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SC Department of Education SC Teacher Forum Conference

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1 SC Department of Education SC Teacher Forum Conference


3 Today’s Objectives Develop understanding of the Teacher of the Year (TOY) background and the State Teacher of the Year’s (STOY) role. Develop understanding of the STOY application process Develop understanding of the STOY selection process

4 Teacher of the Year Resources
Coordinator Report: District Teacher of the Year  State Teacher of the Year Application Form  State Teacher of the Year Program and Key Dates State Teacher of the Year Guidelines and Eligibility Explanation of the Selection Process

5 Teacher of the Year Background and Role

6 National Teacher of the Year Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Background
The National Teacher of the Year Program has been run by the Council of Chief State School Officers since 1952. Every state may nominate a candidate for National Teacher of the Year. The National Teacher is released from classroom duties during the year of recognition to serve as a spokesperson and advocate for the entire teaching profession. The National Teacher of the Year maintains a full schedule of speaking engagements throughout the country, and increasingly the world, before a variety of education, community, and business groups.

7 National Teacher of the Year Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Criteria
A candidate for National Teacher of the Year (NTOY) is a State Teacher of the Year in a state-approved or accredited school; prekindergarten through grade twelve, who is planning to continue in an active teaching status. The National Teacher of the Year candidate has the respect and admiration of their colleagues and: 1.Is an expert in their field who guides students of all backgrounds and abilities to achieve excellence; 2.Collaborates with colleagues, students, and families to create a school culture of respect and success; 3.Deliberately connects the classroom and key stakeholders to foster a strong community at large; 4.Demonstrates leadership and innovation in and outside of the classroom walls that embodies lifelong learning; and 5.Expresses themselves in an engaging and articulate way.

8 South Carolina Teacher of the Year South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE)
The Teacher of the Year program celebrates excellence and strengthens the teaching force by honoring and recognizing exceptional teachers on a district, state, and national level. These awards not only assist in retention efforts but serve as a powerful recruitment tool. The South Carolina Teacher of the Year serves for one school year as a roving ambassador providing mentoring, attending speaking engagements, working with teacher cadets and teaching fellows, leading the State Teacher Forum, and serving as the state spokesperson for over 48,000 educators.

9 Teacher of the Year

10 Teacher of the Year Application Process

11 Accessing the Application
Visit Educators Recruitment and Recognition Teacher of the Year Application Process State Teacher of the Year Application Form

12 2020 Teacher of the Year Application
11 sections Demographic information Narrative responses Letters of support Photo Opens: November 16, 2018 Deadline: January 2, 2019

13 2020 Teacher of the Year Application
Type information into required fields: Basic Identifying Information Data Collection Legal Permissions/Morality Clause

14 2020 Teacher of the Year Application
Please adhere to the format requirements: Max two pages double spaced Font: Arial or Times New Roman, 10 or 12 point Margins: Cannot be less than one inch

15 2020 Teacher of the Year Application
Upload files: File Type PDF Please name files: LastName_SectionNumber_SectionName Ex:Crews_2_Educational HistoryandProfessionalDevelopmentActivities.pdf

16 Section III Professional Biography
What factors influenced you to become a teacher? Describe your greatest contributions and accomplishments in education. Section III Professional Biography Page length: Max two (2) double spaced pages

17 Section IV Community Involvement
Describe your commitment to your community through service-oriented activities such as volunteer work, civic and other group activities. Section IV Community Involvement Page length: Max one (1) double spaced page

18 Section V Philosophy of Teaching
Describe your beliefs about teaching, include your ideas of what makes you an outstanding teacher. What rewards do you find in teaching? How are your beliefs about teaching demonstrated in your personal teaching style? Section V Philosophy of Teaching Page length: Max two (2) double spaced pages

19 Section VI Education Issues and Trends
What do you consider to be the major public education issues today? Address one in depth, outlining possible causes, effects and resolutions. Section VI Education Issues and Trends Page length: Max two (2) double spaced pages

20 Section VII The Teaching Profession
What do you do to strengthen and improve the teaching profession? What is and/or what should be the basis for accountability in the teaching profession? Section VII The Teaching Profession Page length: Max two (2) double spaced pages

