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The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference

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1 The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference
13th- 15th February 2019 Dodoma, Tanzania DAY 1: RECAP

2 Reminder: Issues for the 5th AAPC
Agric. Transformation: Current Status, its response to industrialization call Is ‘the sector’ a leader or follower in the broader economic transformation process On a continued basis, how is ASDP II contributing to industrialization Is Tanzania making progress in agricultural policy reforms Pace of policy reforms vis a vis changing market conditions. Can we map reforms and delineate successes, challenges, etc. ? A Focus on the six value chains and challenges faced by each Which value chain is more burdened by challenges? Are their policy resolves for the challenges we observe in these value chains? The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Responsible for Investment Hon. Angela J. M. Kairuki (MP) An emphasis on tapping on natural endowments: water, forestry and its resources to further advancements of agriculture – further alignment with industrialization An emphasis on the implementation of ASDP II – continued efforts in line with the recommendations of 5th AAPC Emphasized: modernization, enhanced productivity, mechanization, deployment of various technologies, irrigation Warned on the low levels of domestic seed production (70% seed imports) Low levels of fertilizer use – can be at the heart of low levels of productivity Management and control of crop pests and diseases Agricultural related infrastructure: What policies would further investment The need to broaden the non-traditional crops: Sesame and its by-products Make use of The Ministry focusing on ‘The Business Enabling Environment’. The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

Mr. Geoffrey Kirenga and Prof. David Nyange Key Message: The Policy Reform Analysis, Dialogue, PPD is yielding results Reforms progress: diverse range of taxes, Cess, Fees & other policies Issues addressed have aimed at reducing the cost of transacting A highlight was made on the apparent tendency for policy reversals Finance bill: reforms avenue, notably it has limitations – alternatives? The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

5 The Changing Face of Agriculture in TZ
Mrs. Emma Isinika Modamba Key Issues to take away Growth in Real Value of agricultural output Cropland expansion vis a vis output per hectare Growth in labor productivity, reduction in labor intensity Dramatic movement of labor out of agriculture, to off-farm Increasing dependency of HH on markets for food Markets for labor and land are becoming very active Increasing commercial orientation for Crops, less in livestock Increasing specialization in crop production – single crop production A typology of farmers, tested, can be used to track transformation The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

6 Nutrition: Key Take Aways
David Tschirley Changing diets [Nutrition transition] / Double nutrition burden Notably rural consumed foods rely more on the market General progress in the double nutrition burden problem Income, wealth, processed foods, urbanicity – causes of overweight Continue effective stunting control measures / policies for Eco. Growth Pater Nally Crop / Livestock / Nutrition integrated intervention Positive results in enhancing nutrition via Crop/Livestock integration GAP, mixed cropping all improved productivity + Extension services Vindicated the need to integrate agriculture and nutrition interventions Solomon Mkumbwa ASDP / NMNAP interlinkage opportunities Reminder: Poverty and malnutrition mainly a rural phenomena Warning: Possibility for Multiple Policies, Overdosage , Wrong diagnosis and fatigue Warning: Policy failures in Agr. Can spill over to other sectors e.g. Health The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

7 The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC)
Forthcoming Agriculture Sector Transformation: Productivity, Labor, Land Nutrition: dietary patterns, policies and national strategies Staples Value Chains: Rice, Maize……….. Traditional Export Value Chains: Cashew, Coffee, Cotton, Tea Non Traditional Export Value Chains: Horticulture Livestock & Fisheries Value Chains: Fish farming, value addition Import Substitution Value Chains: Wheat, Edible, Oil Farm Inputs Value Chains: Seed, fertilizer, etc. Farm Services Value chains: Coops, FOs, BDSPs, Infrastructure The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

8 The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC)
Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

9 The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC)
Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2

10 The 5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC)
Theme: Prioritizing Agriculture in the Industrialization Agenda for Tanzania under ASDP-2


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