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Metaphor of Food 食“喻” New College English II 新编大学英语2 Unit 6 Food 桂林医学院

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1 Metaphor of Food 食“喻” New College English II 新编大学英语2 Unit 6 Food 桂林医学院
大学外语部 学科作者:雷梦洁, 周俊海, 骆欢,陈懿 技术作者:梁雪清,赵永

2 content 1. 2. 3. 4. How is metaphor of food used in real situation?
What is metaphor? 3. How do we understand metaphor of food? 4. Exercise

3 1. How is metaphor used in daily life?
Doctor Brown Tom

4 Tom, what do you eat recently?
Nothing, but…

5 !? Remember, we are what we eat !
Look at you. You are a sack of potatoes now! Obesity caused you a lot of health problems. See? That's why you are overweight. We are what we eat ? I don't understand. !?

6 The food that we eat everyday has a great influence on our body.
Metaphor The food that we eat everyday has a great influence on our body. We are what we eat.

7 B A 2. What is a metaphor? is structure of metaphor: hidden comparison
unrelated but share common characteristics target (本体) source (喻体) A (本体) B (喻体) structure of metaphor: is

8 Factors influencing our understanding
3. How do we understand metaphor of food? Factors influencing our understanding 1) common sense 2) cultural differences 3)cognitive differences

9 1) common sense salt food
useful to the society. 社会栋梁 Eg. He is the salt of the earth. salt A. Characteristics people who is ordinary but indispensable for the society ordinary but indispensable for cooking and human body 不可或缺 food

10 1) common sense apple food
掌上明珠 Lauren is the apple of my eye. Eg. apple I love Lauren. B. emotion food love makes people happy taste of apple and sweet make people happy

11 1) common sense salad life food
Grandpa is always talking about his salad days. Eg. salad my days C. life Salad: Fresh fruits &vegetables (green) food The time when sb. is young without much experience 青葱岁月

12 1) common sense Energy food
After rest, he began to feel his oats again. Eg. 精神抖擞 oats I feel energetic. I'm in high spirits. healthy nutritious D. Energy energizing food

13 2) cultural differences
a place with rich natural resources 2) cultural differences Chinese-鱼米(rice)之乡 English-A land flowing with milk and honey

14 3)cognitive differences English: specific (具体) Chinese: general (概括) a piece of cake 小菜一碟 How we think affects how we talk.

15 4. Exercise Jimmy had a good sleep last night. Now he is full of beans. A. He is full of energy. B. He had a lot of beans.

16 Thank You for Your Attention!
制作团队 材料收集:陈懿,骆欢,周俊海,雷梦洁 脚本制作:骆欢 课件制作:周俊海 主讲:雷梦洁 后期制作:赵永,梁雪清

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