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Apply the Fundamentals of Property
Accountability 1
Action: Apply the Fundamentals of Property Accountability. Conditions: Assigned as a Key Leader/Commander in a unit with responsibility to apply the fundamentals of property accountability procedures to account for your units property. Given Army property, Property Book and Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) system, updated hand receipts, hand receipt annexes, Property Book Officer (PBO) supporting documentation, Unit Identification Code (UIC) and Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC) information, Department of the Army messages, AR 71-32, AR 220-1, AR 710-2, AR 735-5, AR , DA PAM , FM 100-9, FM , FM , FM , and JP 3-35. Standard: Applied the fundamentals of property accountability required to successfully account for 100% of your units property. 2
CLASSES OF SUPPLY Class I -- Rations and gratuitous issue of health, morale, and welfare items. 2. Class II -- Clothing, individual equipment, tentage, toolsets, and administrative and housekeeping supplies and equipment 3. Class III -- Petroleum, oils, and lubricants. Class IV -- Construction materiel. Class V -- Ammunition. Class VI -- Personal demand items. Class VII -- Major end items, including tanks, helicopters, and radios. Class VIII -- Medical. Class IX -- Repair parts and components for equipment maintenance. Class X -- Nonstandard items to support non military programs such as agriculture and economic development. 3
Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE). Modification Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE). Tables of Distribution and Allowances (TDA). Joint Tables of Allowances (JTA). Other Authorization Documents: Common Tables of Allowances (CTAs). Army Regulations (ARs). Technical Manuals (TMs). 4
TYPES OF PROPERTY Personal Property (AR 735-5, Chap 4):
Organization Property: property authorized under an MTOE or deployable TDA authorization document and all CTA property which deploys with the unit. Installation Property: non-deployable property issued to a unit by authority of a CTA or other HQDA approved or NGB authorization documents, except expendable items and personal clothing. Theater Provided Equipment: property (organizational or installation) that has been identified and forward positioned to offset equipment deployment requirements. 5
Real Property (AR 735-5, Chapter 4) property consisting of lands, buildings, structures, utilities systems, improvements, and appurtenances thereto. Includes equipment attached to and made part of buildings and structures (such as heating systems) but not movable equipment (such as plant equipment. 6
Nonexpendable - An item of Army property coded with and ARC of “N” in the FEDLOG. Nonexpendable items require property book accountability after issue from the stock record account. Expendable - An item of Army property coded with an ARC of “X” in the FEDLOG, no formal accountability required after issue form a stock record account. Durable - An item of Army property coded with an ARC of “D” in FEDLOG. Durable items do not require property book accountability after issue from the stock record account, but requires hand receipt control when issued to user. $5K Threshold - DA MSG dated 28APR04. Accounting records are no longer required for property having a unit cost of less than $5000, regardless of the FSC. Items meeting this criteria will have the same controls as durable property. 7
Command Supply Discipline Program
CSDP Addresses: Responsibilities of the commander/supervisory personnel to instill supply discipline in their operations. Guidance for evaluating supply discipline. Feedback through command and technical channels for improving supply policy and procedures to monitor supply discipline. Follow-up to ensure discipline is maintained. 8
What is CSDP CSDP is a commander’s program directed at ensuring compliance with HQ, DA supply policies and procedures. Purpose of CSDP. Responsibilities. CSDP is covered in Chapter 1 and Appendix B of AR 710-2, and Chapter 11 of AR 9
Enforcement of CSDP Leadership. The biggest aspect of CSDP is the guidance that the leadership provides to ensure the success of the program. Command emphasis. Enforcing discipline and compliance with regulations requires continuous reinforcement. The most effective means of ensuring supply discipline is command interest. Training. To effectively instill and maintain supply discipline, commanders and supervisors must routinely adhere to CSDP procedures and conduct supply discipline training for all subordinates. Administrative measures. AR provides various administrative measures for accounting for lost, damaged, and destroyed property. Disciplinary measures. These options are designed to assist in the deterrence and corrective action for lost, damaged, or destroyed property. These disciplinary measures include reprimands, adverse efficiency reports, and a Uniform Code of Military Justice (UMCJ) action. 10
Other Means of Enforcing CSDP
Other means of enforcing supply discipline and supply economy are: Review the supply SOP to ensure that supply discipline and supply economy procedures are adequately defined. Establish procedures for safeguarding government property by controlling access to storage areas and by maintaining good key and lock control. Establish procedures for controlling durable items. Establish controls for expendable items. Conduct spot checks to ensure property records are kept up to date. Review PBUSE outputs/listings for accuracy and compliance with regulatory policy and procedure. Submit supply discipline problems that cannot be resolved to the commander for resolution. Review past evaluations conducted by higher headquarters to determine if any discrepancies have not been corrected. 11
