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Mission Sentences and Paragraphs
Mission Spelling I can use my phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. I can spell some key words I can spell some words correctly Mission Sentences and Paragraphs I can write a simple sentence that I can read and others Mercury Mission Punctuation I can use a full stop I can recognise a capital letter in my name.
Mission Sentences and paragraphs
I can write sentences of linked sentences I can sequence my own sentences to form simple narratives I can recognise different forms in my writing – exclamation, questions and commands. I can use some sub ordination – when, if , that. Mission Spelling I can spell compound words I can spell Year 1 common exception words I can spell verbs ending in –ed, -ing and –er. I can spell words containing a range of Year 1 phonemes I can spell adjectives ending in –er and –est. I can spell words using the prefix un- I can plural nouns by adding –s and –es. Mission Handwriting I can form lower case letters I can form capital letters I can form digits 0 – 9 correctly I can leave spaces between words. Mission Audience, purpose and vocabulary I can use simple narrative language features. Mission Punctuation I am beginning to punctuate with a capital letter for people, places, I and days of the week. I can demarcate my sentences with capital letters. I can demarcate my sentences with a full stop I am beginning to use question marks I am beginning to use exclamation marks Mission Grammar I can generally use the past and present tense correctly. I am beginning to understand verbs and adjectives I can use the names of people, places and things (nouns) I can use the co-ordination “and” to join words I can use the co-ordination “and” to join sentences and compound sentences.
Mission Sentences and Paragraphs
I can use different forms in my writing – statements, questions, exclamations and commands. I can use some expanded noun phrases to describe and specify. I can use co-ordinations and, but or I can use some sub ordination when, if, that, because Mission Spelling I can segment spoken words into phonemes and represent these by graphemes, spelling many correctly. I can spell many common exception words I can spell some words with contracted forms I can add suffixes to spell some words correctly in my writing e.g. – ment, -ness, -ful, -less and –ly. Mission Handwriting I can use diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters in some of my writing. I can write capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower case letters. I can use spacing between words that reflects the size of the letters. Mars Mission Punctuation I can demarcate most sentences with a capital letter I can demarcate most sentences with a full stop I can sometimes use question marks and exclamation marks Mission Grammar I can use the past and present tense correctly
Jupiter Mission Sentences and Paragraphs Mission Spelling
I can use nouns and pronouns to aid cohesion between sentences I can organise content into relevant paragraphs across the text I can use a mixture of simple and compound sentences I have started to write complex sentences by using a range of conjunctions accurately Mission Spelling I can spell at least half of the year ¾ common exception words and homophones I can spell words using some of the Year ¾ prefixes and suffixes I can use the first 2 letters of a word to check a spellings in the dictionary Mission Plots, settings and character I can create and expand plots in narratives I can create and expand settings in narratives I can create and expand characters in narratives Mission Handwriting I can join letters, deciding which letters are best left un-joined I can write in a legible style and consistent style I can achieve my pen license Jupiter Mission Audience, purpose and vocabulary I can use figurative devices such as similes and alliteration. Mission Grammar I can use noun phrases appropriately in a range of text types to clarify and add detail I can use a range of adverbs and prepositions to express time, place and cause I can consistently use features of standard English and explore when non-standard written English could be used I can use the present perfect form of verbs Mission Punctuation I can use commas in lists consistently in fiction and non-fiction I can demarcate direct speech with inverted commas I can use apostrophes for contractions consistently I can use apostrophes for singular possession consistently
Saturn Mission Spelling
Mission Sentences and Paragraphs I can organise content into relevant paragraphs across the text I can use nouns and pronouns to aid cohesion between sentences I can use a range of connectives to extend the range of complex sentences I can use an appropriate variety of sentences such as simple, compound and complex. Mission Spelling I can spell most of the Year ¾ common exception words and homophones I can spell words using most of the Year ¾ prefixes and suffixes I can use the first 3 letters of a word to check spellings in a dictionary Mission Plots, settings and character I can create and describe plots in narratives I can create and describe settings in narratives I can create and describe characters in narratives Saturn Mission Handwriting I can write in a legible and consistent style, with increased quality and speed I can write letters with parallel down strokes and appropriate spacing Mission Audience, purpose and vocabulary I can use fronted adverbials for effect I can use similes and hyperbole Mission Grammar I can use noun phrases expanded by modifying adjectives I can use noun phrases expanded by prepositional phrases I can use past and present tense accurately throughout a piece of writing, including continuous and perfect forms of verbs I can control the use of standard and non standard English Mission Punctuation I can use commas after fronted adverbials I can use inverted commas (speech marks) and other punctuation accurately to indicate direct speech I can use apostrophes to indicate plural possession
Uranus Mission Spelling
