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To join the “CPN 2M E-Comm NET” using your Baofeng UV5R

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1 To join the “CPN 2M E-Comm NET” using your Baofeng UV5R
If you have questions (and cell service is up) Text “Your Name” at (XXX) YYY-ZZZZ Your “HAM Call SIGN” & “AMRRON CALL SIGN” The NET will meet at the following days/times based on the LEVEL Level 3: All’s Clear NET Meets Weekly Wednesdays at 8:30pm Level 2: If Cell Phones and/or Internet are Down NET will meet Daily at 8:30pm Level 1: Emergency/Martial Law NET meets Daily at 8:30am & 8:30pm The Frequency the net will be on will depend on many variables and may change Start at Channel 101, nothing heard go to 102, then 103, then 104 Channel 101, CPNAVL: Mt Mitchell, Listen on (-0.6 offset) T=none Channel 102, BEARWA: Hendersonville, Listen on (+0.6 offset) T=91.5 Channel 103, MTPISG: Mt Pisgah, Listen on (-0.6 offset) T=none Channel 104, CEASHD: Ceasars Head SC Listen on (-0.6 offset) T=none EchoLink node Channel 105, SPVMTN: Spivey Mtn, Listen (-0.6 offset) T=91.5 Channel 106, AVLSPX: Asheville CPN Simplex on Channel 107, SASMTN: Sasafrass Mtn. Listen (-0.6 offset) T=none CPN Simplex: 2M use (Ch 106) CPN CH3 FRS/GMRS CH3 and CB CH3 and MURS CH3 CPN HF NET Tues at 9pm on : 80m=3.818 LSB (Alternates 40m=7.242 LSB, 20m= USB) National NET see AMRRON SOI section 3, TAPRON NET on Sun at 9pm on or 7.242 Weather is on Channels 086 to 092 Our area is WX 2 which is Channel 087 VERIFICATION CODE 1: M(1) A(2) S(3) H(4) E(5) D(6) R(7) O(8) C(9) K(0) = MASHEDROCK VERIFICATION CODE 2: C(1) P(2) N(3) A(4) S(5) H(6) E(7) V(8) I(9) L(0) = CPNASHEVIL VERIFICATION CODE 3: R(1) O(2) C(3) K(4) M(5) A(6) S(7) H(8) E(9) D(0) = ROCKMASHED Verification code example: Ask: “Using V Code 1 what is “M” plus “A” plus “C” ?” (where M=1 A=2 C=9) Expected reply: “12” ALWAYS use at least a 3 letter sum to make decryption difficult Use dual verification from at least 2 different V Codes in case one in decoded by foec LOCATIONS (GPS coordinates follow each specific location) L1 = Cradle Of Forestry on SR 276 Pink Bed Fields PK Lot ( , ) L2 = Orchard Lake Campground Office outside Saluda ( , ) L3 = DuPont St Forest Hooker Falls PK Lot under bridge ( , ) L4 = Skyland Fire Station back/east Pk lot ( , ) L5 = Davidson River Ranger Station near Brevard trail head n side pk lot ( , ) L6 = Bent Creek North Side Powhatan Lake Dam ( , ) L7 = I26 N to NC-TN state line Sam’s Gap Pk & Apl Trail under overpass ( , ) L8 = Carolina Readiness Store in Waynesville back of store ( , ) L9 = Hendersonville Patton Park Basketball Court shelter ( , ) L10 = J&S Cafeteria AVL Back PK Lot ( , ) L11 = Lake Hills Church Back PK Lot w side behind house on hill ( , ) L12 = Montreat College Park behind west wall tennis court building ( , ) L13 = Field & Stream Biltmore Sq Mall south PK lot SE corner ( , ) L14 = North Mills River Camp Ground First PK Lot under foot bridge ( , ) L15 = Biltmore Baptist Church back PK Lot by AC cooling untis ( , ) L16 = Fletcher Park Last Covered Picnic Shelter by play ground ( , ) L17 = Little River Fire Stn Crab Crk Rd back pk lot behind storage shed ( , ) L18 = Rex’s Gun Range East Flat Rock w side by dumpster ( , ) L19 = MT Pisgah Trail Head PK Lot off Blue Ridge Pkway ( , ) L20 = I26 Rest Area south bound side ½ mile south of AVL Airport ( , ) L21 = XRay ( , ) PIN L22 = Yankee L23 = Zulu L24 = Alpha L25 = Bravo L26 = Charlie To join the “CPN 2M E-Comm NET” using your Baofeng UV5R 1.) Turn it on by rotating the BIG dial on top all the way to maximum volume The voice will say what MODE the radio is in 2.) Press orange “V/M” key until voice says “CHANNEL MODE” Screen will show channel A on top and Channel B on bottom The channel number (1-128) is shown to far right for A & B 3.) Press BIG Blue “A/B” key until the small triangle cursor on the left points up This set the radio to receive and transmit on A or top line 4.) Press “1” then “0” then “1” to change A (top line) to channel 101 The voice will call out each number as you press it The top line should read “MT MITC” with “101” to the right 5.) Press BIG Blue “A/B” key until the small triangle cursor on the left points down This set the radio to receive and transmit on B or bottom line 6.) Press “1” then “0” then “1” to change B (bottom line) to channel 101 The bottom line should read “ ” with “101” to the right Now both A & B are set to channel 101 To change to a different channel repeat steps 3-6 using 001, 002….102.., 127, etc… 7.) Listen for the NET coordinator to announce the “CPN 2M E-Comm NET” If you don’t hear this between 8:30 and 8:35 go to channel 102 8.) If you are just going to just listen you’re done, take notes on what you hear 9.) The NET coordinator will read through a script, listen and follow the instructions Emergency messages and announcements are asked for first 10.) To join the NET listen for the NET coordinator to ask for “CHECK INS” 11.) Wait until a short break when no one is talking press the PTT switch and say: Your Call Sign “XXXXXX” your “NAME” & “LOCATION” The NET coordinator will recognize you and repeat back your sign The NET coordinator will take all the CHECK INs and make a list 12.) The NET coordinator will then go through the list of CHECK IN call signs Starting at the top of the list Each CHECK IN will be called to talk in order one at a time 13.) When the NET Cood. says your call sign it’s your turn to talk Say your sign “XXXXXX”, “NAME”, “LOCATION”, “CODE WORD” Then proceed to say a few works or give info to the NET If you want to talk to someone one-on-one request it now The Net Coord will let you do it then or tell you to wait to the end When your done say “BACK TO NET” & “OVER” 14.) Listen to the rest of the CHECK INs to the NET 15.) The NET coordinator will then ask for “LATE CHECK Ins” for anyone joining late 16.) If you requested to talk one on one with anyone wait until after the NET Coordinator closes the NET by saying “The CPN 2M E-Comm NET is now closed” CPN SOI Rev04

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