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Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall Trust AGM September 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall Trust AGM September 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall Trust AGM September 2016

2 Chairmans Report Hall going from Strength to Strength
Working with STC and EHDC Good Trustees Team Funds growing User charges held Building for the future Remembering the past

3 Financials Highlights
Slight loss, caused by exceptional item £25k spent on Solar panels 25% Increase in gross income.  Costs lower than 2011 if remove solar panels Funds at bank growing




7 6 year financial history
£ Income £ Expenditure £ Profit 2010 20,759 18,328 2,431 2011 21,366 15,647 5,719 2012 28,817 25,512 3,305 2013 38,561 26,014 12,547 2014 40,542 31,318 9,224 2015 50,157 50,712 -555

8 Grants 2015 £3k Over 50s activities £8k awarded for Stage improvements, received in 2016

9 Friends of SMHT Events run for the community examples
Coffee and Bounce Sawbo’s Got Talent May Fayre, Food festival Model Railway Exhibition Cockney singalong

10 Memorial Hall Remembrance
Nostalgia day - another great event involved the 5 Local Schools

11 Regular activities for the community
Saplings parent and toddler group running well and contributing to hall funds Family fun Discos – 1 / month - huge success for families normally sold out in hours Christmas party a present, given to each child Daytime activities programme for over 50s, started and running well Now 8 sport activities / week for max £8 inc tea and coffee at sessions Jazz club – started Cinema club – started Trust focussed on utilising the hall for the community inclusive of all ages.

12 Daytime activities Activities for the over 50s Indoor short mat bowls
Line Dancing Table tennis Petanque Multi activity 8 classes a week inc tea and coffee all for £8

13 Significant purchases
2015 Solar panels £25 k Table tennis and Petangue equipment

14 Solar Panels £25k was spent in April 2015
Now generating over £3k a year income For next 20 years.

15 Stage and curtain project
Infrastructure – finances secured Stage Refurbishment £16k Curtains inc main hall Floor Electrics Sound system Hearing loop Potential Refurbished Entrance Lobby project. – funding to be raised

16 Changing the constitution
Outdated document A few changes being made Regular users mentioned that no longer exist. Changing wording to avoid this admin in the future. The AGM date is to move to within 6 months of last financial year rather than 9 months

17 SMHT Plans for the future
Cementing the great advances that we have made in the last few years Continuation of building a Memorial Hall Trust for the community by the community. New Bookings management system We welcome from the public, any ideas or activity that they would like to see.

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