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Welcome to Year 4! Mrs Tatla & Mr Weiss Miss Rai & Mrs Sutdhar

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1 Welcome to Year 4! Mrs Tatla & Mr Weiss Miss Rai & Mrs Sutdhar
Year 4 Teachers: Mrs Tatla & Mr Weiss Learning Support Assistants: Miss Rai & Mrs Sutdhar

2 Welcome! This afternoon we hope to inform you a little
more about Year 4 Curriculum and routines. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at the end of the session.

3 Year 4 – Daily Routines Students are expected to be lined up in the playground at 8.30, we would request parents to leave their child in the line to allow students in as quick as possible. Home – School Diaries to be bought in every day, they will be checked and signed on Fridays. Students to read every day for a minimum of ten minutes. Pupils are expected to fill in reading records at least three times a week. Swimming day is on a Tuesday P.E is on a Thursday – please ensure your child has the correct kit with them

4 Year 4 – Daily Routines At the end of the day students will be brought outside by their class teacher. Please inform the teacher before taking your child. If someone else is collecting your child you must inform the school office prior to collection. We expect all students in full school uniform every day; should for any reason your child be missing a part of their uniform please let the class teacher know and replace it as soon as possible. Please note black trainers are not part of the uniform.

5 Home School Learning Homework days set: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Homework should be presented to a high standard, expectations to be set at home. Spelling and Mental maths tests on a weekly basis. Reading books – your child is expected to read every day Library Books – Changed on Thursdays.

6 Swimming Swimming is a compulsory element of the Primary curriculum.
Every Tuesday morning. Pupils to come in with their swimming costume under their uniform. Practice putting on their hats! No jewellery – Kara may be worn with a sweat band. Extra swimming opportunities.

7 Why is reading so important?
Reading helps children in all areas, promoting it and making it an enjoyable experience will ensure your child develops a love for reading. We want every child to become an independent reader, who choose and want to read for their own purposes and enjoyment. Children need plenty of attention, support and practice with reading. Both at home, and at school there should be opportunities for: Reading with children Reading to children Children reading aloud Children reading independently.

8 Supporting your child with writing
Try to encourage your child to use a range of vocabulary. Make sure children are using their best writing on their homework.

9 Maths at home Help your children at home with looking at maths we have around us everyday! Time Money Capacity Times tables -12 x

10 Tips Take control of the television! Be patient
Pick books that are at the right level I read to you, you read to me

11 Other information Parent consultation will be on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th October. Curriculum maps will be sent home half termly.

12 Pupil premium If you receive any of the following the school may be entitled to receive funds on your child’s behalf. Please complete the online eligibility check if you are in receipt of any of the following: Income Support Income-based Jobseekers Allowance Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16, 190) Working Tax Credit run on- paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Universal Credit.

13 Pupil premium- what is the funding used for?
To set up booster classes for pupils. To invest in resources to further pupil’s progress. Ultimately, to further pupil’s education and achievement. Please take a step by step guide explaining how to complete the check before you leave.

14 Older years may wish to discuss this further – particularly year 6

15 Thank You! Together, we can work in partnership so that
We hope you have found today informative. Any questions or queries please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see the teacher. Together, we can work in partnership so that your child can reach their full potential.

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