CSDP References AR 710-2, Appendix B AR 735-5, Chapter Unit SOPs LOGNET Homepage Department of the Army G-4 Homepage (AKO), left click on site map, then on organization, then logistics to access the G4 homepage and other external log sites). 12
Key Property Management Terms
Accountability – Is the obligation to keep records of property, documents, or funds. Accountable Officer - The accountable officer is a person officially appointed on orders to maintain a formal set of accounting records of property or funds. This person may or may not have physical possession of the property or funds. The three types of accountable officers are Transportation officer; Stock record officer, and Property book officer. Responsibility – Is the obligation of an individual to ensure that Government property and funds entrusted to his or her possession, command, or supervision are properly used and card for and that proper custody and safekeeping are provided. There are five types of responsibility: 13
Supervisory Custodial Direct Personal Types Of Responsibility Command
Division Brigade Or Regiment Command Supervisory Custodial Direct Personal COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility for all property within their command. Battalion Or Squadron CUSTODIAL RESPONSIBILITY Supply Sergeant, supply Clerk, or warehouse person responsible for property in storage awaiting issue or Turn-in. Company, Troop, Battery or Detachment Platoon SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility for all property in the possession of personnel under their supervision DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility for all property within their command. PHRH Responsibility for property in their possession Section Squad PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility for property in their possession Individual 14
Logistics STAMIS The Unit Level Logistics System (ULLS) - is a menu-driven, automated information system, designed to manage property below the property book level. ULLS-AE ULLS-A(E) is a computer based software system operated by flight company crew chiefs and field level aviation maintenance personnel to track PMCS, on-hand shop stock usage and The Army Maintenance Management System-Aviation (TAMMS-A) functions. ULLS-A(E) transforms the software environment to a fully Windows compliant technology and incorporates a multi-user environment to current functionality plus numerous enhancements. ULLS-G for unit supply and maintenance functions. NOTE: ULLS-G is being replaced by SAMS-E. SAMS-E combines the functionality of the ULLS-G and SAMS-1 legacy systems into a single system supporting the Army's two level maintenance doctrine, system fielding is ongoing. 15
Logistics STAMIS (Cont’d)
The Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) system is a Web-based property accountability application designed to deliver total asset visibility in real-time. The Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) is the primary automation system used in Army DS/GS supply units. It processes customer requests from ULLS, SAMS, SPBS-R, and PBUSE. The Standard Army Maintenance System-1 (SAMS-1) provides commanders with automated access to maintenance management information. The Standard Army Maintenance System – Enhanced (SAMS-1E) merges ULLS-G and SAMS-1/2 functions; Automates unit level maintenance supply, unit status reporting and provides automated Field/ Sustainment support using readiness status reporting and maintenance management tools. 16
STAMIS Connectivity CSS VSAT - is a satellite communications system designed to provide worldwide data and voice communications connectivity to US military forces. CAISI - provides a secure local network for CSS operations within logistics support areas (LSAs). The STAMIS and CSS clients connect to the CAISI which in turn connects through the signal backbone to the other deployed support areas and to the support base. 17
Hand Receipts The Primary Hand Receipt (PHR) is generated primarily through PBUSE; if you are not using PBUSE, the PHR can be maintained using DA Form The Primary Hand Receipts incur transactions regularly. These transactions are broken down into the following categories: Transactions affecting the Primary Hand Receipt balance Transactions not affecting the Primary Hand Receipt balance. An item issued from the PBO, turned into the PBO or laterally transferred from unit-to-unit affects the balance on a Primary Hand Receipt . The Key Leader delegates a designated representative, usually the Unit Supply NCO/ Manager/ Clerk to receive sign and/or turn in property at the Property Book Office. This is done using a delegation of authority for DA Form 1687, DA Pam , Ch 2, paragraph 2-32; Figure 2-14 provides an example Delegation of Authority 18
Hand Receipt Transactions
