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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT INDIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Panchatantra – collection of fables
Math – abstract and negative numbers, algebra Astronomy – identified 7 planets, understood the rotation of the earth, and predicted sun and moon eclipses Medicine – set bones, evidence of plastic surgery, had free hospitals, knew about the need for cleanliness and disinfections, had a small pox vaccine Inoculation - the practice of infecting a person with a mild form of the disease so they will not become ill from the more serious form Tales from Panchatantra Documentary

3 Religions that Originated in India

4 A combination of different beliefs and practices

5 SACRED BOOKS AND TEXT Vedas – sacred works of Hindu religious literature Upanishads ( BC) – contains Hindu beliefs

6 REINCARNATION – rebirth of the
soul continues until a person reached spiritual perfection Cycle of rebirth is determined by KARMA. Karma – how a person lives determines what form the person will take in the next life (good actions means a soul will be reborn to a higher caste in next life, bad actions means a soul will be reborn in a lower caste in the next life)

7 IMPORTANT TERMS DHARMA – correct actions for
one’s class, helps achieve karma AHIMSA – non-violence, requires the believer to protect humans, animals, insects, even plants MOKSHA – release from the pain and suffering of rebirth and becoming one with the universal spirit, only Brahmins can achieve this


In 563 BC, Siddhartha Gautama was born in luxury and raised as a prince. He was shielded from sickness and death. One day, as Gautama’s charioteer was driving him around, he encountered sickness, old age, and death for the first time. He decided to find out why people suffered and how it could end. At the age of 29, he left his wife and newborn son and began his search. He wandered throughout India for about 7 years and while meditating, he gained the answer and began sharing it.

10 4 NOBLE TRUTHS All people suffer and know sorrow.
Desires cause suffering (in other words, people suffer because they try to get things they cannot have). End suffering by eliminating desires. Eliminate desire by following the Eightfold Path.

11 EIGHTFOLD PATH Know truth Resist evil Say nothing to hurt others
Respect life Work for the good of others Free mind from evil Control your thoughts Practice meditation

12 By following the Eightfold Path, a person could achieve nirvana.
NIRVANA is the freedom from reincarnation and being at one with the universe. Anyone regardless of class could achieve nirvana.

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