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Soccer Team Gameplay Metrics

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1 Soccer Team Gameplay Metrics
ECE 445 Proposal, Spring 2019 Kent Kalpakjian, Micron Technology Micron Confidential

2 Soccer Team Gameplay Metrics
Introduction Smart soccer balls are available with internal gyroscope and accelerometer Ball speed Ball spin Player sensors are available which track Player speed Distance covered Kick speed Apps are available to manually record team data such as Number of connected passes Time of possession Micron Confidential

3 Soccer Team Gameplay Metrics
Proposal Combine all these features into one system! Design, build, and test a system that measures player-ball interactions on a per-player basis Examples of metrics that can then be computed and reported out: Pass success rate of player A Number of connected passes between players B and C Longest string of dribbles by any player Time of possession Shots on goal Micron Confidential

4 Soccer Team Gameplay Metrics
Challenges How to measure the ball’s position and speed in real time? Can ball be powered or unpowered? How to determine which player interacted with the ball? Cleats, shin guards? Probably needs to be unpowered Where is the information stored and how is it retrieved post-game? What algorithms should be applied to the data in order to extract the desired player/team metrics? Micron Confidential

5 Micron Confidential

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