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Viruses Beneficial, infectious, and Vaccines

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1 Viruses Beneficial, infectious, and Vaccines
Reece D'Alonzo, Conor Harkin,  John Sylvia

2 Overview How are viruses beneficial/harmful?
How can we prevent/treat these diseases? Why should you get the flu shut every year? How do vaccines work/ do they really help?

3 RD   bENEFICIAL Viruses  There are trillions of viruses in our bodies that aren't all bad Friendly viruses protect us against bacteria. Viruses can attack all types of cells, including bacteria Vaccines use viruses to lower the chances of catching it

4 RD  Harmful vIRUSES Viruses cause diseases  in different types of cells that they infect. Some viruses can cause lifelong infections. Viruses continue to reproduce in the body despite the host's defense mechanisms. Viral infections can cause disease in humans, animals, and plants 

5 RD Prevention of viral Diseases
 The best way to protect against viral diseases are vaccines. It is important to wash your hands frequently Wash, clean, and bandage all exposing wounds. Avoid direct contact with eyes, ears , and nose

6 RD Treatment of Viral Diseases
Antiviral medications can treat some viral diseases Drinking extra fluids helps treat viral diseases Getting extra sleep can potentially help treat viral diseases Maintaining a good nutrition can help treat viral diseases

7 JS Why you should get the flu vaccine
It reduces the risk of heart disease Reducing the inflammation in your arteries 50-60% chance of working if right strain

8 JS how vaccine works Flu Vaccines cause  antibodies  to develop in the body. It takes two weeks  for these antibodies to kick in. The protection of vaccines depends on the age and health of the person

9 JS how vaccines work Viruses in the shot are inactive
Three different strains that scientist choose from If you get the flu it can fight it off

10 JS how vaccines work New vaccines are released each year
Immune system responses to shot when it kicks in Flu vaccine prevented estimated 5 million influenza illness 

11 No Argument CH Vaccine was only 23% effective at preventing flu.
Contains toxins such as aluminum, formaldehyde, antifreeze. Concern over Mercury because multiple vaccines contain thimerosal

12 No Argument                                           CH Vaccines cause a host of chronic, incurable, and life- threatening diseases, True life-long immunity to a disease is through natural exposure Pharmaceutical companies and physicians hold no medical liability

13 Yes Argument                                              cH Reduce the chance that you'll pass on a serious disease Help protect those who can't get vaccinated The financial costs of medical visits and treatment Vaccinating the family helps protect vulnerable infants

14 Yes Argument CH Vaccine-preventable diseases haven’t gone away
 50,000 adults die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases in the US. Vaccine-preventable infections kill more people annually than traffic accidents.

15 RD ABC What is one way that viruses can be beneficial?
A. They can cure many diseases in the body B. Some viruses protect us against bacteria C. Viruses can provide are bodies with useful energy  D. They can help the digestive system break down food

16 RD ABC What is considered the best way to prevent viral diseases?
A. Getting a vaccine B. Washing your hands frequently C. Cleaning and bandaging wounds D.  Getting additional sleep

17 JS ABC How do flu vaccines work in your body
A.They cause antibodies to develop in your body B. They attack harmful things in your digestive system C. They turn neurons on in your brain D. All the above

18 JS ABC What is one thing flu vaccines do
A. They prevent you from other diseases  B. They reduce inflammation in your arteries c. It reduces the risk of heart disease d. Both B and C

19 CH ABC How Many Adults Die Annually from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

20 CH Abc What percentage of effectiveness for the flu vaccine? A 50%
D 23%

21 Last slide How are viruses beneficial/harmful?
How can we prevent/treat these diseases? Why should you get the flu shut every year? How do vaccines work/ do they really help?

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