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Question Round. When milk is churned than cream is separated due to which force? Centrifugal force.

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Presentation on theme: "Question Round. When milk is churned than cream is separated due to which force? Centrifugal force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question Round

2 When milk is churned than cream is separated due to which force? Centrifugal force

3 Which chemical compound was first synthesized in the laboratory? Urea

4 Which chemical is added to LPG for detectable smell? Ethyl mercaptan

5 Which law states that the farther the galaxy is from us, the greater is its speed of recession? Hubbles Law

6 In which year was Sir C V Raman awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics? 1930

7 The temperature at which the same value on both the centigrade and the Fahrenheit scales exists is : - 40 0

8 Name the famous astronomer who proved that sun is stationary at the centre of the solar system? Nicholas Copernicus

9 Name the hormone other than insulin secreted by Pancreas? Glucagon

10 Quinine is obtained from the bark of which tree? Cinchona

11 Who wrote the book "The Origin of Species"? Charles Darwin

12 For what contribution did Albert Einstein receive the Nobel Prize in 1929? The Photoelectric law (not theory of relativity)

13 What is the maximum number of milk teeth in children? 20

14 What is the total number of hotspots in world? 34

15 Who said I dont teach my children, I create situations for them? Albert Einstein

16 A bacterial cell divides every minute and they fill a cup in one hour. How much time will they take to fill the cup half? 59 minutes

17 In which year first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded ? 1901

18 What is full form of DDT ? Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

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