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at Middleton Primary School
A guide to provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability at Middleton Primary School
Identification of SEND at our School
Our school identifies children/ young people with special educational needs/ disability (SEND) by Using checklists, termly Pupil Progress meetings, data tracking, lesson observations and work scrutiny, dialogue with individual pupils. Dialogue and liaison with a range of parties including parents and outside professionals. Formal assessments would be carried out to support the identification of a specific need or barrier which could help inform support required. Termly SEND Pupil Progress meetings with the SENDCos and year group teams to discuss and monitor progress of children with additional needs and identify possible barriers or support needs. We encourage you to raise your concerns by Contacting your class teacher in the first instance and then if necessary the SEND team or SENDCos. The SEND team also run half-termly drop-ins for parents to discuss concerns. Our school has specialist provision for children/ young people with Hearing impairment for profound or severe hearing loss. This provision includes a team of teaching assistants experienced in language and communication strategies to support both pupils with profound hearing loss and those with cochlear implants. The pupils are supported by the local authority's Sensory Support Team and have school visits from peripatetic Teachers of the Deaf. Support for your Child/ Young Person The education plan for your child/ young person will be explained to you and overseen by In the first instance class teacher would share a class Provision map which would show where a child may be receiving some additional intervention to keep them on track. Monitoring by SENCOs Mrs Maker and Mrs Wells as necessary. If your child has been identified with a significant need requiring individualised support then the SEND team will write an individual Co-ordinated plan which will share the pupil’s strengths, weaknesses and strategies that can be employed to help. This plan will be written and shared with parents to include their knowledge of their child. Staff who may be working with your child/ young person are Your child’s class teacher, TAs SENDCos, the SEND high level teaching assistants, trained intervention staff, pupil welfare team or possibly visiting specialists. We monitor the effectiveness of our SEND arrangements/ provision by Termly pupil progress meetings, termly SEND Pupil Progress Meetings, assessment/tracking data and teaching observations. Also learning walks around school take place termly where teaching, provision and environments are checked for SEND access arrangements. The school has also been awarded the national Quality Mark for Achievement for All which focuses the school on achievement and success for pupils with SEND. The roles and responsibilities of our governors are To monitor the impact of our provision for SEND pupils by visits and monitoring of pupil progress data for pupil with additional needs. Our SEND governor is Mrs Linda Ward. Mrs Ward can be contacted by liaising with the school office.
Partnership: Planning, Monitoring and Review
Curriculum Concerns Our approach to differentiation is to Adapt and resource lessons using flexible approaches for individual needs. This may include visual/practical adaptations or additional sessions or time/intervention from another adult. Our pupils with high SEND needs are assessed and supported through an individualised plan. Extra support is allocated according to Children’s individual needs, outcomes from discussions in pupil progress meetings, outside professional recommendations and consultation with parents. Working with parents and our school SEND team children’s strengths and weaknesses are identified through both formal assessment tools and observations to inform what areas require support or intervention. Partnership: Planning, Monitoring and Review We offer the following opportunities, in addition to the normal reporting arrangements, to parents/ carers, children and young people to discuss progress, to plan and review support, specific approaches and/or programmes. Meeting as needed at key transitions for pupils e.g. class change, Key stage 1 to 2 or secondary school. Also as required for changes in circumstance for a particular child needs. Children with an Education Health Care Plan will have a formal annual review and interim meetings where necessary. If needs of a pupil have changed significantly Mrs Maker/Mrs Wells (SENDCos) would co-ordinate a meeting with all relevant parties including parents. Our high need pupils all have an individualised plan which are reviewed termly and shared with parents. General Support for Wellbeing Our school offers pastoral, medical and social support to the children/ young people by A dedicated welfare team of two staff, who can support the family and help liaise with other agencies in formal processes i.e Child protection, Family support, school nurse , attendance, Care plans and CAFs. Two SENDCos and a dedicated HLTA to support families on the assessment/Early Help Pathway. This would involve regular contact with identified families each half term and working with external support agencies to attend meetings as needed. Regular school nurse drop ins are coordinated for parents to book in school. We also work with ‘Project for Schools’, ‘Chums’ and Mulit-agency panels to access support for pupils and their families. We encourage the children/ young people to contribute their views by Pupil voice work, carried out by Senior leaders, governors and Pupil School council members. The views of pupils support building their learning plans and pupils with EHCP plans contribute in formal reviews either in person (if appropriate) or through a questionnaire completed with support.
