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Objective 4.1 Objective 4.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 4.1 Objective 4.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 objective 4.1 Objective 4.1

2 Roles of the President Chief of State Chief Executive Judicial Leader
Legislative Leader Commander-in-Chief Chief Diplomat Party Leader Economic Leader

3 Chief of State Objective 4.1

4 Chief of State megaphone pom pom

5 Chief of State “chief of state” state of mind

6 President is the living symbol of U.S.
Chief of State President is the living symbol of U.S.

7 President is the perfect example of a U.S. citizen
Chief of State President is the perfect example of a U.S. citizen

8 President inspires and unifies
Chief of State President inspires and unifies

9 ceremonial duties (gives out medals and awards)
Chief of State ceremonial duties (gives out medals and awards)

10 Chief Executive

11 Chief Executive

12 “execute or enforce laws”
Chief Executive “execute or enforce laws”

13 President is responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States
Chief Executive President is responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States

14 the federal bureaucracy
Chief Executive the federal bureaucracy

15 Chief Executive the federal bureaucracy
is the thousands of workers in the “executive department”

16 the President appoints about 2,000 branch officials
Chief Executive the President appoints about 2,000 branch officials

17 the President gives “executive orders”
Chief Executive the President gives “executive orders”

18 “executive orders” have the same power as law
Chief Executive “executive orders” have the same power as law

19 Legislative Leader

20 Legislative Leader

21 “approve or veto legislation”
Legislative Leader “approve or veto legislation”

22 Influences passage of many laws by suggesting bills
Legislative Leader Influences passage of many laws by suggesting bills

23 Puts pressure on Congressmen
Legislative Leader Puts pressure on Congressmen

24 Tells his goals and budget
Legislative Leader gives “State of the Union” Tells his goals and budget (what he wants to get done and how he will pay for it)

25 calls special sessions of Congress (session: a year’s work)
Legislative Leader calls special sessions of Congress (session: a year’s work)

26 may veto or sign bills into laws (legislation)
Legislative Leader may veto or sign bills into laws (legislation)

27 Chief Diplomat

28 Chief Diplomat

29 “negotiates treaties”
Chief Diplomat “negotiates treaties”

30 Chief Diplomat establishes

31 Chief Diplomat establishes foreign

32 establishes foreign policy
Chief Diplomat establishes foreign policy

33 Establishes foreign policy
Chief Diplomat Establishes foreign policy (decides how the U.S will react to actions of other countries)

34 the Constitution gives him the power to:
Chief Diplomat the Constitution gives him the power to: appoint ambassadors and make treaties

35 Commander-in-Chief

36 Commander-in-Chief

37 “commander-in-chief”

38 Commander-in-Chief President is in charge of the… Army, Navy, Marines
Air Force, Coast Guard

39 only the President may send troops to troubled areas
Commander-in-Chief only the President may send troops to troubled areas

40 only the President makes the final decisions in wartime
Commander-in-Chief only the President makes the final decisions in wartime

41 Judicial Leader

42 Judicial Leader

43 appoints judges to the Supreme Court
Judicial Leader The President… appoints judges to the Supreme Court & other federal courts

44 Judicial Leader Constitutional power: grants pardons
(for federal crimes) Def. pardon: forgiveness

45 Example: pardon of Richard Nixon
Judicial Leader Example: pardon of Richard Nixon

46 Constitutional power:
Judicial Leader Constitutional power: grants reprieves (for federal crimes) Def. reprieves: delays

47 Judicial Leader Constitutional power: grants amnesty
(for federal crimes) Def. amnesty: forgiveness for groups

48 Example: amnesty for those not reporting for the draft for Vietnam War
Judicial Leader Example: amnesty for those not reporting for the draft for Vietnam War

49 Party Leader

50 Party Leader

51 President is leader of his political party
Party Leader President is leader of his political party

52 President may appoint party members to government jobs
Party Leader President may appoint party members to government jobs

53 Party Leader When the President has to make a decision he considers both the goals of the nation and the goals of his party

54 As party leader he campaigns for other members of his party

55 Economic Leader

56 Economic Leader

57 Economic Leader As economic leader he creates U.S. budget,
carries out U.S. spending, inspires U.S. economic growth


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