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Gene regulation Genetically related genotypes with striking phenotypic differences, but similar allelic architecture. Within a genotype – striking phenotypic.

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Presentation on theme: "Gene regulation Genetically related genotypes with striking phenotypic differences, but similar allelic architecture. Within a genotype – striking phenotypic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gene regulation Genetically related genotypes with striking phenotypic differences, but similar allelic architecture. Within a genotype – striking phenotypic differences between growth stages and/or between tissues.

2 Gene regulation Promoters - Efficiency, constitutive, tissue-specific, inducible: CaMV 35S, Glutelin GT1, Cis-Jasmone Transcription factors - Facilitate, enhance, repress: Nud, Vrs1 mRNA stability - minutes to months: 5’cap, 3’tail Chromatin remodeling: Accessibility of DNA to transcription machinery. RNAi: hnRNA, lncRNA, miRNA, puRNA, shRNA, snoRNA, siRNA, tiRNA,….,…. Translational and post-translational modification of proteins: Protein synthesis rate, transport, stability, activity

3 Gene regulation Focus on miRNA, siRNA

4 RNAi Regulation of mRNA via:
mRNA cleavage: RISC pairs with target, Slicer enzyme cuts mRNA, mRNA pieces degrade. Translation inhibition: miRNA inhibits translation by binding with target mRNA. Transcriptional silencing: siRNA silences transcription through chromatin alteration. mRNA degradation: Slicer-independent siRNA + protein.

5 Allelic relationships at a locus
Complete dominance: AA = Aa > aa. Simplest model: the functional allele vs. the non-functional allele. Deletion, altered transcription, altered translation

6 Allelic relationships at a locus
Complete dominance with molecular markers: BB = Bb. No bb. Not ideal, since cannot distinguish Bb heterozygotes from BB homozygotes. Simplest model: The target DNA sequence is there (BB (twice) or Bb (once) or is not there (bb). Mechanisms: Deletion, (insertion) Deletion P2 P1 Collard et al Euphytica.

7 Allelic Relationships at a locus
Incomplete (partial) dominance:   Example: Red x White gives a pink F1. The F2 phenotypes are 1 Red: 2 Pink: 1 White. Explanation: Red pigment is formed by a complex series of enzymatic reactions. Plants with the dominant allele at the I locus produce an enzyme critical for pigment formation. Individuals that are ii produce an inactive enzyme and thus no pigment. In this case, II individuals produce twice as much pigment as Ii individuals and ii individuals produce none. The amount of pigment produced determines the intensity of flower color.

8 Allelic Relationships at a locus
Codominance: Example: Hazelnut One S-locus, 33 alleles Co-dominance in stigmas (equal expression of both alleles) Dominance or co-dominance in pollen If the same allele is expressed by the stigma and the pollen, the cross is incompatible

9 Allelic Relationships at a locus
Co-dominance with molecular markers: AA, Aa, aa Ideal: can distinguish Aa heterozygotes from AA homozygotes. Simplest model: The target DNA sequences at the two alleles are there. Deletion, insertion. P1 P2 Collard et al Euphytica.

10 Allelic Relationships at a locus
Overdominance: Aa >AA, aa Cross two inbred parents: The F1 deviates significantly from the “high” parent. Possible explanation of heterosis (hybrid vigor)

11 Overdominance and hybrid vigor (heterosis)
Single locus Model P2 Mid-Parent P1 F1 aa m AA Aa Phenotype

12 Heterosis Mid-parent heterosis F1 > (P1+P2)/2 High parent heterosis
F1 > P1; Aa>AA>aa Perhaps most useful

13 Cause(s) of Heterosis Over-dominance:
Heterozygote advantage: Aa > AA F1’s always better than inbreds Dispersed dominant genes theory: Phenotype controlled by several (many) genes Remember quantitative inheritance Favourable alleles dispersed amongst parents (++/++/++/--/--/ x --/--/--/++/++/ = F1 +-/+-/+-/+-/+-) Implication: Should be able to develop inbreds = F1 Implications for vegetative and/or apomictic propagation of hybrids