21 Section VIII State Teacher of the Year
The State Teacher of the Year serves as a spokesperson and representative for the statewide teacher profession. What would your message be? What would you communicate to your profession and to the public? Section VIII State Teacher of the Year Page length: Max one (1) double spaced page

22 Section IX Profile of the South Carolina Graduate
The profile of the South Carolina graduate includes three main components: world class knowledge, world class skills, and life and career characteristics. Please describe how you address these areas in your classroom and the related student outcomes. Section IX Profile of the South Carolina Graduate Page length: Max one (1) double spaced page

23 Three letters of support from any of the following: superintendent, principal, administrator, colleague, student (current or former), parent, or civic leader. One page only No letterhead Include name once in opening paragraph Avoid identifiers Section X Letters of Support Letter should state why you are the best choice

24 Section XI Photo Guidelines: Head shot Color photo
Minimum 630x450 pixels Use a clean background Dress appropriately Smile Section XI Publicity Photo

25 Please don’t submit this!
Section XI Please don’t submit this!

26 Important Notes & Tips Do not submit until entire application is complete The system does not save your progress

27 Important Notes & Tips Pay attention to formatting. Pages that are formatted incorrectly will not be scored. Maximum one or two double spaced pages Font: Arial or Times New Roman Font size: 10 or 12 point (note: use same font size throughout) Margins: Cannot be less than one inch Document Type: Adobe (.pdf) Include section number and the entire name at beginning of each narrative response Please name files: LastName_SectionNumber_SectionName ex: Crews_9_ProfileoftheSouthCarolinaGraduate.pdf

28 Important Notes & Tips Applications are anonymous – avoid ALL identifiers (Ex: Mapleton Church, Elm County Animal Shelter, etc.) You can indicate rural, urban or suburban environment Proofreading is essential – three sets of eyes

29 Important Notes & Tips Your application should…
Reflect your point of view Reflect your passion for education Show an intellectual understanding of current trends and issues

30 Teacher of the Year Selection Process

31 Selection Process at a Glance
Phase 1: Screening Committee Scores Written Application (All) Phase 2: Finalists Committee Scores Written Application (Top 25) Phase 3: Selection Committee Interviews Finalists (Top 5)

32 Selection Process: Phase I
Applications identified by number only. All references to the applicant’s name and school district will be removed prior to distribution to judges. Each applicant may earn a 125 point maximum. Twenty-five applications with the highest total scores sent to Finalists Committee. Selection Process: Phase I Screening Committee Scores All Written Application Appendix A on the webpage lists the scoring system.

33 Selection Process: Phase II
The Finalists Committee will rate each applicant to select the five finalists for South Carolina Teacher of the Year. Each applicant may earn a 125 point maximum. The five candidates with the highest scores will be notified by the State Superintendent of Education. Selection Process: Phase II Finalists Committee Scores Top 25 Written Applications The State Finalists Committee will be composed of five judges: Former State Teacher of the Year Administrator representative Civic representative Business representative State Board Member

34 Selection Process: Phase III
Finalists participate in two-step process: Classroom videotaping session by SCDE staff. Attend Interview Day conducted by the Selection Committee. Selection Process: Phase III Selection Committee Interviews Five Finalists The state Selection Committee will be composed of: Former State Teacher of the Year Former Honor Roll teacher College Student Administrator representative Civic representative Business representative Higher education representative

35 Interview Day Interview Day will take place at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History building in Columbia on April 15 Presentation Question Each candidate will make a presentation without notes before the Selection Committee. The questions will be provided in advance by the South Carolina Department of Education, pertaining to current education events. Classroom Video Questions The five minute classroom footage will be shown and the finalist will respond to individual questions from judges. Trends and Issues Question Each finalist will be asked one question based on their Trends and Issues application response. Final Q & A Session Each finalist will be asked three questions related to education.

36 STOY Timeline January 2 Application Deadline
May 8 Banquet at Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center April 15 Interview Day March Classroom Videotaping March Five Finalists Notified January 2 Application Deadline

37 Katie Crews STOY Coordinator 803-896-0439
Good Luck! Katie Crews STOY Coordinator

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