Change documents: DA Form 3161; DA Form 581, DA Form 4949. All supporting documents generated by the PBO will have a document number validating the action taken. As changes occur, file all change documents in a supporting document file. This file is kept and secured in the Unit Supply Room. Organize this file in Julian date sequence. The Julian date is the part of the document number the PBO used to record changes to the PHR balance. Because all these forms affect changes on your Primary Hand Receipt Balance, they are called change documents. 19
Documentation When property is turned in because of unserviceability, use the following accounting records: DA Form 5988 E (Technical Inspection, (T/I), Work Sheet). This is commonly refereed to as a T/I for turn in. DA Form (Request for Issue or Turn –In). DA Form 3161 (Change Document). When property is being issued as a result of a shortage being filled, a fielding or new item is introduced to the unit; equipment is being upgraded due to a Modified Work order; or a lateral transfer has been directed, use the following forms: DA Form 5988 E (Technical Inspection Work Sheet). DA Form (Change Document). When a lateral transfer from one unit to another unit is directed by the PBO, use the following forms: Memorandum directing lateral transfer and detailed instruction. In most cases, all directives concerning the lateral transfer of Property Book Items are managed through the PBO. Units will not make independent decisions to lateral transfer Property Book Items. 20
The Sub Hand Receipt Holder
The sub hand receipt process is basically the breaking down of your PHR and assigning to your subordinate leaders property book items they authorized by MTOE in order to accomplish their mission. You are assigning the items to the leader who will use the items. The sub hand receipt holder should have all the tools in his/her possession to ensure successful management of their property to include: a copy of the current sub hand receipt, a copy of all change documents, and copies of all TMs, SCs and SBs and the unit’s MTOE. This will ensure that if they are managing their SHRs correctly; it will ensure your PHR is more accurate. NOTE: Only the sections paragraph of the MTOE is needed. 21
Rules for Sub Hand Receipt Holders
Under no circumstances will sub hand receipt holders make independent decisions to loan Primary Hand Receipt items to units without prior approval of the PBO and Key Leader of that unit. Property will not be issued for more than 30 days. Verify that temporary hand receipts are prepared in two copies when they are used. Ensure individual receiving the property prints their complete name and notes their day time phone number in the event contact is needed. Verify that temporary hand receipts are filed separately from hand receipts/sub-hand receipts in date sequence to allow for daily review. Ensure that supply personnel are notifying the temporary hand receipt holder to arrange for the return of property no later than the expiration date. Verify that both copies of temporary hand receipts are destroyed when the equipment is returned. (There is no requirement to maintain receipts upon return of property.) 22
What are BII and COEI BII (Basic Issue Item) and COEI (Components Of End Item) Listings are descriptions (usually with pictures), contained in each end item's Technical Manual (TM), of the various parts and equipment which are required for that item to be "complete." For instance, the Component Listing of a HMMWV shows the tools (jack, lug wrench, sledge hammer), fire extinguisher, first-aid kit, and other items that the operator would need to operate safely on a daily basis. Components are generally broken down into 3 areas, and will be displayed in this order: Components of the End Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (BII), or the Additional Authorization List (AAL). If not prepared in PBUSE, component hand receipts are prepared on DA Form 2062. 23
An inventory is the physical count of
all supplies and equipment on hand. 24
Six Basic Steps of Conducting Inventories
Determine what is to be inventoried Set the dates Use correct publications Notify the hand or sub-hand receipt holder Conduct the inventory Record results and adjust records 25
Take these actions prior to the inventory:
Coordinate with the next higher commander/supervisor for any instructions. Make sure all hand or sub-hand receipts and annexes with change documents are updated. Review hand receipts to find the type of items to be inventoried. If needed, select personnel to assist with the inventory and give them instructions. Notify sub-hand receipt holders of when and how the inventory is to be conducted. Review DA Pam to ensure the most current publications are used for the inventory. 26
Take these actions during the inventory:
Check all items to make sure the item and their description on the unit property book and hand receipt match. Make a visual check of the condition of the property. Make a list of any damaged equipment. Count all items listed on the hand receipt. Make a list of any overages or shortages. Check end items for completeness. Use the proper Technical Manual (TM) or Supply Catalog (SC) to identify components. Check the serial numbers on the item with that recorded on the HR. Make a list of any serial number discrepancies. Identify damaged equipment and report to unit maintenance personnel for repair. 27
Take these actions during the inventory (Cont’d):
Check the serial numbers on the item with that recorded on the HR. Make a list of any serial number discrepancies. Identify damaged equipment and report to unit maintenance personnel for repair. 28
Ensure property is on hand and serviceable.
