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Ben Wenzke, Chris Moore, and Eric Rockelmann

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Presentation on theme: "Ben Wenzke, Chris Moore, and Eric Rockelmann"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ben Wenzke, Chris Moore, and Eric Rockelmann

2 Overview Benefits of Viruses Harm from the Viruses How Vaccines work
Why you should get the Flu Vaccine Why parents choose to Why parents choose not to

3 Benefits of Viruses Not all viruses are enemies Help the Immune System
ER Benefits of Viruses Not all viruses are enemies Help the Immune System Small viruses protect us from bacteria Attack all types of cells, including bacteria Offer potential to cure cancer, correct genetic disorders, or fight pathogenic viral infections

4 Harm from Viruses Evolve much more quickly than the immune system can
ER Harm from Viruses Evolve much more quickly than the immune system can Some outpace the immune system Work essentially by tricking the immune system Cause many diseases, including colds, measles, chicken pox, HPV, herpes, rabies, SARS and the flu

5 Prevention Get a Flu Shot Wash Your Hands Avoid Touching Eyes or Nose
ER Prevention Get a Flu Shot Wash Your Hands Avoid Touching Eyes or Nose Stay Hydrated Get Enough Sleep Keep away From other People Fighting a Cold

6 Treatment Antibiotics do not work for viral infections
ER Treatment Antibiotics do not work for viral infections Antiviral drugs are available to treat certain viruses Medications can ease the symptoms Get more sleep and eat smart

7 What are Vaccines? Used to stimulate antibodies which fight against antigen to prevent disease. Antibodies: Counteract antigen or foreign things in the body such as bacteria and viruses. Antigen: A toxin that enters the body stimulating an immune system response. CM

8 How vaccines work Vaccines work to prepare the immune system to fighting disease  Made up of dead or weakened antigen Stimulates antibodies to fight them off creating immune cells  Immune cell are also known as memory cells  Strengthens immune system and eliminates the disease or helps a victim get well faster CM

9 Why get Vaccinated? There are very deadly diseases that vaccines can prevent This diseases can be costly to treat Most are proven to be safe  Can put others at risk of catching a disease CM

10 Why gat Flu Vaccines? The flu vaccine is very important to get yearly
It can protect you against many different forms of influenza The flu can be very serious It can cause severe complications  It evolves often therefore last year's vaccine may not work for the following year CM

11 Parents For Vaccination
Advances in medical technology make safer Protect future generations from diseases Breakouts occur after refusals Very effective  BW

12 Parents for Vaccination
Saves lives Spend less money Fewer missed school and work days Proven choice BW

13 Parents Against Vaccination
25% believe causes other diseases Too young will damage immune system Believe don't work  Contains toxins Mercury Aluminum Antifreeze BW

14 Parents Against Vaccinations
Wouldn't be concerned if safe Help pharmacies make money Side effects are worse Violation of rights BW

15 How can you prevent Viruses?
ER How can you prevent Viruses? Thoroughly wash your hands Eat more calories during the day Avoid getting flu shots each year All of the above!

16 How can a Virus be treated?
ER How can a Virus be treated? Use Antibiotics Get a flu-shot Avoid sleeping too long None of the Above!

17 Vaccines are made of ________?
A: Weakened or dead Antigens B: Weakened or dead Antibodies C: Weakened or dead Memory Cells D: Weakened or dead Immune Cells CM

18 Vaccines__________? A: Weaken a disease already in the body B: Help the Digestive system C: Prepare the Immune System to fight a disease D: All of the Above CM

19 One reason parents choose to get their children vaccines is because
A) they have safety concerns B) they build stronger digestive systems C) they are protected D) they develop more memory cells BW

20 One reason parents chose not to get their children vaccines is because of                       
A) side effects B) they cause outbreaks of diseases C) diseases spread easily D) Appetite Loss BW

21 Overview Benefits of Viruses Harm from the Viruses How Vaccines work
Why you should get the Flu Vaccine Why parents choose to Why parents choose not to

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