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After the Exodus After Moses died, Joshua was left in charge

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1 After the Exodus After Moses died, Joshua was left in charge
Israel would go to battle with the Caananites This is the story of the Book of Joshua The battle begins in Jericho – an important city in the middle of the promised land

2 The battle of Jericho Preparation: Levite priests Carried the Ark of the Covenant to the Jordan to cross over As their feet touched the water it dried up so they could cross – what does this remind us of ? All men were then circumcised in preparation – why A sign of the covenant with God – God would do battle for them

3 The battle They simply marched silently around the city of Jericho once each day Trumpets were sounded by the priests as this happened Repeated for 6 days On the 7th day as they rounded the city they shouted and the walls fell The Israelites were able to easily win the battle

4 Joshua’s covenant As long as Joshua was the leader, the people were faithful to God As he was dying (at age 110) he called together the heads of all tribes All agreed to be faithful

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