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POLICY ANALYSIS 101 Trainers’ Training

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1 POLICY ANALYSIS 101 Trainers’ Training
by Atty. Benedict Gonzales Trainers’ Training on Local Health Policy Development for TB Control Implementation Anchored on Evidence-Based Legislation and Participatory Decision-Making

2 What is Policy A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, political party, business corporation, etc. (Oxford Dictionary, 2000) The general principles by which a government is guided in its management of public affairs, or the legislature in the enactment of its measures (Black’s Law Dictionary, 1989)

3 What is Policy At the National Level Statutes promulgated by Congress
Executive orders issued by the President Administrative issuances by the executive departments and other national agencies At the Local Level Ordinances enacted by the Sanggunian Executive orders issued by the LCEs Implementing rules issued by local agencies

4 Legal Parameters of Policy
Constitution Statutes Jurisprudence Administrative Issuances Local Ordinances

5 Legal Parameters of Policy
“De majori et minori non variant jura” Whether the matter is great or small the law does not vary “Tempora mutantur et leges mutantur in illis” Times change and the laws change with them

6 Different Dimensions of Policy
As a label for a field of activity Broad statements of the national government’s foreign policy, economic policy, population policy, etc. Declarations of an LGU’s investment policy, peace and order policy, infrastructure policy, etc.

7 Different Dimensions of Policy
As an expression of general purpose To create or generate jobs and livelihood for the people To promote local autonomy through decentralization/devolution

8 Different Dimensions of Policy
As a specific proposal To limit agricultural landholdings to a maximum of 3 hectares To enroll 50% of the population in a health insurance program

9 Different Dimensions of Policy
As decisions of government Specific directives announced by the President in national forums Explicit orders given by governors/mayors in local assemblies

10 Different Dimensions of Policy
As a formal authorization Statutory instruments enacted by Congress Or local measures promulgated by the various Sanggunian As a program A defined/specific sphere of government activity *Land reform program at national level *Women’s health program at local level

11 Different Dimensions of Policy
As an output What is actually delivered/accomplished *The amount of land actually redistributed in the land reform program *The number of persons actually enrolled by the LGU in the national health insurance program

12 Different Dimensions of Policy
As a process Usually a cyclical procedure Beginning with issues-definition, moving through objective-setting, decision-making, implementation, then evaluation, and back

13 Nature of Policy Process
The policy process is turbulent and unpredictable, not only as a whole but at its every stage This is most evident in local governance Any local change effort is a fundamentally political process that cannot just be approached clinically through a “technician approach” employing the discipline and skills of pure professionals (Turner and Hulme, 1997)

14 Characteristics of Public Policy
The policy is made in the name of the “public” Generally initiated by the government Interpreted and implemented by public and private actors Policy is what government intends to do Policy is what government chooses not to do (Thomas Birkland)

15 Policy Analysis Defined
The systematic selection of a definite course of action, from among alternatives, to address a social problem and achieve a societal goal The method of evaluating laws, regulations, decisions, plans, and programs set by government, interpreting them, and using them as a basis for action

16 Methodology of Policy Analysis
Define the problem/issue Identify the alternative possible solutions/responses Set the evaluation criteria Evaluate each alternative option Choose the best policy option Implement the chosen course of action

17 Alternatives Identification Evidence Documentation
The Policy Cycle Policy Design Alternatives Identification Decision Making Improvement Evidence Documentation Implementation Evaluation Objectives Setting Output Policy Termination Problem Recognition Impact

18 What is the Local Policy Environment?
Executive Policy-Making Executive Orders Administrative Orders Memorandum Circulars Memoranda Legislative Policy-Making Ordinances Resolutions

19 Let Us Compare… Policy Instrument Advantages Disadvantages
Executive Orders/ Executive Issuances Easily and quickly issued by LCE Lobbying and negotiation is done only with the LCE and a few staff members Temporary nature of policy—usually co-terminus with LCE May be easily modified or overturned by a new LCE

20 Let Us Compare… Policy Instrument Advantages Disadvantages Resolution
Can be easily passed in Sanggunian because it does not need LCE’s approval Policy passed by a larger group of policy makers adds greater weight to its importance and stability Will take another deliberation and voting to be overturned Also temporary in nature, as all resolutions are May take a long time to be adopted because decisions are done through voting

21 Let Us Compare… Policy Instrument Advantages Disadvantages Ordinance
Most binding of all LGU policies Carries a penalty clause (provisions on punishments for violation of law), when necessary Will take another deliberation and voting to be overturned May take a long time to be adopted because decisions are done through voting Difficult to introduce immediate and necessary changes to policy because of mandatory legislative process May be vetoed by LCE

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