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Neurological complications of diabetes mellitus, anemia, alcoholism, collagenous disorders DM, 6.12.2018.

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1 Neurological complications of diabetes mellitus, anemia, alcoholism, collagenous disorders

2 Pernicious, megaloblastic anaemia
B12 vitamin deficits, chronic gastritis, lack of intrinsic factor- malabsoption Neuropaties, polyneuropathies Ataxia- spinal type, dorsal columns demyelinitang lesions, myelopathy - Subacute combined degeneration Th: supplementation B12 or folic acid

3 Alcohol and nervous system
Acute intoxication Changes in behavior, agressivity, incoordination of movement and gait, slurred speach Drowsiness, stupor, coma, problems with breathing

4 Alcohol and nervous system
Abstinence and withdrawal syndrome Tremulousness, hallucinations seizures, confusion psychomotor and autonomic overactivity, which develops several hours or days after an addictive drinker abstains from alcohol

5 Alcohol and nervous system
Delirium tremens In 10% starts with seizures Profound confusion, gross tremor, hallucinations, autonomic overactivity – fever, tachycardia, dilated pupils 48-96 hours after cessation of drinking

6 Alcohol and nervous system
3. Alcohol and dementia Chronic abuse of alcohol – cognitive deficit (loss of neurons, brain atrophy) Wernicke´s encefalopathy (hemorhagic) Korsakov´s syndrom

7 Alcohol and nervous system
Wernicke´s encefalopathy Confusion, eye movement problems, ataxia – dysarthria, ataxia of body and extremities, residual signs Loss of neurons, axons, myelin, small hemorrhagies – corpora mamillaria, around aqueductus, III. And IV. ventricles Th.: Thiamin 100 mg/day im.,iv. B-vitamins

8 Alcohol and nervous system
Korsak´s syndrom Amnestic syndrom with amnesia, confabulations Marchiafava-Bignami syndrom Demyelinisation of corpus callosum Confusion, seizures, dementia

9 Alcohol and nervous system
Alcoholic degeneration of cerebellum-- cerebellar atrophy Alcoholic polyneuropathy Alcoholic myopathy Acute necrotisans myopathy Chronic myopathy

10 Diabetes mellitus Hypoglycemia General signs, headache
Neurological signs – seizures, coma, acute hemiparesis

11 DM Repeating hypoglycaemia:
loss of intelect, cognitive disturbances, dementia Hyperglycemia Metabolic encefalopathy DM – higher risk of stroke

12 Diabetic polyneuropathy
After 5-10 years of dibatis diseases course 10% - earlier than DM Pathogenesis – metabolic changes and ischemic changes of vasa nervorum (hyalinisation of the wall of vesels) Metabolic – earlier problems with sensitivity, myelin fibers are resistant agains ischemia

13 Diabetic polyneuropathy
Symmetric, mainly distal Lower extremities – more often Loss of proprioception, ataxia Neuropatic pain

14 Systemic lupus erythematodes
General, skin , heart, pulmonary, renal symptoms, myalgie Neurological– 25-75%, 3% - the first Headache, depression, confussion, halucinations, hemiparesis, transversal spinal cord lesions, mononeuritis, polyneuritis, polymyositis, brain infarctions Stroke- brain infarctions Lab tests: Lupoid-like anticoagulans antiphospholipid antibodies CSF – pleocytosis EEG – diffuse abnormalities, MRI – multiple subcortical white matter lesions

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