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CHAPTER 5 LEARNING Essentials of Understanding Psychology

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1 CHAPTER 5 LEARNING Essentials of Understanding Psychology
By Robert S. Feldman

2 A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about experience.
WHAT IS LEARNING? A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about experience. TEACHING

3 Classical Conditioning

4 Applying conditioning Principles to Human Behavior


6 EXTINCTION - Acquisition: classical conditioning (Training)
- First extinction period: (CS)stimuli alone - Pause - Spontaneous recovery: temporary - Extinction

7 Generalization: two different stimulus produce similar
response. Discrimination: two different similar stimulus produce different response.

8 Beyond Traditional: Challenging Basic Assumptions
SMELL OR TASTE = GETS SICK John Garcia: Aversion

9 Behavior changes in frequency according to its consequences
OPERANT CONDITIONING Behavior changes in frequency according to its consequences



12 Behavior Modifications:
Technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behavior and decreasing of unwanted ones. Identifying goals and target behaviors, Designing a data-recording system and recording preliminary data, Selecting a behavior-change strategy, Implementing the program, Keeping careful records after the program is implemented, Evaluating and altering the ongoing program.

13 Cognitive Learning Theory:
Focuses on the (internal)thought processes that underlie learning.

14 Latent Learning: Behavior is acquired but not demonstrate until some incentive is provided for displaying it.

15 Observational Learning: Learning trough imitation
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