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Use Case #2: Large Events

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Presentation on theme: "Use Case #2: Large Events"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Case #2: Large Events
Antonia Schwichtenberg, CAS Richard Wacker, YM and Jamie Marshall, AMEN October 10, 2018 Seoul

2 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Outline Introduction Requirements and Challenges Architecture of the solution BASMATI Contribution Simulation of the real DAS FEST demonstrator Evaluation results 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 2

3 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Main Goal & Objectives Goal: Provide DAS FEST with more insight into the dynamics of people‘s movement under varying conditions (running order, weather, train arrivals,…) Objective: Providing stable, easy to use and cost effective monitoring of asynchronous crowd density By BASMATIzing edge and backend Provide one management interface for edge and backend Provide cloud-based backend resources Adjust resources to meet the current demand at any time 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 4

4 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Requirements and Challenges Environmental Challenges and Requirements: Up to visitors at peak times, ~ in total Challenging characteristics of the area (topology, technical constraints) Overloaded mobile infrastructure Hard conditions regarding other modes of connectivity Organizational and financial challenges Hard budget limitations as ticket price are and shall be low Simple and reliable – voluntary non-professionals in the DAS FEST team 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 4

5 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Requirements and Challenges Environmental Challenges and Requirements: Up to visitors at peak times, ~ in total Challenging characteristics of the area (topology, technical constraints) Overloaded mobile infrastructure Hard conditions regarding other modes of connectivity Organizational and financial challenges Hard budget limitations as ticket price are and shall be low Simple and reliable – voluntary non-professionals in the DAS FEST team 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 4

6 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Requirements and Challenges Environmental Challenges and Requirements: Up to visitors at peak times, ~ in total Challenging characteristics of the area (topology, technical constraints) Overloaded mobile infrastructure Hard conditions regarding other modes of connectivity Organizational and financial challenges Hard budget limitations as ticket price are and shall be low Simple and reliable – voluntary non-professionals in the DAS FEST team 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 4

7 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Localization of the Pis 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 7

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Application workflow 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 8

9 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Architecture Control Raw data VPN for bulk wifi data - On site at das fest the basmati platform on a hardware machine controls a set of raspberry pis. In the cloud, the basmati platform in a virtual machine controls all aspects of application resource deployment. One scalability engine allocates pis for wifi data sensing at strategic places on the festival site. The other scaling engine responds to signals from the load balancer to accommodate trilateration with real-time signal load. Raw wifi sensing data is transmitted by the pis to the on-site BASMATI and from there it is send over a satellite in bulk to the Basmati Cloud. The clustering signals components pulls the wifi data from the BASMATI cloud, groups it by MAC address and time period and sends it to the load balancer who makes it available to the trilaterators upon request. Trilaterators are calculating the geo positions of single festival users (i.e. MAC addresses) by means of the different wifi signal strengths perceived by the pis. The geo positions are stored in a Mongo DB from where the visualization reads the time coordinated data. The monitoring component allows real time KPI observation of monitoring data provided by BASMATI cloud. Processed data Monitoring data 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 10

10 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Application creation 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 10

11 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Full application deployment 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 11

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Monitoring 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 12

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WiFi data 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 13

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Unique MAC addresses 22nd of July 2018 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 14

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Visualization 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 15

16 BASMATI Final Review meeting
BASMATI contribution BEAM and Application Repository Description of hardware and software requirements relevant for the automatic deployment of all components Decision maker Generate deployment plan Knowledge Extractor Prediction of hardware resource demand Application controller deploy/undeploy/start/stop/scale up/scale down app component 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 16

17 BASMATI Final Review meeting
BASMATI contribution Cloud Provider management Provisioning of cloud resources Federation management Communication and management of heterogeneous resources Cloud and edge resource management Edge controller Deployment of Wi-Fi collectors on edge devices Budamaf Encryption and storage of signals 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 17

18 BASMATI Final Review meeting
10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 18

19 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation methods Interviews Automated tests and manual tests Performance measurements Monitoring metrics Component level evaluation Added value Technical aspects evaluation Mapping and fulfillment of project objectives 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 19

20 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation criteria Functional suitability Functional completeness Functional correctness Performance Time behaviour Resource utilization Compatibility Interoperability Modularity Adaptability Usability Recognisability Learnability Operability User error protection User interface design Reliability Availability Monitoring Fault tolerance Recoverability Security Data storage Data transport System administration Maintainability Analysability Modifiability Testability Installability Overall Documentation 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 20

21 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation results Functional suitability: very good Performance: excellent Time behaviour: Transferring and computing over 7 million single data sets (~1GB of data) in these 3 days was not an issue Resource utilization: on-site: 8GB RAM, 4 Cores, 1TB disk (not used completely), in the cloud: 4GB, 2 cores, 40GB disk Mean time to provision new instance and deploy trilaterator: 50 sec Mean time to scale trilaterator: 1min 41 sec Compatibility: good 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 21

22 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation results Usability: UI Design could be improved Reliability: excellent 100% availability Security: All security requirements for the demo fulfilled Maintainability: good Overall Ease of use: could be improved Usefulness: Very useful Documentation: Available, but distributed over many sources 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 22

23 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Evaluation results Overall the use case development, deployment and operation with BASMATI was compared to other solutions very efficient and reliable. Support from BASMATI partners was necessary for the first deployment but could be done by any dev-op in the future. Some graphical interfaces could be improved but all relevant functionality was available. 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 23

24 BASMATI Final Review meeting
Acknowledgements: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no and from ICT R&D program of Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning no. R Visit us: 10/10/2018 BASMATI Final Review meeting 34

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