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Emergency Preparedness Coordinating Council

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1 Emergency Preparedness Coordinating Council
March 22, 2018

2 Presentations Response to and Lessons Learned from a Recent Vehicular Intrusion Incident Jim Hite, Director, Environmental Safety and Protective Services, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, CT   Kevin McGinty, Safety and Emergency Management Coordinator, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, CT   Active Shooter Preparedness: A Tale of Two Hospitals (And Health System and Law Enforcement Involvement) Art Ditzel, Manager, Emergency Preparedness, NewYork Presbyterian Health System Stephan Herman, Safety Manager, NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital Sgt. Tom Boyle, NYPD Shield Kevin McConville, Director, Security Services, NYP Hudson Valley Hospital Center

3 Facilitated Discussion: Active Shooter Protocols and Training for Patient Care Staff
Focused on: Approaches to development of active shooter protocols/plans for patient care areas in hospitals & Training of staff in patient care areas for active shooter scenarios Briefly reviewed guidance produced to date including Reviewed data from recent survey of public and hospital-based providers regarding staff responsibilities during active shooter events in hospitals

4 Facilitated Discussion: Active Shooter Protocols and Training for Patient Care Staff
Went through series of thought questions that underscored the need for dialogue and training/drilling on these issues Most facilities are conducting universal training of staff related to safety and emergency protocols Emerging ideas Need for additional dialogue and training at the unit or service line level Development of key institutional messages/posture for varying constituencies including: public, workforce, patients and families

5 NFPA 3000 Proposed Standard for Preparedness and Response to Active Shooter and/or Hostile Events Under development/review Would be provided to communities for consideration when developing their active shooter

6 Discussions & Updates

7 Coastal Storm Preparedness: Health and Medical Executive Advisory Group Priority for 2018
Workgroup 1: Improve Health Facility Data & Compliance (Leads: DOHMH & SDOH) Pursue 100% facility compliance with accurate and timely completion of the NYSDOH Facility Profile application by 3/30/2018 through more intensive and coordinated partner outreach and streamlined facility guidance NYC DOHMH and NYS DOH are actively reaching out to facilities to support compliance with the FPA requirement. Additional web-based trainings were conducted for nursing homes and adult care facilities. Update

8 Coastal Storm Preparedness: Health and Medical Executive Advisory Group Priority for 2018
Workgroup 2 (Lead: NYCEM) Increase nursing home facility receiving capacity through targeted technical assistance to large out-of-zone providers. The workgroup has identified 10 pilot facilities to seek participation in the first year of the project. A Memorandum of Understanding is under development that details the responsibilities of NYCEM/City agencies and the participating facilities. Will begin outreach to 10 selected facilities soon.

9 Coastal Storm Preparedness: Health and Medical Executive Advisory Group Priority for 2018
Workgroup 3 (Lead: GNYHA) Increase hospital receiving capacity to accept patients from evacuating hospitals as well as community members that cannot be accommodated at Special Medical Needs Shelters (SMNS). Key activities Educate ALL out of zone hospitals on possibility that they may receive medically vulnerable community members Drafting explanatory memo to be sent in May Planning educational webinar for late May Working to identify some out of zone facilities citywide that, due to space availability, may be able to take on additional community members vis-à-vis the nursing home model While outside scope of workgroup: With NYC partners, work to ensure that SMNS facilities are at full capacity Encourage education of home health care agencies re: city sheltering and evacuation operations, and increase coordination among home health and city response agencies

10 Mass Casualty Response Planning
Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents Course Held March and March 14-15 Attended by more than 160 physicians, nurses, emergency managers, pre-hospital providers, and law enforcement personnel from across the New York region Analysis of 1st year of data. Also includes: MCI coding adjustments Considerations for NYC 911-receiving EDs related to Level A notifications

11 Mass Casualty Response Planning
MCI Response Planning Toolkit for Hospitals under development FDNY Dispatch Center Tours ongoing Researching disaster medicine training opportunities; in conversation with Center for Disaster Medicine, New York Medical College

12 Sit Stat 2.0 Implementation
GOAL: Build on current Sit Stat platform + increased collaboration within health and medical community to create foundation for a shared situational awareness platform APPROACH: Provide the Intermedix for Health software bundle (EMResource & eICS) to all NYS members to support daily operations and manage and document emergency incidents.

13 Activities to Date & Upcoming
Held three Advisory Council meetings Have produced number of requested documents Held IT Security Call Held Implementation Call with large health system in West Continuing to support facilities and systems with dedicated calls and demos Working through basic non-participant notification/data collection method (Sit Stat 1.0 Replacement) Beginning work with FDNY to move MCI notifications into Sit Stat 2.0 system

14 Center for Health Security Report & ASPR Regional Disaster Response System Proposal
ASPR Concept Paper for a Regional Disaster Health Response System and complementary statement by ASPR Secretary Robert Kadlec Center for Health Security Report – examines readiness for 4 types of disasters Small mass injury/illness events Large scale natural disasters Complex mass casualty events Catastrophic health events

15 Joint Commission Mock Survey Experience
Jake Neufeld, Environmental Health and Safety, Emergency Management, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

16 Upcoming Events Hospital Briefing and Information Exchange with Con Edison March 28th, 9am-12pm; targeting facilities and engineering leadership Electrical, Gas and Steam System Design and Reliability Energy Efficiency Programs Emergency Management New Business Project Center Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Tactical Simulation, May 9-10th Kapila Introduction / Safety Message 09:05 AM – Ms. Mandel-Ricci GNYHA Message 09:10 AM – Mr. Burke Electrical System Design & Reliability 09:30 AM – Mr. Levy Energy Efficiency Programs 09:50 AM – Break 20 minutes 10:10 AM – Mr. Riviello & Mr. Hogendorn Gas System Design & Reliability 10: 25 AM – Steam System Design & Reliability 10: 40 AM – Mr. Choe New Business Project Center, Customer Inquiry, Emergency Contacts 10: 55 AM – Emergency Management TBD

17 Agency Updates NYS Department of Health
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene NYC Emergency Management

18 2018 EPCC Dates (through June)
Tuesday, April 17th Thursday, May 17th Tuesday, June 19th **All meetings will be held from 1:30-4:00pm

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