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O F G H I J K L N M A B C D E Arrival & Dismissal:

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1 O F G H I J K L N M A B C D E Arrival & Dismissal:
Doors open at 7:30am, students will be released from the cafeteria to class at 7:45 am. School dismisses at 3:20 pm. B Birthdays: You may bring/send store bought treats for your child’s birthday to be eaten at lunch. You may also purchase ice cream from the cafeteria. Invitations may not be distributed at in class unless all classmates are invited. C Communication: Here are some ways to stay informed: *Weekly newsletter *Class DOJO messages * /phone calls D Dojo: We use the Class Dojo classroom management app. See additional handout in your take home packet for instructions to join. E Early Release We will dismiss at 12 noon on the following dates: 12/20 and 5/31. F Field Trip: Second grade will go to the Oil Ranch for our field trip this year. Date TBA. Please let your teacher know if you would like to chaperone! G Grading Scale: 4= Exceeding Grade Level 3=Grade level 2=Below Grade Level 1=Below Grade Level H Homework: Homework will be sent home weekly, and will vary according to each teacher. I iStation iStation is a great reading program that we use as a diagnostic tool. iStation can be accessed from home and should be utilized for reading practice! J Join PTO! Please consider joining the SWE PTO. Make sure to pick up information in the office or check the SWE website to see how you can help! K Keep warm/cool Temperatures in our building vary, so please send your child in layers so they remain comfortable throughout the day. L Lunch Second grade lunch is from 11:40-12:10. If your child is buying lunch, please be sure to monitor their account through HAC. Math: Students are expected to master many concepts, including addition and subtraction with regrouping, telling time to the minute, and fact automaticity. N Newsletter: A weekly newsletter will come home every Friday with info. about the upcoming week. Library Check OUT: Students may check out library books every morning from 7:45-8:00 and during scheduled, flex checkout times. M O

2 Summerwood Elementary
P Prodigy: A great math resource to use at home is Prodigy math. Students will have usernames and passwords to log in. Questions after hours? Feel free to your teacher or message them via Class Dojo. Please do not send messages before 6:00 AM or after 7:00 PM. R Reading: By the end of Second Grade, students are expected to independently read on a DRA level 28 nonfiction. S Snack Students are encouraged to bring a snack each day. Please avoid the 3 C’s-No Candy, No Chips, No Cookies. Water only. T Transportation: Please send a note in the morning if your child has a change in how he/she is going home. Please try to contact the school prior to 2:00 PM. U Universal Screeners Students will be assessed multiple times throughout the year in the following areas: text fluency (iStation), and spelling.. V Volunteers: Our teachers welcome parent or grandparent volunteers! Please contact your teacher if you are interested in volunteering. Word Study: Students will complete bi-weekly word sorts and are expected to master the spelling of these words by Friday when the spelling test is given. X Y Z We are eXcited to work with Your child! Please be sure your child gets plenty of ZZZZ’s each night so they are prepared to learn each day! The ABC’s Second Grade Mrs. Kara Boening Mrs. Lisa Head Mrs. Kassandra Lyon Mrs. Tracey Glasscock Ms. Holly Smith Ms. Tiffany Bedford Summerwood Elementary ABC's Q W of 2nd Grade 2nd Grade 2:25-3:15 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Smith PE Art Music Comp/Couns Boening Glasscock Heidorf Com/Couns Bedford Lyon *Lyon’s class will split with the other 5 classes* Holloway *Holloway’s class will split with the other 5 classes*

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