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Medieval, Dark Ages, or Middle Ages/Crusades Review

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval, Dark Ages, or Middle Ages/Crusades Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval, Dark Ages, or Middle Ages/Crusades Review
Study hard

2 What was a result of the Crusade?
Trade and uncovering the lost knowledge of Ancient Greece and Rome

3 What was the major conflict between Holy Roman emperors and the popes?
Who would appoint bishops or Lay Investiture

4 What was a result of the Bubonic Plague?
Economic Decline- due to the eclipse of 1/3 of the worlds population.

5 What does the Reconquista refer to?
The campaign to drive the Muslims out of Spain

6 The type of law that is the same for all people?
Common Law

7 Everyday spoken/written language?

8 Method that used reason to examine Christian beliefs?

9 Religious Split? Schism

10 ? And Jihad=Holy War Crusade

11 Who started the Merovingian Dynasty?

12 Which Pope insisted on the church becoming more involved in secular aspects ?
Pope Gregory I

13 Peasant woman who lead the French during the Battle of Orleans?
Joan of Arc

14 Queen who used the Inquisition to help unify Spain

15 Who crowned Charlemagne on Christmas day and proclaimed him Emperor of the Romans ?
Pope Leo III

16 What group conquered the former Roman province of Gaul?

17 What is Charlemagne credited for?
1.Most powerful ruler since the time of the Roman Empire. 2. He accepted the title of Holy Roman Emperor 3. Doubled the size of his empire

18 What was the chief goal of the Crusades?
To free the Holy Land

19 What did the Concordat of Worms end?
The Struggle over Lay Investiture between emperors and popes

20 Why was the Magna Carta important?
The monarch must obey the law

21 What impact did the 3-field system bring to the Middle Ages?
It allowed peasants to produce more crops

22 Why did the Church have great power over society in the Middle Ages?
It decided who could achieve salvation

23 In Feudal society, what group made up the largest population?

24 Why was the Battle of Tours significant?
Stop of Muslim advancement into Western Europe

25 What was the manor economy based on?
Farming and Self-sufficiency

26 What was the relationship between Lord and Vassal based upon?
Military Service

27 What is an estate granted to a vassal?

28 Lending Money at Interest

29 Money for investment? Capital

30 Written document that set out the rights and privileges of a town?

31 Worldly? Secular

32 Tax the Church required Christians to pay?

33 A peasant who was bound to the land?

34 A code of conduct adopted by the knights?

35 Who excommunicated Henry IV over Lay Investiture?
Pope Gregory VII

36 What became the new center for learning during the Middle Ages?
Monasteries and Convents

37 What caused the development of the political/social system of Feudalism?
The collapse of organized governments with the fall of the Western Roman Empire

38 What was the act of taking away a person’s right to membership in the church?

39 Who was the Christian scholar that used reason to examine Christian teachings?
Thomas Aquinas

40 Homer of Ancient Greece is considered to be the father of these traveling poet-musicians?

41 Crusades? How many Crusades did your AMSCO book talk about?

42 Was there ever a Children's Crusade?


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