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How a Leyden Jar works!!.

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Presentation on theme: "How a Leyden Jar works!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 How a Leyden Jar works!!

2 Rubbing the wax paper on the Styrofoam

3 Removes electrons from the wax paper

4 Wax Paper Styrofoam

5 Wax Paper Styrofoam

6 Making the Styrofoam Negative
- - - - Styrofoam

7 The Neutral Pie pan is lowered
- + + + + - - - - - - - - Styrofoam

8 The Pie pan becomes positively charge AFTER you touch it (the electrons jump to you)
- - Since you are touching the ground you will become neutral again - - + + + + - - - - Styrofoam

9 When you touch the Positive pie pan to the neutral paper clip
+ + + + Electrons move to the pie pan. Making the paper clip Positive

10 The Leyden Jar is now “charged”
+ + + +

11 Touch it to your nose Electrons will jump from you to the paper clip

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