14 The molecular basis of heterosis involves
Structural variation: SNPs and INDELs SV (structural variation) CNV (copy number variation) PAV (presence/absence variation) Differences in expression level: Parents – differential expression of most genes F1 mid-parent level of gene expression Non-additive expression Epigenetics: At the time of writing, “potential and possibilities”

15 The molecular basis of heterosis
Conclusions: No simple, unifying explanation for heterosis: specificity at the species, cross, trait levels Extensive functional intra-specific variation for genome content and expression Heterosis generally the result of the action of multiple loci: quantitative inheritance

16 Allelic Variation - revisited
Many alleles are possible in a population, but in a diploid individual, there are only two alleles possible at a locus. Remember polyploids. Mutation is the source of new alleles. Remember transgenics and edits. There are many levels of allelic variation: DNA sequence changes with/without changes in phenotype. Differences in phenotype due to effects at the transcriptional, translational, and/or post-translational levels. Remember epigenetics.

17 Intra-locus interactions
Epistasis: Interaction(s) between alleles at different loci Remember: Gene interactions are the rules rather than the exceptions.   Example: Duplicate recessive epistasis: Cyanide production in white clover.

18 Duplicate Recessive Epistasis
Parental, F1, and F2 phenotypes: Parent 1            x           Parent 2 low cyanide             low cyanide F1 F2 (9 high cyanide : 7 low cyanide) high cyanide

19 Duplicate Recessive Epistasis
AAbb x aaBB Low Cyanide Low Cyanide F1 AaBb High Cyanide AB Ab aB ab AABB AABb AaBB AaBb AAbb Aabb aaBB aaBb aabb F2 9 High : 7 Low Cyanide Identical phenotypes are produced when either locus is homozygous recessive (A_bb; aaB_), or when both loci are homozygous recessive (aabb). Remember: Doubled Haploid Ratio

20 Duplicate Recessive Epistasis
Precursor  Enzyme 1 (AA; Aa)    Glucoside Enzyme 2 (BB; Bb) Cyanide If Enzyme 1 = aa; end pathway and accumulate Precursor; if Enzyme 2 = bb; end pathway and accumulate Glucoside

21 Example: Fruit color in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo)
Dominant Epistasis Example: Fruit color in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) x P1 = white fruit P2 = yellow fruit F1= yellow fruit F2 12 white: yellow: green

22 Example: Fruit colour in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo)
Dominant Epistasis Example: Fruit colour in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) WWyy x wwYY White Fruit Yellow Fruit WwYy F1 White Fruit WY Wy wY wy WWYY WWYy WwYY WwYy Wwyy wwYY wwYy wwyy F2 A dominant allele at the W locus suppresses the expression of any allele at the Y locus

23 Dihybrid F2 ratios with and without epistasis
Gene Interaction Control Pattern A-B- A-bb aaB- aabb Ratio Additive No interaction between loci 9 3 1 9:3:3:1 Duplicate Recessive Dominant allele from each locus required 9:7 Duplicate Dominant allele from each locus needed 9:6:1 Recessive Homozygous recessive at one locus masks second 9:3:4 Dominant Dominant allele at one locus masks other 12:3:1 Dominant Suppression Homozygous recessive allele at dominant suppressor locus needed 13:3 Duplicate Dominant Dominant allele at either of two loci needed 15:1

24 Dihybrid doubled haploid ratios with and without epistasis
Gene Interaction Control Pattern AABB AAbb aaBB aabb Ratio Additive No interaction between loci 1 1:1:1:1 Duplicate Recessive Dominant allele from each locus required 1:3 Duplicate Dominant allele from each locus needed 1:2:1 Recessive Homozygous recessive at one locus masks second 1:1:2 Dominant Dominant allele at one locus masks other 2:1:1 Dominant Suppression Homozygous recessive allele at dominant suppressor locus needed 3:1 Duplicate Dominant Dominant allele at either of two loci needed

25 Vernalization sensitivity and cold tolerance in barley
Epistasis, near-isogenic lines, genotyping, sequencing, phenotyping, epigenetics, and climate change

