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Advisory support to innovation

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1 Advisory support to innovation
Pathway to next MFF Innovative Enterprise Week Sofia 2018 Simon Barnes, Head of Advisory Services European Investment Bank Sofia, 14 June 2018

2 European Investment Advisory Hub
EIB Advisory Services: recognising there are no neat boxes in real life A single access point to a comprehensive offer of advisory and technical assistance services for innovation European Investment Advisory Hub Innovation Finance Advisory A cooperation platform to leverage and exchange expertise from EIAH partners Targeted advisory support that is specific to the sector and stage of life of the company

3 Advisory Support for Innovation
Project Advisory Pipeline Development Market Consultations Advise companies on EIB and other sources of financing Improve bankability/ investment readiness Enable earlier/ faster access to finance Improve framework conditions for financing Develop “business case” for new financing mechanisms in RDI sectors Prepare studies on increasing effectiveness of financial instruments to address specific sector/RDI policy objectives Project Advisory Innovation Finance Advisory Horizontal Activities Transfer of Lessons Learned Funding Investment Platforms Leverage horizontal (market) studies to identify funding gaps Where necessary, recommend internal EIB-managed instruments and/or Investment Platforms (IP) Structure/implement IP that mobilise public/private investors Funding Gap Analysis Access to Finance studies for: Investments in Bio-based Industries and the Blue Economy Projects Supporting Circular Economy Agri-food Digital Economy etc Circular Bioeconomy Investment Platform* (InnovFin Thematic Investment Platforms) * under development

4 Project Advisory: a diverse portfolio
IFA PA Portfolio 2017 – By Sector IFA PA Portfolio 2017 – By Country In 2017 IFA actively advised on 77 projects, and screened in detail about 50 more Out of those, IFA referred over 20 projects to EIB lending team, of which 4 to be signed within H1 2018 Additional projects referred to outside investors

5 Examples of Project Advisory
Indivumed, Germany – Life Sciences Newlisi, Italy – Circular Economy Activity Integrated oncology company undertaking cancer research in biomarker development and drug discovery Based on leading biobank of high-quality biospecimens and clinical data: Over 670,000 biospecimens, 4.5M clinical data points, 100 own standardised operating procedures Activity Developer of innovative and proven circular technology to reduce sludge from industrial and municipal waste water treatments Based on patented physical-chemical process that solubilises organic compounds in sludge through low temperatures and atmospheric pressure Results: Up to 70% sludge volume reduction and over 40% improvement in biogas production & energy recovery IFA support Identified Indivumed as an innovative company Worked alongside management to improve business plan and capital structure Guided management on EIB products and indicative terms Acted as a pathfinder for the company within EIB IFA support Received referral from EIB lending team to work on risk challenges Coordinated a technical pre-assessment of the project and reviewed the business plan Support to achieve favourable outcome to due diligence EIB grants EUR 40m loan to Indivumed January 2018 EIB grants EUR 15m venture debt to Newlisi March 2018

6 Access-to-Finance studies across Innovative Sectors
Our studies lead to the creation of new financial products, while proving to be an effective outreach and sourcing tool IFA‘s access-to-finance market studies Life Sciences Policy recommendations EARTO KETs I & II New financial products to address identified thematic funding gaps Circular Bioeconomy Investment Platform EIB Advisory team brought the market perspective and formed a bridge between the private ecosystem and the European Commission Currently being set up (end 2018 target date for launch of tender) Transport Circular and Bio-economy Ongoing European Innovation Council 5G Space Renewable energy Agri-Food Access-to-finance for Gender Digital Economy

7 Meta-Analysis of Existing Challenges
Excessive fragmentation Available instruments are provided by different entities and often for specific geographies. Available instruments too prescriptive Funds can only be used for a very specific pre-approved purpose and it is difficult to adapt to changing circumstances. Gaps in ecosystem The existing instruments do not cover the entire path from research to commercialization and scale-up. Lack of complementarity Various existing instruments are difficult to combine and a seamless transition from an instrument to another is rare. Information asymmetries Investors lack specific sector / technology knowledge and companies often have limited knowledge of typical considerations of investors.

8 Fit for purpose in support of innovation: role of Advisory under InvestEU
Post-2020 MFF In support of transition to next MFF EIC is conceived to bridge market gaps to support breakthrough innovation. EIB Advisory sharing its expertise and market insights in its design. TA recognized as key Technical Assistance a critical soft measure in support of innovation. A powerful advisory combination A flexible InvestEU facility combined with deep expertise offering targeted support for innovation and strengthened by local partnerships.

9 Don’t hesitate to contact us:
Contact details Simon Barnes Head of Advisory Services Phone: (+352) Fax: (+352) European Investment Bank 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg Shiva Dustdar Head of Innovation Finance Advisory Division Phone: (+352) Fax: (+352) European Investment Bank 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg Don’t hesitate to contact us:

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