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The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Analytics Management 2018 - Digital Disruption for Innovative Shared Values Ibrahim H. Osman Professor &

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Presentation on theme: "The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Analytics Management 2018 - Digital Disruption for Innovative Shared Values Ibrahim H. Osman Professor &"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Analytics Management Digital Disruption for Innovative Shared Values Ibrahim H. Osman Professor & Chair of Business Information and Decision Systems Husni Al-Sawwaf Chair in Business and Management American University of Beirut Olayan School of Business 1 CAM2018– Digital Disruption for Innovative shared values_ November 28 _ December 1_ 2018

2 Cognitive Analytics Management
Outline Societal Challenges Cognitive Analytics Management Framework Shared Value Models E-Government Success Lebanon Case

3 Societal Challenges 20th century (18 Financial Crises in 100 years)
1 crisis every 5 years on average!. 21st century (8 Crises in past 15 years) 1 crisis every 2 years on average! Financial Crisis: Trillions of Dollars in Write-offs/ Fines Increased Society Damage: Polluted Environment; Poverty & Wars; and Unequal Income Distribution. Divergent Views of Business Leaders & Policy Makers Results: Greedy Behaviors at Expense of Society

4 CAM Building Block (SAMAS)
Mission Support Shared Values Analytics Activities

5 Cognitive Analytics Management
Cognitive to understand & Frame a societal challenge; & Values Analytics to generate insights Management to support

6 Shared Value Creation Top-Down prioritization Bottom-Up benchmarking

7 Choosing the Right Analytics
Frontier Benchmarking Analysis to Set Improvement Target Trend Analysis Common Consensus Else ?? CRS Output VRS x x B C Regression Analysis Y x O P x D z x A Relative Input-Efficiency D = OP/OD x Input

8 Cost-Benefit Risk-Opportunity Analysis Quantitative Equivalent to SWOT
CR: efficiency Index BO: effectiveness Index H1, H3 have negative relationship with satisfaction H2, H4 have positive relationship with satisfaction

9 Balancing the Transformation Quality Weighted Outputs over Weighted of Inputs Effectiveness over Efficiency

10 Shared Value Creation Models
Creating Social Values: Investment in social and environment objectives Creating Business Values: Investment in long term Competiveness Create shared value: invest in Long competitiveness that simultaneously address Social and Enviromental objectives

11 Lebanon’ Challenges High Unemployment Lack of transparency
Low Loyalty to Government Low Government Ranking Low equal income distribution

12 Lebanon Growth & Poverty
Poverty in Lebanon was estimated at 28.5% in 2016 living on less than $4 per day.  Declining Growth from 10% in 2009 to 1% in 2016! Increased Corruption:

13 Great Potential for Job Creation to Our Future Generation

14 Top 2018 are in Technology Vs Top 2008 are in Energy

15 Implement Technology Decree at Pre-University Level to be reach Maturity in STEM: Science- Technology – Engineering -Math

16 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) & Electronic Government Development (EGDI) UK and LB
EGDI Decreases/Increases with CPI. E-government Reduces Corruption

17 Electronic Government Success Story
Challenge: Low take-Up from Users 9% in 2009 Cognition: Understanding and Framing The Interaction Challenge from users’ Perspective

18 Benchmarking Analysis/Perspectives

19 Right Choice of Analytics Tools
User’s centric measures, Benchmarking Tools, Machine learning (CART)

20 Potentials’ for Lebanon
New High Quality Jobs in Demands. Technology is the New Oil of The Future- WE need to look forward to technology sector Not Backward to heavily automated oil sector: Top 5 companies in 2018 are in Technology Top 5 Companies were in Oil and Gaz Provision of Electronic Government Services to increase transparency, increase loyalty and reduce corruption Introduce Technology & Engineering Education into Pre-school to reach readiness in Eco-system in STEM since we are ranked 4th in world in Math and Sciences

21 شكرا Merci

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