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Cards 80-83 CHRISTIANS ARE JOINT HEIRS WITH CHRIST - The Holy Spirit himself bears witness to the fact we are children of God. - Those who are children of God are then heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ - If we suffer with Christ, that we may be glorified with him How did Paul handle problems and suffering? When Paul faced hardships in his life, he remembered the glory that waits for people who love God. He asked the Romans, “If God is for us, who can be against us? Can any problem separate us from the love of God? Suffering, danger, death, evil powers – nothing in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lords!
CHRISTIANS ARE A. Cut off from Christ B. Joint heirs with Christ
C. Not children of God What are the three God heads? God the F____________ God the S__________ and H________S________ Should we always rejoice in the Lord? Did Paul have problems and suffering? Was he in prison? Paul asked the Romans, “If G_____is for us, who can be a____________ us? Can any problem separate us from the love of God? Can you name some problems we might have?
- First great commandment is: “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind” - God’s children are to love God with every part of them, we are to love God in a way that no other love can compare with our very life if necessary, we are to exert all the powers of our body, soul and mind into loving God. Who were Paul’s friends in Rome? Paul’s letter to the Roman church closes with greetings to his friends. Paul listed the names of 25 people that he knew and loved in Rome. These were men and woman who worked hard to serve the Lord. Everywhere Paul preached, he made friends. People loved him because he taught the truth about God. Several of Paul’s other letters list even more names. Although Paul never got to spend much time with these friends, he loved them and prayed for them always. He thought of them as his brothers and sisters in Christ.
“THO SHALL LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, AND WITH ALL THEY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIND” (Matthew 22:37, 38) How did the religious leaders try to trap Jesus? Many people had come to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and Jesus continued to preach. The priests who heard His words tried to trap Him with difficult questions about God’s ways. Over and over, they gave Him problems that would be hard for the most learned Bible scholar to solve. But no matter what they asked, Jesus’ answered amazed them. Not once did He speak a word unworthy of His Heavenly Father. When one loves God with all his heart, soul and mind, he will be ready always to do God’s commandments. He will love his neighbor as himself! Video Link:
CORINTHIAN When Paul wrote his two letters to the Corinthians, he was writing to dear friends. Paul himself started the church in Corinth, a large city in Greece. He went there and found work with Aquila and Priscilla, the ten-maker. For a year and a half, Paul lived in Corinth, teaching the people about Jesus Christ. It was a difficult job, for most of them worshipped the Greek gods. But the Lord was at work changing hearts, and the little group of believers grew larger and larger. After Paul left Corinth, the Christians there struggled to live in ways that would please God. It seemed so hard! At last, they wrote to Paul and asked many questions. The Books of First and Second Corinthians were Paul’s answer. Paul said that being a Christian was like being a runner. The believers in Corinth had seen many athletic events, so they understood what Paul meant. It took lots of practice to be a good runner, and it wasn’t always fun. Only the athletes with courage and determination reached the prize at the end of the race. The runner won a crown of leaves that soon wilted. But Christians will win a crown that will last forever. “So run to win!” Paul said.
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