Mission Sentences and Paragraphs I can use a range of devices to link paragraphs I can use a range of cohesive devices within paragraphs I can use expanded noun phrases precisely to add detail across a piece of writing I can use embedded clauses I can use clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose and that I can use main and subordinate clauses and move their position in sentences Mission Spelling I can spell at least ½ of Year 5/6 common exception words I can spell words using some of the Year 5/6 prefixes and suffixes I can use the first 3 letters of a dictionary to spell words in a dictionary / thesaurus Mission Handwriting I can write fluently and legibly with speed and a personal style Mission Plots, settings and character I can develop settings and atmosphere in detail I can develop characters in detail Uranus Mission Audience, purpose and vocabulary I can identify the audience and purpose for my writing and select the appropriate form Mission Grammar I can indicate degrees of possibility through the use of adverbs I can indicate degrees of possibility through the use of model verbs I can ensure the consistent use of tense throughout a piece of writing Mission Punctuation I can use commas correctly to demarcate clauses in complex sentences I can use inverted commas and punctuation to indicate direct and reported speech
Mission Sentences and Paragraphs
I can use a range of cohesive devices, including adverbials within and across sentences and paragraphs I can use adverbs, prepositions, phrases and expanded noun phrases effectively to add detail, qualification and precision I can use a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position within the sentence Mission Spelling I can spell most words correctly from the Year 5/6 common exception words Mission Handwriting I can maintain legibility, fluency and speed in handwriting through choosing whether or not to join specific letters Mission Audience, purpose and vocabulary I can create atmosphere to advance the action I can use integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action I can select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect the level of formality required correctly most of the time Mission Punctuation I can use inverted commas and commas for clarity I can use punctuation for parenthesis mostly correctly I can use semi colons, dashes, colons and hyphens correctly Mission Grammar I can use passive verbs mostly appropriately I can use model verbs mostly appropriately
Mission Audience, purpose and vocabulary
I can select verb forms for meaning and effect I can manage shifts between levels of formality through selecting vocabulary precisely and by manipulating grammatical structures Pluto Mission Punctuation I can use the full range of punctuation taught at Key Stage 2 including colons, semi colons to mark the boundary between independent clauses, mostly correctly
Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum
Plan I can plan by talking about my ideas. I can say my sentence out loud before I write it Do I can record my ideas Review I can read my writing to my group and class. I can correct mistakes I have made I can re-read my work to make sure it makes sense Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum Earth 1 Engage the reader through use of interesting word choices and description
Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum
Plan I can plan by talking about my ideas. I can say my sentence out loud before I write it Do I can record my ideas Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum Review I can read my writing to my group and class I can respond to marking to improve my writing I can re-read my writing to check it makes sense Earth 2 Non negotiables I can spell key words I have learnt in Year 1 I can spell words ending in –er, -ing, ed, -est, -s and -es I can spell words beginning with un Engage the reader through use of interesting word choices and description
Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum
Plan I can plan through discussing similar writing I can rehearse my sentence out loud before I write it Do I can record and note my ideas Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum Review I can self assess my writing through discussion and make improvements through re-drafting I can proof read and edit my writing I can read my own writing aloud with appropriate expression and volume. Earth 3 Non negotiables I can use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. I can use capital letters for names, places and I I can spell key words learnt in Year 1 and 2 I can use a word mat to make sure Year 3 words are spelt correctly Engage the reader through use of interesting word choices and description
Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum
Plan I can plan through discussing similar writing. I can practise a more complex sentence out loud before I write it Do I can record and note my ideas Review I can self assess my writing though discussion and make improvements I can proof read and edit my writing. I can read my own writing aloud with appropriate expression and volume. Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum Earth 4 Engage the reader through use of interesting word choices and description Non negotiables I can use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. I can use capital letters for names, places and I I can spell key words learnt in Year 1, 2 and 3 I can use a word mat to make sure Year 4 words are spelt correctly
Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum
Plan I can plan through discussing similar writing. I can say my sentence in my head before I write it Do I can explore and use my own techniques to note my ideas. Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum Review I can self assess my writing though discussion and make improvements I can proof read and edit my writing. I can read my own writing aloud with appropriate expression and volume. Earth 5 Engage the reader through use of interesting word choices and description Non negotiables I can use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. I can use capital letters for names, places and I I can spell key words previously learnt I can use a word mat to make sure Year 5 words are spelt correctly
Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum
Plan I can plan by talking about my ideas. I can say my sentence in my head before I write it Do I can record my ideas Writing for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum Review I can self assess my writing though discussion and make improvements I can proof read and edit my writing. I can read my own writing aloud with appropriate expression and volume. Earth 6 Engage the reader through use of interesting word choices and description Non negotiables I can use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. I can use capital letters for names, places and I I can spell key words previously learnt I can use a word mat to make sure Year 6 words are spelt correctly
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