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Natural Visualization Steve Haroz & Kwan-Liu Ma University of California at Davis.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Visualization Steve Haroz & Kwan-Liu Ma University of California at Davis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Visualization Steve Haroz & Kwan-Liu Ma University of California at Davis

2 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

3 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

4 Purpose What makes for a good Visualization? –Aesthetics? –Color? –Complexity? –Beginner or Expert? Intuitive? Can understanding the process of visualization help?

5 The Process 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 … Visualization Complete?

6 Which Representation Is Best? Who can prove by experience the non-existence of a cause when all that experience tells us is that we do not perceive it?

7 The Process 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 … Visualization

8 Hubel 1988 The Forgotten Stage of Visualization

9 Purpose Applicability of visual system knowledge –Retina tuned to natural images Certain images more easily perceptible? Is interaction aided by these natural GUIs ?

10 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

11 Spatial Frequencies Similar to auditory frequencies Varying intensity (light) over space

12 Fourier Transform Sum of sin/cos waves

13 Spatial Frequencies of Natural Images Take Fourier transform along each orientation and average f -2 pattern Pattern is prevalent in all natural scenes Plot on log-log scale

14 Unnatural images

15 Natural Images

16 Size Distribution This pattern is explained by a collage of objects occluding each other These objects have a power distribution area = 2 x

17 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

18 power exponential linear constant

19 Plot of spatial frequencies

20 Linear Trend

21 Images Without Occlusion You cant visualize what is not visible Images with adjacent squares Same sizing applies

22 power exponential linear constant

23 Trend – no occlusion

24 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

25 Naturalness Metric 1.Closeness to f -2 2.Linearity

26 InfoVis 2004 Contest

27 InfoVis 2005 Contest

28 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

29 Image Analysis for GUI Study Applications with hierarchical data Analyze screenshots Compare with usage data (user study) Use statistics to find behavioral patterns

30 Correlation with Response Time

31 Outline Purpose Math Background Applying and extending existing theories InfoVis Contest Application to GUIs Summary and Conclusion

32 Visualization preference correlates with a property of the visual system Bias-free metric may help vis generation Utility or aesthetics? More visual properties

33 Acknowledgements Bruno Olshausen Yue Wang

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