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Misinterpret Word of the Week Synonyms: Misunderstand, mistake

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Presentation on theme: "Misinterpret Word of the Week Synonyms: Misunderstand, mistake"— Presentation transcript:

1 Misinterpret Word of the Week Synonyms: Misunderstand, mistake
W/b: 10th December 2018 Misinterpret Verb To understand something wrongly or misread a situation. Synonyms: Misunderstand, mistake Examples: I think you are misinterpreting the situation. Her statement was misinterpreted by the press.

2 Morning Worship 10th December 2018 Fake or fir?

3 Share words of welcome …
As you start the day, greet each other. Bible verse for today … Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so. Genesis, chapter 1, verse 11 News … This clip discusses the environmental impact of both artificial and natural Christmas trees: reality-check-your-christmas-tree-s-carbon-footprint

4 Debate When it comes to purchasing a Christmas tree, which is best, fake or fir? Does it matter?

5 A prayer to take with you …
Stop – time to reflect … Stop for a minute – think about the debate that you have shared. Think about your response. A prayer to take with you … Heavenly Father, Help us to use your resources with wisdom and to take positive action to care for Your creation. Amen Share words of encouragement … Before you leave offer each other encouragement for the day ahead.

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