Ensure property accounting is complete and accurate. Ensure property is on hand and serviceable. Ensure property is safeguarded. Evaluate all supply operations using the standards of the Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) outlined in AR 710-2, Appendix B. Ensure inventory is conducted IAW AR 710-2, table 2-2. Ensure lost, damaged or destroyed property is accounted for IAW the appropriate regulation. Ensure causative research is conducted to determine the reason for inventory discrepancies. 29
Event Driven Inventories
Change of Command Receipt/Turn-in of Property Cyclic “10%” Command Directed Change of Armorer Task Force/Rear Detachment Deployment/Redeployment REFERENCES: AR TABLE Types & Discrepancies , p. 37 User Level B-1, p. 112 Change of command: the most intense. Change of sub hand receipt holder: Do not need to be present, but? SHR holder departs unit for more than 30 days, have someone else sign for that property. Change of user: Do not need to be present, but better make sure it happens. Receipt/turn-in: Cyclic: You should do your own cyclic! Even if you have someone else do the cyclic, you are still responsible. Command Directed: A commander in the chain can so direct. Change of Armorer: Don’t forget this one! Ensure the keys are done at the same time. 30 Feb 99 9
Commodity Driven Inventories
Weapons & Ammunition Sensitive Items Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI) COMSEC Loads Organization Clothing & Individual Equipment FMO Installation Property (IPBO) REFERENCE: AR 710-2 Weapons/ammunition: Monthly Not by the unit armorer Not the same person 2 months in a row. Sensitive items: Quarterly, by a sensitive item hand receipt holder. PLL: Quarterly. Basic loads: Class I, II, IIIP, IV, & VIII--- Semi annually OCIE: Within 5 days of arrival / departure. Upon change of status (AWOL, DFR, hospitalized over 60 days). FMO: Annually, or local policy IPBO: Annually, or local policy 31 Feb 99 10
The supply system consists of 2 levels:
The wholesale level. Strategic level support. The retail level. User Direct Support (DS) General Support (GS) 32
REQUESTING SUPPLIES Supplies are requisitioned based on how critical they are needed. This criticality is pre-determined by force developers (USAFMSA) and listed in the TOE/MTOE; the Equipment Readiness Code (ERC) is assigned to mission essential personnel and equipment to establish that which is critical to the unit’s mission and more specifically to its warfighting capabilities. The ERC works in conjunction with the Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue priority system (UMMIPS). 33
ERC A or ERC P -- Principal weapon/mission systems and equipment ERC P items are ERC A items/systems that are also designated as pacing items. ERC B -- Auxiliary equipment (AE) and/or associated support items of equipment (ASIOE) that are required to support ERC A or P. ERC C -- Auxiliary support equipment (ASE) and/or associated support items of equipment (ASIOE) that are required for unit sustainment. 34
UMMIPS The Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) is based upon a 2 digit code ranging from 01 through 15, it is used to express the importance of a supply request. This code is referred to as the priority designator (PD) code and is based on two factors. Those factors are the unit’s Force/Activity Designator (FAD) and the Urgency of Need Designator (UND) of the supply request. 35
Force/activity designator (FAD) Urgency of need designators (UND)
FAD AND UND Force/activity designator (FAD) Urgency of need designators (UND) A B C I 01 04 11 II 02 05 12 III 03 06 13 IV 07 09 14 V 08 10 15 DA Pam , Chapter 2 explains how to determine the UND when requesting supplies. 36
Commander’ Role in Requesting Supplies
Requesting Supplies - The accountable officer is the individual responsible for requesting property book, and non property book items of supply (if your unit is not assigned a (expendable/durable) document register). As the commander you should ensure the following when it comes to requesting supplies. Ensure that equipment and components listed in the authorized column (of the MTOE and TDA) are on hand or on request. PBUSE will be used to request MTOE/TDA items in the automated process. Quantities of basic load items authorized by a MACOM commander will be on hand or on request. When authorized substitute items (SB 700–20, appendix G) are on hand, the preferred item will be requested. Priority designators for all supply requests will be determined per DA Pam 710–2–1. Request for items having a recoverability code of A, D, F, H, or L requires the turn-in of the unserviceable item at the same time the request is presented to the SSA (CL IX repair parts requests). 37
Commander’ Role in Requesting Supplies (Cont’d)
