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RoPro Overview Important Dates and Contacts 2006-07 Robot Programming Contest 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101 UTA.

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Presentation on theme: "RoPro Overview Important Dates and Contacts 2006-07 Robot Programming Contest 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101 UTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 RoPro Overview Important Dates and Contacts 2006-07 Robot Programming Contest 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101 CSE @ UTA

2 Important Dates Monday, September 11th - 2006- 07 RoPro Information & Rules available Saturday, TBD - Lego Design and Build Day Friday, December 1st, 2006 - Registration due for contest Saturday, Nov. and Jan. TBD – RoPro Practice Day Saturday, February 3rd, 2007 – RoPro! CSE@UTA Robot Programming Contest 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101

3 RoPro To Do List Download or copy a registration form for each RoPro team from Come work on your robot with us, Lego Day Build your robot Write your fantastic programming Fill out all the needed data and submit by mail, fax or e-mail by Dec. 1st Saturday Practice Days in Nov & Jan. Come to RoPro!! Februrary 3, 2007 CSE @ UTA

4 Contest date is February 3, 2007 at UTA in Nedderman Hall atrium Team check-in from 7:30 - 8:30am Announcements will start at 8:45 Contest start will be 9:00am Lunch will be approximately 11:30am Final rounds will be approximately 1 pm Awards should finish by 3:30pm 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101

5 Team Rules Overview Teams Schools may have multiple teams A student may compete on no more than two teams Each team may have no more than two overlapping members with any other single team Each team may have one robot only A team may compete in two contests but must use the same robot for both competitions 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101

6 Competition Overview Contest 1 - Navigating a Maze Contest 2 - Object Retrieval Contest 3 - Navigating a Maze with Virtual Walls Task Preparation Robot Competition Layout Tournament 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101 See contest descriptions on RoPro website for specific information about each contest regarding task, preparation, etc.

7 Suggestions and Ideas Compose teams mainly of sophomores and juniors Have experienced teams compete in the more challenging contests Look for school sponsors to provide an additional robot kit or other support

8 RoPro Support from CSE@UTA Dr. Manfred Huber, BrickOS and Linux trainer and maze creator Dr. Carter Tiernan, RoPro organizer, mentor coordinator, and general dogsbody Bito Irie, computer administrator RoProbot

9 For more info or questions RoPro web page RoPro e-mail Carter Tiernan 817-272-3588 1010101 0101010 1010101 0101010 1010101

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