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The context for community development What it is – and what it isn’t

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Presentation on theme: "The context for community development What it is – and what it isn’t"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compassionate Communities Network 8 October 2018 A community development approach

2 The context for community development What it is – and what it isn’t
What kinds of outcomes community development supports How do we do it? Some methods and examples Some things to think about Moving from project focus to ‘this is the way we do things’ 2

3 Why are we talking about this?
Ageing demographic, equalities issues This is a ‘social’ issue Communities/social networks have changed Public services have (arguably) become ‘fixers’ Austerity 3

4 Community development is…
a process which turns private issues into public concerns a purposeful process designed to help people organise themselves to achieve their collective ambitions, and to respond to problems and needs which they share  about facilitating community and public agencies to work together to improve the quality of peoples’ lives concerned with addressing issues of social injustice about giving people agency in their own lives – and deaths 4

5 Community development outcomes
Increased participation Self determination Empowerment, self worth Improved social networks Understanding and appreciation of diverse needs and contributions Solutions tailored to community need – often creative, usually less costly 5

6 Community development – everybody’s business
Strength is its contribution across public policy spectrum Weakness - ‘everybody’s business and nobody’s responsibility’ Community has become a ‘spray on term’ … who are the community developers? 6

7 Changes through the years
Social strategy of the 80s… CD now happening in different places Development of a recognisable community sector Starting to be seen again as part of the role of some public sector staff How do we do it….? 7

8 Changes through the years
Social strategy of the 80s… CD now happening in different places Development of a recognisable community sector Starting to be seen again as part of the role of some public sector staff How do we do it….? 8

9 Building community, building social connections – telephone tree
Examples Building community, building social connections – telephone tree Building capacity through knowledge – community led research Building influence – supporting good quality engagement and dialogue with decision makers 9




13 What might motivate ‘the community’ to get involved?
Starting blocks… Who has defined the need? Who is the community? What might motivate ‘the community’ to get involved? What capacity do they have? What opportunities can we provide? 13

14 Starting blocks, continued…
Define your role, or that of your organisation Who is already working in that community? How will you ensure inclusivity? Have you got resources to support community participation? What is your exit plan? 14

15 Making it last Avoid projects and pilots
We need long term investment and change in the culture Community development relies on collaboration - and some diversion of public funds We need trust – between agencies, between agencies and communities, and between communities Get ready for the long game 15


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