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About the research in short

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1 Cultural dimensions of academic mobility: the case of Bulgarian Fulbright fellows. Highlights

2 About the research in short
The research was carried out between 2013 and 2018 by Desislava Karaasenova for her PhD thesis. The summary and recommendations on the following slides are based on in-depth interviews with researchers who undertook an academic mobility to the USA. Although specific to the two cultures in focus, they are also pertinent to viewing academic/research mobility through a cultural lens. The full text of the dissertation contains many more insights. The summary is used with the kind permission of the author.

3 Why the mobility was undertaken
A unique opportunity to overcome scholars’ scientific isolation, self-actualise professionally, attain academic excellence, enhance the value and visibility of their research. An opportunity to work on joint projects and establish long-term professional relationships with prominent researchers in their field. Collaboration activities giving a ground for self-assessment and a measure of one’s scientific capabilities. The prestige value of the Fulbright award. A desire to experience the American life and culture and broadening one’s horizons (especially for the younger scholars). A feeling of a personal responsibility to share knowledge and experience and contribute to the common good and the host society.

4 Factors contributing to “living” the stay abroad
Prior knowledge of the host culture: the scholars who had had prior exposure to, practical experience in and/or theoretical awareness of the typical features of their host educational environment, experienced a less stressful, faster and smoother adaptation. Willingness and effort to adapt to the host culture: this lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling academic experience in the USA. Language proficiency: their level of proficiency in English was felt by the respondents as a crucial factor. The figure of the host professor: in the cases where the host professors had demonstrated genuine commitment to provide support and engage the visiting scholars in department activities, as well as in activities beyond the academic context, the scholars reported an enhanced sense of well-being and belonging. Host institution tradition in welcoming international visiting researchers: where there was a well-established organisational culture, which valued diversity and nurtured international experience and international cooperation, the Bulgarian scholars reported empathy, support and interest by local faculty members. Factors contributing to “living” the stay abroad

5 Culturally conditioned assumptions and orientations surfacing in the academic mobility - I
The Bulgarian scholars’ experience in the United States academic context elucidated differences in perceptions of hierarchy as well as differences in attitudes to egalitarianism, proactiveness and assertiveness, rules. The American culture, which is described as low-context, requires plain, straightforward and explicit expression of feelings and requests. In contrast, the Bulgarian culture relies on implicit messages and places emphasis on building interpersonal relationships before establishing professional ones. These contrasting views explain why the scholars who adopted a more assertive communication style, who took the initiative to seek and create opportunities, reported a higher level of satisfaction from their professional and personal interactions than the scholars who resorted to humbleness.

6 Culturally conditioned assumptions and orientations surfacing in the academic mobility - II
Scholars who resorted to humbleness reported discrepancy between their expectations of assistance and support and the reality they faced. Their comments shed light on another culturally conditioned Bulgarian assumption - the idea that hosts are to anticipate their guests’ needs and resolve issues without direct verbal request, regardless of whether in a professional or personal context. They approached situations, in particular where administrative issues were to be resolved, with the assumption that a compromise is a viable solution and expected that rules be applied selectively and flexibly. Their understanding that provision of a solution should be case-bound, however, did not meet a reciprocal behavior. The unwillingness of the administrative staff in their host institutions to adopt a flexible approach caused confusion and was found discriminatory. These scholars could have been spared such bitter feelings if they had been aware that policies and procedures in American organizations are supposed to be followed no matter what and are enforced regardless of the position of the people involved.

7 Some recommendations to host institutions
Should adopt institutional policies which provide for the involvement of visiting scholars in departmental activities. Should encourage faculty members to view the foreign academics as a valuable source of professional and institutional enrichment. Should expect host professors to commit to their role in order to minimise wasted opportunities for contribution to the local academic community. Karaasenova, D. (2018). Cultural dimensions of academic mobility: the case of Bulgarian Fulbright fellows

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