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Writing Your CV and Personal Statement

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1 Writing Your CV and Personal Statement
June 19, 2018 Alex Morang Kelly Whalen

2 What Is A Curriculum Vitae?
An essential tool that presents a person to a potential employer by documenting education, work, research, service and other experiences and achievements A summary of your background and accomplishments, particularly related to academic and work experience in medicine

3 The Curriculum Vitae: Guiding Questions
What is the purpose of a CV? Why is it important? Is there a specific format? What content should I include? Where do I start?

4 Why Is The CV Important? It is a professional responsibility
It helps you prepare the application & PS Keeps all accomplishments in one place Your letter writers will ask for it

5 Is There A Specific Format?
No, but… Yes! When it comes to ERAS 12 main sections

6 Name, AAMC#, and contact information Education-medical, undergraduate, and other Memberships & honorary professional societies Medical school awards Certification/Licensure Work experience (average hours/week) Volunteer experience (average hours/week) Research experience (average hours/week) Publications Hobbies & Interests Language Fluency Other Awards/Accomplishments

7 CV Format & Content Name, AAMC ID & Contact Information Education: Medical education (dates, degree) Undergraduate (dates, degree) List most recent first

8 CV Format & Content Membership & Honorary/Professional Societies
Examples might include: Phi Beta Kappa American Medical Association (AMA) Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Rhode Island Medical Society Other national or regional groups

9 CV Format & Content Medical School Awards Certifications/Licensure
Examples : Gold Humanism Honor Society AMS Travel Award Other scholarships or awards received Certifications/Licensure Examples: ACLS Certified 6/2016 ATLS Certified 7/2016 EMT-Basic 2009-present

10 CV Format & Content Work Experience: Most recent first
Brief description of responsibilities, skills gained and/or achievements Volunteer experience Activities (mostly) during medical school Committee work Community service projects Student organizations Tutoring other students Participation and leadership positions

11 CV Format & Content Research Experience Most recent first
Undergrad research often listed Publications: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles/Abstracts Peer Reviewed Journal Articles/Abstracts (Other than Published) Submitted, Provisional Accepted, Accepted or In-Press Peer Reviewed Book Chapter Scientific Monograph Other Articles Poster Presentation Oral Presentation Peer Reviewed & Non Peer Reviewed Online Publication

12 CV Format & Content Hobbies & Interests Always list something!
Examples include: Long distance running Gardening Woodworking Painting Russian literature Cave exploring Language Fluency Native/functionally native Advanced Good Fair Basic

13 CV Format & Content Other Awards/Accomplishments Examples include:
Summa Cum Laude from college Distinction for research or academic work Leadership roles not otherwise listed Think outside the box!

14 Other CV Tips Start by focusing on content rather than organization and format Don’t undervalue your accomplishments Don’t overstate your accomplishments Seek advice and help editing Correct grammer and spelin Use bold, CAPS, italics and underlining strategically and sparingly Make sure the section headings describe the content included in those sections

15 Final Thoughts CVs have a variety of purposes, and should be constructed with the purpose in mind CVs should be well-organized CVs should be able to be skimmed quickly Be strategic with content

16 The Personal Statement: Guiding Questions
How important is it? What are program directors looking for? How do I get started? Are there any guidelines or “rules”?

17 How Important Is The PS? Very! Consider it a pre-interview
You control it—a chance to highlight what makes you unique Programs vary in how the PS is weighed

18 What Are Programs Looking For?
Passion & commitment Specific examples Marketable abilities Specialty-specific attributes Personal responsibility Career goals Readability Professional One page

19 Where Do I Start? Why did you choose your specialty?
What are you looking for in a program? What are your future goals? How do my values, interests, skills, and experiences correspond to my chosen specialty?

20 Guidelines DO make it: Personal Interesting Sincere Clear Concise
Grammatically correct

21 Guidelines Pitfalls to AVOID: Vague or cliché statements
Recounting your entire life story Re-purposing your medical school essay Summarizing your CV Getting too personal Abbreviations

22 Guidelines Pitfalls to AVOID:
Describing your specialty rather than you (know your audience!) Controversial topics Using quotations Claiming an expected attribute Making a request Plagiarism Writing services

23 Final Suggestions Start now! Seek help and feedback Review examples
Career Development website

24 Questions

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