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Basic comma usage.

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1 Basic comma usage

2 Basic comma / punctuation usage
1. Use a comma to separate independent clauses when joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but or, for, nor, so, and yet) *Because is NOT a coordinating conjunction Ex: The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave the park. 2. Use a comma to separate two or more coordinate adjectives that modify the same noun. Ex: The noisy, enthusiastic freshman class assembled in Section F of the stadium.

3 3. Use a comma to separate words, phrases, and clauses written as a series of three or more coordinate elements Ex: Jack walked into the office, took off his hat, and sat down. 4. Use a comma after introductory phrases and clauses Ex: When he rose to give his speech, he was greeted with thunderous applause. Ex: By the end of the day, Timmy was very hungry.

4 5. Use a comma to set off nonessential modifiers (appositives) Ex: The rustler’s hideout, in the old cave by the river, was discovered by the posse. 6. Comma splice: be sure to avoid joining two independent clauses with just a comma Ex: The tree fell, it blocked the road. Revised: The tree fell. It blocked the road. (simple sentences). The tree fell, and it blocked the road. (compound sentence ) After the tree fell, it blocked the road. (complex)

5 7. Conjunctive adverbs: Words, such as however, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, in fact, consequently, and accordingly are sometimes called conjunctive adverbs, and they should be used in the following fashion Ex: Sally likes her English class; however, she is not too enamored with her math class. *Notice the use of a semi-colon before the conjunctive adverb

6 Comma usage review-sentence corrections
Although she is short she appears tall. Elvis is a singer, his neighbor is a dancer. The tall beautiful woman entered the room Tammy who is my cousin won the race. John bought milk, bread and eggs.

7 6. Scott is a basketball player, and wrestles too.
7. I really enjoyed the book. However, it was discursive. 8. Well I do not believe a word he said. 9. The azaleas were in full bloom, because there was so much rain. 10. In the summer Billy likes to fish, and camp.

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