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Everyman Jedermann Elckerlyc.

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Presentation on theme: "Everyman Jedermann Elckerlyc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyman Jedermann Elckerlyc

2 Death summons Everyman
Everyman dies

3 Purgatory

4 Coventry mystery Pageant wagon

5 Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer

6 The Pilgrims

7 Thomas Beckett Murder of Beckett
1118 – 1170 AD Murder of Beckett 29 December, AD


9 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

10 Green Knight puts head back
First page of manuscript

11 Tolkien’s translation Lady Bercilak tempts Sir Gawain

12 Le Morte d’Arthur Sir Thomas Mallory King Arthur

13 The Knights of the Round Table
Holy Grail The Knights of the Round Table Excalibur?

14 King Arthur dies, but the legend lives on.


16 Grave of Robin Hood at Kirklees

17 Olivia de Havilland and
Errol Flynn

18 Here the ppp ends and your work starts

19 Momento Mori – Medieval English Literature
Beowulf Epic poem Beowulf fights Grendel Beowulf’s death Everyman Allegory Morality play Canterbury Tales Frame story Prologue and Wife of Bath’s Tale/Knight’s Tale

20 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Chivalry Visit of Green Knight Tests of Sir Gawain Le Morte d’Arthur Legend Prologue One of the books/stories Robin Hood Ballad Main characters


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