26 The phenotype: Vernalization requirement/sensitivity
In winter growth habit genotypes, exposure to low temperatures necessary for a timely transition from the vegetative to the reproductive growth stage. Why of interest? Flowering biology = productivity (yield) Correlated with low temperature tolerance Low temperature tolerance require for winter survival Many regions have winter precipitation patterns Fall-planted, low temperature-tolerant cereal crops - a tool for dealing with climate change

27 The genotype: Vernalization requirement/sensitivity
Three-locus epistatic interaction: VRN-H1, VRN-H2, VRN-H3 7:1 ratio (Doubled haploid) Takahashi and Yasuda (1971)

28 A model for intra-locus repression and expression

29 Vernalization sensitivity and low temperature tolerance
Fr-H1 Alternative functional alleles Fr-H2 CBF gene family and CNV Fr-H3 Unpublished candidate gene Vernalization VRN-H1 Alternative functional alleles Chromatin remodeling VRN-H2 Gene duplication and deletion VRN-H3 Copy number variation

30 GWAS for quantitative traits
Low temperature tolerance (winter survival) Vernalization sensitivity Winter survival Vernalization sensitivity (Publication in preparation)

31 Understanding the germplasm that Takahashi and Yasuda created using:
SNP genotypes of parents and (near) isogenic lines - in linkage map order The barley genome sequence Gene expression patterns of specific genes Low temperature tolerance and vernalization sensitivity phenotypic data

32 Making (near) isogenic lines
Takahashi and Yasuda created the barley vernalization isogenic lines with 11 backcrosses and only phenotypic selection for the target alleles!

33 Where are the introgressions and how extensive are they
Where are the introgressions and how extensive are they? Graphical SNP genotypes for the single locus VRN isogenic lines Blue = recurrent parent; red = donor parent ; pink = monomorphic SNPs Map-ordered SNPs reveal defined introgressions on target chromosomes. Estimates of genetic (5 – 30 cM) and physical (7 – 50 Mb) sizes of introgressions. Alignment with genome sequence allows estimates of gene number and content within introgressions.

34 Is VRN-H2 necessary for low temperature tolerance?
Gene annotations for the VRN-H2 genes present in the winter parent and absent in the spring donor (deletion allele). 17 predicted genes No flowering time or low temperature tolerance–related genes in the VRN-H2 introgression. Can we therefore have the VRN-H2 deletion and maintain cold tolerance?

35 No significant loss in low temperature tolerance with the
VRN-H2 deletion

36 VRN allele architecture, vernalization sensitivity and
low temperature tolerance Winter growth habit Facultative growth habit Takahashi and Yasuda (1971) Cuesta-Marcos et al. (2015)

37 The facultative option
Hard-wired for low temperature tolerance and short-day sensitivity No vernalization sensitivity The option to fall-plant and/or spring-plant the same variety Reduces risk Maximizes opportunities Streamlines seed production and end-use

38 Facultative growth habit – ready for
THE CHANGE? “Just say no” to vernalization sensitivity with the “right” VRN-H2 allele A complete deletion “Just say yes” to short day photoperiod sensitivity with the “right” photoperiod sensitivity allele (PPD-H2) “Ensure” a winter haplotype at all low temperature tolerance loci Fr-H1, FR-H2, and FR-H3 plus…. a continual process of discovery Remember: Transgenics? Gene editing?

39 The facultative option
Hard-wired for low temperature tolerance and short-day sensitivity No vernalization sensitivity The option to fall-plant and/or spring-plant the same variety Take precautionary measures to maximize genetic diversity, or else….the green bridge brings on Learn the lessons of the T cytoplasm, the Cavendish banana, ….., ……….

40 The genetic status (degree of homozygosity) of the parents will determine which generation is appropriate for genetic analysis and the interpretation of the data (e.g. comparison of observed vs. expected phenotypes or genotypes).

41 The degree of homozygosity of the parents will likely be a function of their mating biology, e.g. cross vs. self-pollinated.

42 the number of genes determining the trait
Expected and observed ratios in cross progeny will be a function of: the degree of homozygosity of the parents the generation studied the degree of dominance the degree of interaction between genes the number of genes determining the trait

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