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Parents and Family Maya Hodgens.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents and Family Maya Hodgens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents and Family Maya Hodgens

2 Key Understandings Disability vs. Ability, Handicap, Inability
IDEA/IEP Meeting the Needs Multicultural & Bilingual Special Education

3 Disability vs. Ability, Inability, Handicap
Parents should focus on child’s abilities(maximize their ability while understanding their disabilities) Ex. Students with tetra-amelia (absence of all four limbs) which is a disability yet he still has life goals of relationships, participation in sports, and gainful employment just as one without disability Disability is a subset of inability “A disability is an inability to do something that most people, with typical maturation, opportunity, or instruction, can do”(Kauffman & Hallahan, 2005a, p. 30) Ex. ( AGE and INABILITY) 6- month infant can’t walk or talk but aren’t considered disabled due to their age; once child reaches age of that ability and it isn’t performed then they are considered disable.

4 Disability vs. Ability, Handicap, Inability Cont.
Disability doesn’t mean the child is handicap Handicap(a disadvantage imposed on an individual) Ex. a person with a disability that prevents them from being able to move their legs, maybe handicap in driving

5 IDEA/IEP IDEA(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
Ensures that all children and youths with disabilities have the right to a free, appropriate public education(FAPE). School must provide children with disability a specific instruction to meet their unique needs without charging parents, the specific instruction is know as special education Special education requires creating a plan for your child’s disabilities IEP( Individualized Education Plan) plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services Built for child’s education so that he/she can fulfill their full potential

6 IDEA/IEP Cont. IEP Parents should play a part in creating the plan with teacher, social worker, phycologist, special education teacher, and child Plan lists special education services the child will receive based upon their needs

7 Meeting the Needs

8 Multicultural & Bilingual Education

9 Additional Support

10 Summary

11 Reflection

12 Referance

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