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Forest Schools Science Cooking Around the world ART Humanities

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1 Forest Schools Science Cooking Around the world ART Humanities
Abacus Maths Year 1 Number and place value Mental addition and subtraction, Problem solving, reasoning and algebra , Mental multiplication and division, Mental addition and subtraction , Geometry: properties of shapes, Statistics Forest Schools Ruth Miskin Phonics Speed sounds Get Writing books Oxford reading tree books Black Park visits Science Polar Adventure Cooking Around the world Ireland, Italy, Australia , Japan , UK, India ART Paper Art Nurture Curriculum Overview Spring Humanities What will we see on our journey around the world Literacy Talk4Writing- Year 1 Computing Rising Stars- Year 1 We Are Painters: Creating an Ebook PSHE/SALT Year 1 News and Current affairs Purrrrfect skills  Motivation Fiction: Tales from a variety of cultures Poetry: Playing with Language

2 Forest Schools Cooking Around the world
Abacus Maths Year 1 Number and place value Mental addition and subtraction, Problem solving, reasoning and algebra , Mental multiplication and division, Mental addition and subtraction , Geometry: properties of shapes, Statistics Ruth Miskin Phonics Speed sounds Get Writing books Oxford reading tree books Forest Schools Black Park visits Cooking Around the world Ireland, Italy, Australia , Japan , UK, India Nurture Curriculum Overview Spring PSHE/SALT Year 1 News and Current affairs Purrrrfect skills  Motivation Computing Rising Stars- Year 1 We Are Painters: Creating an Ebook Literacy Talk4Writing- Year 1 Fiction: Tales from a variety of cultures Poetry: Playing with Language

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