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Ch. 15 Section 1 Cold War Notes

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1 Ch. 15 Section 1 Cold War Notes

2 What is the Cold War? Era of confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union without actual, direct war of bloodshed from

3 Why did the Cold War occur?
A. U.S. & Soviet Union had fundamentally different governments & economic systems. U.S. System A. Democracy: The People vote and have power in government. B. Market Economy/Capitalism/Free Enterprise: The people can own resources & businesses; Make own economic decisions. 2. Soviet System A. Communism: The government controls resources & businesses. Individuals are not allowed to own their own property. Only 1 political party; typically a dictatorship. 3. These differences had been set aside to fight Hitler. Once Hitler was gone, they no longer had anything in common.

4 Yalta Conference 1. Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain. 2. Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to: recognize the Polish govt. set up by the Soviets. 3. Stalin agreed to: hold free elections as soon as possible and to include members of prewar Poland to their government.

5 Potsdam Conference Truman & Stalin Decide what to do with Germany
U.S. wanted to help Germany improve their economy. USSR wanted the Germans to pay more in reparations.

6 Differences in Opinion at end of WWII that create tension
Soviet wants: 1. Communist Poland to prevent another invasion. 2. Germany to pay heavy reparations for costs of war. 3. A buffer in Eastern Europe to protect from another invasion (Security for their nation) B. U.S. wants: 1. Declaration of Liberated Europe: All countries freed from Hitler would be given self-government. 2. A Germany that is economically strong to help re-build Europe.

7 Outcomes Soviet Union refuses to follow Declaration of Liberated Europe. 1. Sets up Communist, puppet governments in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia 2. Satellite Nations: Eastern European countries controlled by the Soviets; Had to follow Soviet policies. B. An Iron Curtain descends on Europe 1. Phrase created by Winston Churchill 2. Line separating Communist countries of Eastern Europe from Western Europe.

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