerOR % = Assumes All Possible Commander Overrides are Used

22 Legal & Administrative
Legal Codes (eMILPO) LI - Under investigation LR - Under arrest LZ - Pending action LD - Pending separation Soldiers with LI (investigation) or LZ (pending action) Conduct by-name scrubs weekly Determine if Available to Deploy; Utilize Override Code Administrative Parenthood Can Be Overridden if Soldier Will be Available to Deploy Prior to LAD, Ready Cycle, etc. Do NOT Use Override Code for the following without careful consideration: TSIRT Sole Surviving Family Member Conscientious Objector Leave/TDY the Commander Will Not Recall the Soldier From Transition Leave SHOW SLIDE 22: LEGAL & ADMINISTRATIVE

23 Non-Deployables Enablers
Non-deployables enablers should be relatively easy fixes Consider Setting up Medical Round-Robin Sites or Escort Delinquent Soldiers to the Medical Treatment Facility Commanders May Not Approve Override in eMILPO DNA – Soldiers without a valid DNA sample may be difficult to identify if they become a casualty (0%) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) – Soldiers with overdue HIV blood exams may require increased SRP processing time (2%) Immunizations – Soldiers with overdue immunizations may require increased SRP processing time (2%) Dental (MRC4) – Soldiers with a Dental Readiness Class 4 only require a dental exam; prolongs the detection and treatment of potential issues (5%) Periodic Health Assessment (MRC4) – Soldiers with a missing or incomplete PHA prolongs the detection and treatment of potential issues (2%) SHOW SLIDE 23: NON-DEPLOYABLE ENABLERS

24 Check on Learning 1. Which of the following medical readiness classes are non-deployable? a. MRC A b. MRC B c. MRC 1 d. MRC 3 Which of the following is/are reason(s) for individuals to become non-deployable? a. Family Care Plan (Only) b. Medical Readiness Class 2(Only) c. Medical Readiness Class 4(Only) d. All of the above e. Both a and c SHOW SLIDE 24: CHECK ON LEARNING

25 HR Metrics Summary Results
It is critically important that S-1s monitor established metrics by HRC Brief commanders on Tier 1 & Tier 2 goal deficiencies Provide commander with the most accurate personnel information available enabling them to make decisions that impact readiness SHOW SLIDE 25: HR METRICS SUMMARY RESULTS

26 ELO 3.1 – Administer an HR Metrics Program ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE
TLO 3.0 – HR Metrics ELO 3.1 – Administer an HR Metrics Program LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for applying HR Metrics. Students will gain a basic understanding of the HR Metrics HR Enabling Systems. Students will gain a basic understanding of the Medical Readiness Classification and the Physical Category Codes. Students will gain a basic knowledge of deployable and non- deployable codes. Tri Army Learning Area (ALA) – General Learning Outcome (GLO’s) ALA Human Dimension – GLO 7 ALA Professional Competence – GLO 13 & 14 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: Direct / Interactive Instruction METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Structured overview Demonstration Drill and Practice Practical Exercises responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for applying Personnel Summary Metrics in they d to measure and assess the levels of HR support and readiness of their unit. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Administer an Human Recourses (HR) Metrics Program CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given access to the In a classroom environment given access to the Personnel Readiness Summary Guide, Army Directive , FM 1-0, awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and actors.dummary Guide, Army Directive , awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and . STANDARD: Perform the following with 70% accuracy: 1. Employ HR Enabling Systems to retrieve level HR Metrics. 2. Interpret HR Metrics from the HR Metrics Program enabling systems. ACADEMIC HOURS: 8.0 LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson introduction HR Enabling Systems Medical Classification System Physical Category Codes Deployable and Non-deployable categories ASSESSMENT Practical exercises. Students are required to complete certification training for the scan operator, record manager, and the authorized official in order to receive a GO. Students are required to print certificate for each of the training. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 26: ADMINISTER AN HR METRICS PROGRAM NOTE: Restate the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) requirements, Lesson Outcomes, Learning Activities, and Enabling Learning Objectives . Learning Step / Activity Practical Exercise #1 Method of Instruction: Performance Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 25 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Learning Step / Activity Practical Exercise #1 Review Time of Instruction: 5 mins SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion


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