Supply requests for seasonal or unusual needs, such as training ammunition forecasts, will be sent in advance to permit timely delivery per the required delivery date (RDD) and the issue priority group. Supply requests will be prepared IAW DA Pam 710–2–1. A document register for all supply actions will be kept by each organizational element authorized by the PBO to request supplies. All supply requests will be submitted to the appropriate SSA. Exceptions are DRMO and Local Purchase. As an exception to using local purchase, unit commanders and activity chiefs may obtain material below the micro-purchase threshold by submitting requirements directly to a purchase cardholder. 38
Commander’ Role in Requesting Supplies (Cont’d)
Local Purchase/Credit Card Requests Purchase cardholders will by-pass the stock record account when purchasing items that are not in the Army inventory. However, demands must be recorded for purchases of repair parts. Cardholders must observe established priorities for use of Government supply sources. Local purchase provisions prescribed by paragraph 14–16 of AR do not apply to purchase card purchases. Hand receipt holders must prepare DD Form 250 (Material Inspection and Receiving Report) to acknowledge and report purchases of nonexpendable or controlled items to the PBO. Use the procedures outlined in DA Pam when completing the DD Form 250. The PBO processes the receipt of supplies and equipment upon receipt of documentation per paragraph 2–8 of AR 39
Commander’ Role in Requesting Supplies (Cont’d)
ARNG Specific Policy This paragraph contains policy modifications for the ARNG environment. Commanders will submit requests for authorized supplies as directed by the USPFO of their respective states. Document registers will be kept as follows: For the property book, non-expendable items, and ammunition; one register per property book. For durable and expendable items; as directed by the USPFO. The USPFO, division or separate brigade command level staff will make sure document numbers from various registers are not duplicated. USPFO approval is required for assignment of blocks of document numbers. 40
Commander’ Role in Requesting Supplies (Cont’d)
USAR Specific Policy This paragraph prescribes policy modifications applying to the USAR. Requests for which funds are not available (unfinanced demands) will be sent to the unit funding activity (MUSARC) and managed as directed by the MACOM. Requests for items for which there is no maintenance capability or storage space will be managed as prescribed by the MACOM. 41
Commander’ Role in Requesting Supplies (Cont’d)
COMSEC Requirements Commanders will coordinate with their supporting COMSEC account custodian for transactions concerning classified COMSEC material. COMSEC custodians managing a COMSEC account that does not have a direct support or intermediate supply support mission will comply with the applicable policies contained in this chapter, related procedural publications, and TB 380–41. COMSEC equipment fielded through Total Package Fielding (TPF) will be provided in a separate package through coordination between USACSLA and the fielding command. Classified COMSEC material must be shipped to a designated COMSEC account. 42
Supply Request Forms In addition to automation, the following forms can be used to request supplies: DA Form (Request for Issue or Turn-in). DA Form 581 (Request for Issue and Turn-In of Ammunition). DA Form 3161 (Request for Issue or Turn-in). DD Form 1348–6 (DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Document). DA Pam , Chapters 2-8 through 2-11 explain the steps in preparing these forms. 43
Receiving supplies The Commander designates responsible persons to sign for the supplies using DA Form 1687 Notice of Delegation of Authority – Receipt for Supplies. Customers will pick up supplies from the Supply Support Activity (SSA) within 2 days of notification of availability. Any supplies not picked-up by the customer after 5 days will return to SSA stocks. Supplies received will be counted manually or electronically by quantity and compared to the receipt document. Discrepancies will be documented and reported to the SSA within 3 days (30 days for USAR) of receipt. Supplies that are received from other than the SSA will be reported through the PBO to the SSA whether there is a discrepancy or not. Serial, lot, and registration numbers will be entered on receipt documents for those items that require serial and registration number entry on the property book. Detailed procedures for processing receipts of classified COMSEC equipment and material by COMSEC accounts are contained in TB 380–41. 44
Receiving Supplies Cont’d
Property book items received or reported as found on installation (FOI) will be posted to the property book within 3 workdays (U.S. Army Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment Activity (USATA) 10 workdays) of the receipt date. Excesses caused by unit pack may be kept and used. Documentation accompanying material received directly from a contractor or a vendor under the Prompt Payment Act will be sent to supporting SSA within 3 workdays of receipt. Receipt of material purchased with the Army purchase card that is received at a consolidated receiving point or an individual’s office or desk will be reported immediately to the purchase cardholder to confirm receipt of the property. Items considered to be nonexpendable, durable, or pilferable will be reported to the PHRH who will follow the instructions in paragraph 2–6m(3)(g) of AR on how to prepare DD Form 250 (Material Inspection and Receiving Report) to acknowledge receipt. When receiving any type of property to include property book items or an end items with components an inventory must be performed and results recorded prior to signing the receipt documents. 45
