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Harvey World History Fall 2014

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1 Harvey World History Fall 2014
Christmas Truce Harvey World History Fall 2014

2 Warm Ups December 11th, 2014 In your opinion what will be the most celebrated day of the year? How do we usually celebrate it? What’s the most unusual way you have spent that day?

3 We are covering… Tennessee State Standard…
W. 24 Theaters of battles, major battles, and turning points of WWI. W. 28 Nature of war, the human costs, and trench warfare effects

4 Well December 1914 in Europe…

5 Silent Night
Across Europe in many places, soldiers agreed to disobey orders and stop fighting to enjoy armistice for a day.

6 Partnering Pairs Alone, read WWI the Christmas Truce.
Together, discuss the answers to the questions on the work sheet. Answer the questions with textual evidence (since using partner, should get to a paragraph on each number) Save question #6

7 Post Cards from War Address Stamp Message
It is December Pretend you are either in the trenches or on the home front in WWI. Create a post card reflecting your position. You must have a design/picture on one side. The other side should be complete with: Message home (including content/eye witness accounts) Address Mock stamp Then give it to the post master (ME) Address Stamp Message

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