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Making Your Workplace More Culturally Inclusive:

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Presentation on theme: "Making Your Workplace More Culturally Inclusive:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Your Workplace More Culturally Inclusive:
Supporting cultural diversity, Promoting human rights and Challenging unconscious bias in the workplace

2 Welcome and Introduction Foundations of Diversity Unconscious Bias
Objective: Building awareness of cultural inclusion and challenging unconscious biases Welcome and Introduction Foundations of Diversity Unconscious Bias The Cultural Mirror AHRC Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool Self-Assessment Case Studies / Stories from the Bendigo Community Panel discussion Summary and Close


4 Unconscious Bias

5 40-50

6 Interpersonal Assumptions



9 Responses to differences
‘You’re different from me’ Discomfort ‘What you are doing/saying/look like bothers me’ Openness ‘Let me find about you’ Responses to differences Interest ---- Learning

10 Cultural Diversity

11 What do we mean by ‘culture’
“… the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another”.”

12 The Cultural Mirror Aus Relationship Task Harmony Control Shame Guilt
Collectivism Individualism Religious Secular Hierarchical Equality Polychronic Monochronic High Context Communication Low Context Communication Femininity Masculinity Source: © Cultural Synergies Pty Ltd

13 The Cultural Mirror Aus India Harmony Task Guilt Collectivism
Religious Hierarchical Monochronic Low Context Communication Relationship Control Shame Individualism Secular Equality Polychronic High Context Communication Femininity Masculinity India Aus The Cultural Mirror First click will bring up Aus only. Discuss peoples reactions. Use your own stories for each of these highlighting some from each place you have worked or multiple jobs you have had. This represents a scale for each of the nine dimensions. The locations listed here indicate where they fall on a sliding scale of broad cultural norms. For example on the first scale relationship vs task you can see India favors the relationship scale where Australia is focused on the task side of the scale. So let me give you an example of a few of these that I have experienced in my career and life…. Relationships vs. Task – example to describe Shame vs. Guilt – India/US Collectivism vs. Individualism - Religious – Secular – your own story. High – Low context Form of Communication – Verbal vs written communication. How things can get taken out of context. Tell your India/US story about how you like to work in the US because you know the answer you are getting is real This is obviously a broad view of the national cultural norms Talk multiple dimensions. There are really three angles on these norms. national -- which also includes political and historical issues organizational personal Source: © Cultural Synergies Pty Ltd

14 The Cultural Mirror China Australia Relationship Task Guilt Control
Harmony Collectivism Religious Hierarchical Monochronic Low Context Communication Shame Individualism Secular Equality Polychronic High Context Communication Femininity Masculinity Australia Source: © Cultural Synergies Pty Ltd

15 The Cultural Mirror USA Aus Relationship Task Harmony Control Shame
Guilt Collectivism Individualism Religious Secular Hierarchical Equality Polychronic Monochronic High Context Communication Low Context Communication Femininity Masculinity Source: © Cultural Synergies Pty Ltd

16 The Cultural Mirror Relationship Task Harmony Control Shame Guilt
Collectivism Individualism Religious Secular Hierarchical Equality Polychronic Monochronic High Context Communication Low Context Communication Femininity Masculinity Source: © Cultural Synergies Pty Ltd

17 Australian Human Rights Commission Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool

The tool helps organisations to: See how they rate on 30 dimensions of cultural diversity Learn how to progress to the next level of good practice Discover practical ideas that have been tried and tested in Australia Recruit, select and retain high quality staff Manage a culturally diverse workforce more effectively Plan their business development Chart their progress over time

How did you rate your organisation? Keep in mind as you consider the case studies

20 Actions to support Cultural Inclusion: Case Studies

21 Actions to support Cultural Inclusion: Panel Discussion

22 Multicultural Panel Peter Prevos Sylvia Phan Sei Sei Mu Thein Bruno Spandonide Badraa Al-Darkazly Philippa Bywaters

23 Your Actions For a more culturally inclusive workplace

24 Making Your Workplace More Culturally Inclusive:
Supporting cultural diversity, Promoting human rights and Challenging unconscious bias in the workplace

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