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Area and Perimeter Vocabulary: Area perimeter two dimensional

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Presentation on theme: "Area and Perimeter Vocabulary: Area perimeter two dimensional"— Presentation transcript:

1 Area and Perimeter Vocabulary: Area perimeter two dimensional
Perpendicular parallel triangle Quadrilateral kite parallelogram Trapezium rhombus square Rectangle length width Geometry diagonals height composite

2 What is Perimeter? When you hear the word ‘perimeter', what do you think it means? How do we measure perimeter? Why is it important to be able to measure perimeter?

3 What is Area? When you hear the word 'area', what do you think it means? How do we measure area? Why is it important to be able to measure area?

4 This might be helpful in distinguishing between Area and Perimeter...

5 What unit would you use to measure…
10. how far it is from the earth to the moon 11. measurements on house plan 12. how long it takes to boil an egg 13. the amount of salt in a solution 14. the weight of meat bought from the butcher 15. the length of a student's hair 16. the time it takes to race 100 m 17. the amount of water in a dam 18. the thickness of a ream of paper 1. the length of a caterpillar 2. the length of a netball court 3. the distance from San Remo to Adelaide 4. the length of an armbone 5. the diameter of a CD 6. the height of a building 7. the duration of a song 8. the weight of flour in a bag 9. how much juice is in a glass

6 Converting Units… Convert the following: 1. 5 km to m 5000 m
m to cm cm 3. 18 cm to mm mm 4. 3 km to cm cm m to mm mm 6. 50 mm to cm 5 cm cm to m m m to km km mm to m m cm to km km

7 1. mm to cm (divide by 10) 4. cm to mm (multiply by 10)
a) 10 mm = ________ cm a) 4 cm = ______ mm b) 60 mm = ________ cm b) 10 cm = _____ mm c) 120 mm = _______ cm c) 50 cm = ______ mm d) 95 mm = ________ cm d) 120 cm = _____ mm 2. cm to m ( divide by 100) 5. m to cm ( multiply by 100) a) 100 cm = ________ m a) 5 m = ______ cm b) 500 cm = ________ m b) 1 m = ______ cm c) 900 cm = ________ m c) 20 m = ______ cm d) 640 cm = ________ m d) 6.9 m = ______ cm 3. m to km ( divide by 1000) 6. km to m ( multiply by 1000) a) 1000 m = ________ km a) 1 km = ______ m b) 4000 m = ________ km b) 7 km = ______ m c) 9000 m = ________ km c)60 km = ______ m d) 3460 m = ________ km d) 5.8 km = _____ m

8 Perimeter is… The distance around the edge of a figure
Is measured in units (not square units!) Make sure you write in any missing measurements before finding the perimeter.

9 Find the perimeter of this rectangle.
Draw two more rectangles with whole number side lengths that have the same perimeter as the one above.


11 Find the perimeter of each rectangle, showing your working

12 Find the perimeter of each triangle, showing your working



15 Challenge questions… 4. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.

16 Area is… The amount of space that a figure encloses
The number of square units that covers a shape or figure. It is two-dimensional It is always answered in square units

17 Guess who you think might have the hand with the largest area in the class.
Draw around your hand on grid paper. Count the number of squares contained inside the outline (count if more than half a square). As you count, colour the squares to help keep count!) At the bottom of your drawing, write the number of squares your hand covers ( the area). See if you can work out the perimeter as well.


19 Foldable …

20 Area of a Rectangle: A = b x h = 6 x 2 = 12 m2

21 Area of a square: A = s2 = 32 = 9 m2



24 Area of a Triangle: A = 1 2 x b x h A = 1 2 x b x h = 1 2 x 8 x 5
= 20 m2


26 Composite Area…



29 Challenge questions…

30 Challenge questions… If the perimeter of a rectangle is 40 cm, and the area is 36 cm2, what are the dimensions of the rectangle? A silkworm produces, on average, 500 metres of silk thread. How many silkworms would be needed to produce 10.1 kilometres of thread? What is the area of a square whose perimeter is 8 cm?

31 Conversions: 1 hectare is the normal measurement for land, particularly large properties. Your parents probably used a measurement called 'acres', which was an Imperial measurement which is no longer used (officially!) 1 hectare = m2 The diagram shows one hectare, which can also be thought of as 100m by 100m This diagram can be used to convert between units of measurement:


33 Challenge questions… Two 4 cm by 4 cm squares are placed carefully one on top of the other as shown here. (i) Explain how the squares have been placed. (ii) Find the area of the overlap of the squares (iii) Find the total area of the shape.

34 For these squares find the area of overlap and the total area of each shape.

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