Supply Receipt Forms The following forms can be used to receive supplies: DA Form (Request for Issue or Turn-in). DA Form 581 (Request for Issue and Turn-In of Ammunition). DA Form 3161 (Request for Issue or Turn-in). DD Form 1348–6 (DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Document). DD Form 250 (Materiel Inspection and Receiving Report). DD Form 1155 (Order for Supplies or Services). Government credit card purchase receipt. SF 44 (Purchase Order-Invoice-Voucher). 46
Issuing Supplies When issuing supplies and equipment the primary form used is DA Form 3161. When issuing supplies and equipment the following should be ensured: Conduct an inventory of equipment and/or supplies being issued using current publications. If the item being issued has components; a component hand receipt (DA Form 2062) should also be used in conjunction with DA Form 3161 to validate shortages. Upon completion of the inventory ensure appropriate data and signatures are posted to DA Form 3161. When used for a lateral transfer, forward a copy to the PBO (accountable officer) for posting. 47
Administrative Measures
Administrative measures are available to commanders to ensure enforcement of property accountability. Relief from accountability is primarily used when property becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed. 48
Adverse Actions Commanders may take adverse administrative or disciplinary measures if it is determined the loss, damage, or destruction was the result of negligence. These actions include, but are not limited to: An oral or written reprimand. Appropriate remarks in the individual’s evaluation report. Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) reclassification. Bar to reenlistment. Action under the Uniform Code of Military Justices (UCMJ). (6) Adverse actions against civilian personnel as authorized. 49
Methods for Obtaining Relief
DA Form 4949, Administrative Adjustment Report (AAR) is used for minor property records adjustments. DD Form 362, Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher (S/C/CCV) is used when an individual admits liability and desire to pay through payroll deduction or cash collection. DD Form 200, Financial Liability Investigation Property Loss (FLIPL) is used when liability is not admitted. Cash Purchase is used when liability is admitted and wishes to purchase a suitable like item. 50
Criteria of Use for DA Form 4949
Discrepancies in Makes, models or sizes. DA directed NSN changes. Unit of issue changes that affect hand receipt holders. Changes in accountability requirements. Assembly/disassembly of an end item Adjust serial number posting due to equipment exchanges or obvious posting errors (one or two digits, used the wrong serial number from the data plate and both serial numbers are present) 51
DA Form 362 Criteria The Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher, DD Form 362, is the preferred method for accounting lost, damaged or destroyed property. Funds collected by this technique remain at the installation and may be used to replace the property in question. The voucher method may be used when an individual admits pecuniary liability for lost, damaged, or destroyed government property. DD Form 362 may never be used for the loss of a sensitive item (CIIC of 1–6, 8, 9 $, N, P, Q, R, and Y). This method may only be used if the cost does not exceed the individual’s monthly base pay. Depreciation may be granted IAW AR 735-5, Appendix B, Para B-2. Once completed, the form must be processed through the section maintaining the document register. Non-expendable property is not taken off the hand receipt until a receipt copy from finance has been returned to PBO. It is the supply sergeant’s responsibility to ensure that all property paid for on a DD Form 362 is taken off the sub-hand receipt holder’s sub-hand receipt as well as the PHR. 52
DD Form 200 Criteria A FLIPL must be initiated for the following reasons: Negligence or willful misconduct is suspected as the cause but there is no admission of liability and refusal to make payment. For all sensitive items (CIIC of 1–6, 8, 9 $, N, P, Q, R, and Y) an AR 15-6 investigation is required and the results are attached to the DD Form 200. In this case, the FLIPL is used as a voucher to adjust the property. The property involves a change of accountable officer’s inventory and there is no voluntary reimbursement by the outgoing accountable officer. The value of the property involved exceeds the individual’s base pay 53
SUMMARY Applied property management basics.
Employed property management procedures. 54
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