Specialist Services/ Expertise Available
We employ specialist staff in the areas of Our Teaching assistants cover a range of experience in ASD support and experienced support staff for Speech and language difficulties. Our Hearing Impaired Hub includes TAs with specialist knowledge and experience of supporting children with sensory and hearing Impairment. Many of these TAs are fluent in using BSL to support HI pupils. SENCDOs Mrs Maker and Mrs Wells , Higher level teaching assistants linked to the SEND team, have significant experience of various SEND and procedures/strategies to support those pupils. Our school accesses the following services Educational Psychology service, Occupational Therapy Service, Speech and Language Therapists, Sensory impairment specialists, Autism Outreach, Child and Adolescent Mental Health.(CAMHS), ADHD Outreach support, Project for Schools, School Nurse, Physiotherapy, Teacher of the Deaf. (*** please note that all these services are accessible through identification of need and formal referral procedures and criteria.) Training We have staff who have the following qualifications. All qualified class teachers, SENDCo achieved Masters Level SENDCo Qualification, level 1, 2 and 3 teaching assistants, and 3 Higher Level Teaching Assistants. We access specific training through outside specialist support to help with specific individuals needs where appropriate e.g Visual impairment support strategies, Autism awareness, Sensory needs support. Staff have recently attended the following training. Our SEND team are committed to being aware of changes in legislation and support for pupils with SEND. They receive regular updates and training offered by the Peterborough Local Authority teams on SEND issues and strategies. TA’s have accessed Achievement for All training on leading Learning for all pupils lead by a lead coach from the scheme. All staff have had Deaf Awareness training, Speech and Language development training, Strategies for supporting pupils with Autism. All school staff have annual Safeguarding training. Particular staff have full designated Child Protection training, including both SENDCos. All support staff have completed ‘Success for All’ training as we are now a Success for All Flagship School. Many TAs lead small groups in SFA and all are involved in supporting groups or leading interventions and tutoring. We plan to undertake the following training/ disability awareness sessions(s). All teaching assistants are to embark on training programme through the online Nimbl platform – led, overseen and reviewed by SENDCos. Training on ‘Zones of Regulation’ is due to be delivered to all staff from Addenbrookes Hospital specialist staff. BSL level 1 training and ‘joint training’, open to other settings, with Sensory Service for Deaf Awareness as a Primary Hub for Hearing Impairment. We also are working closely with the Local Authority lead on Physical Impairment to support adaptation and plans for our physically impaired pupils.
Accessibility Transitions
We provide the following to ensure that all children/ young people in our school can access all of the activities offered. Disabled ramp access, disabled changing and hygiene area, hearing loop, sound field technology for HI pupils. Staff awareness training to ensure suitable placement and seating for pupils with disability. Specialist equipment to support children with physical disability. Adult support to ensure activities can be adapted where necessary to allow the same opportunities and experiences are offered. We enable children/ young people to access all activities by Individualising resources, i.e enlarging print, pictorial representation, use of PECS communication symbols, signing. Enabling particular pupils to settle and access learning by offering sensory menu allowing them to settle in class. Skilled staff who can modify activities through planned differentiation to ensure the pupil’s access and experience learning. As a Hub for Hearing impairment our school spaces are fitted with Soundfield technology to aid access to voice and ICT input. We involve parents and carers in the planning by School offers an open door approach to parents allowing access to class teachers to discuss their child’s learning, possible professional meetings and meetings with SENDCos. Reviews of co-ordinated plans and EHCPs. Parents and carers can give their feedback by; Parent consultation evening (2x yearly) Feedback opportunity in summer reports, appointments with SENDCos, Key Stage leader or Senior managers. Parent questionnaires and parents drop in workshops. Parents/carers can make a complaint by Either making an appointment or discussing initially with class teacher or manager. A formal complaints procedure is published on the school website in the policies section. Transitions The following arrangements help children/ young people and their parents/ carers to make a successful transfer to our setting/ school. Year 6 cluster work with secondary schools to help- year 6 pupils. EHCP review in year 5 to ensure appropriate placements arranged by SENDCos. Year 6 transition meeting for all ECHP pupils and others with complex needs. Meetings for pupils and parents for EYFS children with additional needs. All of the pupils with significant needs have visit to the school conducted by SMT/SENDCos and additional visits or part time plans are designed to aid transition where necessary. Personalised Social Stories with photos of new teachers and new classes are given to those children with additional needs to support transitions to new classes in July in preparation for the new academic year ahead. In depth transfer of information to new class teachers is given on dedicated twilight sessions with all teaching staff. We prepare children and young people to make their next move by Extra visits supported by school staff, to new provision, internal move up day to new class and teacher in summer term. Transition plans if necessary for individuals. For some pupils with complex medical or physical needs a professional meeting with parents is set for transition to new teachers.
Resource Allocation Contact Details
Our SEND budget is allocated according to Peterborough Local Authority funding formulas for schools. Funding is matched to SEND by Children with an Education Health Care Plan are provided with additional funding if necessary to target specialist support either through specialist professionals or appropriate resources to enable access to the school curriculum. Our decision making process when matching support to need is By using the Peterborough Local Authority Mapping Matrix. Some children’s support may be given within the class, others’ needs may be additional to the general class support, and some children may need outside visits from specialist professionals. Parents/ carers are involved through Discussions with school. Half termly SEND ‘drop in’ mornings with the SEND team. Parents evenings where SEND team are on site and can arrange additional appointment slots. Contact Details Your first point of contact is Class Teacher Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators are Mrs Nicola Maker and Mrs Vicky Wells Other people in our setting/ school who might be contacted include Head Teacher, Deputy Head teacher, Key Stage leaders, members of the Senior Management Team or the Welfare team External support services for information/ advice are SEND Information Advice Support Service – Tel Marion Deeley- Independent parent support officer for Peterborough Local Authority Educational Psychology Open Access Consultation Service – Tel City Council Website for SEND local Offer: Parent information about the legislation for Special Needs:
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