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The Human Immune System

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Immune System"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Immune System

2 What is the immune system?
The body’s defense against disease causing organisms, malfunctioning cells, and foreign particles

3 The First Line of Defense
1. Skin (epidermis) forms a shield against invaders. 2. Mucus: foreign particles and bacteria stick 3. Cilia: Hair-like structures sweep this mucus into the throat for coughing or swallowing (nose hairs) 4. Saliva: contains many chemicals that break down bacteria 5. Stomach Acid

4 The Second Line of Defense
1. White blood cells: attack if invaders get within the body 2. Phagocytes: cells that eat foreign particles Video 3. T Cells (Natural Killer cells): attacks and kills infected cells 4. Inflammation: Injured body cells release chemicals called histamines

5 The Third Line of Defense ~Antibodies~
Most infections never make it past the first and second levels of defense Antibody: made if infection past 1 and 2 level of defense (made by B-cells) Video - 1:58

6 Active Immunity YOU produce the antibodies
You have already been exposed to the antigen - You had the disease (You fought it, you won, you remember it) Vaccines- Injected the disease (You detected it, eliminated it, and remember it

7 Passive Immunity You don’t produce the antibodies
A mother will pass immunities on to her baby during pregnancy/breastfeeding

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