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Science Roots.

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1 Science Roots

2 Root: bio Definition: life
Example Vocab: Biology, biosphere, biotic, abiotic, biography, biopsy, autobiography Root: bio Definition: life

3 Root: eco Definition: habitat/house/ environment
Example Vocab: Ecology, bioecology, ecotype, ecosystem, autecology, oecology Root: eco Definition: habitat/house/ environment

4 Root: aer/aero Definition: air
Example Vocab: aerodynamic, aerobics, aerospace, aerate, aerosol Root: aer/aero Definition: air

5 Root: hydro/hydra Definition: water
Example Vocab: hydrate, hydrant, dehydrate, hydraulics, hydrophobia Root: hydro/hydra Definition: water

6 Root: aqu Definition: water
Example Vocab: aqueduct, aquatics, aquafarm, aquanaut Root: aqu Definition: water

7 Root: omni Definition: all
Example Vocab: omnipotent, omnibus, omnivorous, omnirange Root: omni Definition: all

8 Root: herb Definition: plant
Example Vocab: herbivore, herbage, herbarium, herbal Root: herb Definition: plant

9 Root: mono Definition: one
Example Vocab: monocle, monogamy, monologue, monopoly, monochrome, mononucleosis Root: mono Definition: one

10 Root: poly Definition: many
Example Vocab: polygon, polychromatic, polygamy, polymorphism, polynomial Root: poly Definition: many

11 Root: meter Definition: measure
Example Vocab: barometer, speedometer, pedometer, seismometer, thermometer Root: meter Definition: measure

12 Root: gram Definition: letter
Example Vocab: telegram, milligram, centigram, grammar, anagram, cardiogram Root: gram Definition: letter

13 Root: ology Definition: study of
Example Vocab: astrology, geology, zoology, biology, kinesiology, archeology, sociology Root: ology Definition: study of

14 Root: chloro Definition: green
Example Vocab: chloroplast, chloroform, chlorophyll, chlorosis Root: chloro Definition: green

15 Root: photo Definition: light
Example Vocab: photograph, photosynthesis, photometer, photoallergic, phototrophic Root: photo Definition: light

16 Root: phyll Definition: leaf
Example Vocab: chlorophyll, phylloid, aphyllous, phyllobiology Root: phyll Definition: leaf

17 Root: troph Definition: nourish, develop
Example Vocab: atrophy, heterotroph, muscular dystrophy, myotrophy Root: troph Definition: nourish, develop

18 Root: cyto Definition: cell
Example Vocab: cytoplasm, endocytosis, cytocide, cytozoon Root: cyto Definition: cell

19 Root: synth Definition: together
Example Vocab: photosynthesis, synthetic, synthesize, nucleosynthesis Root: synth Definition: together

20 Root: endo Definition: within/inside
Example Vocab: endocrine, endoplasm, endothermic, endoparasite Root: endo Definition: within/inside

21 Root: exo Definition: oustide
Example Vocab: exocrine, exoskeleton, exit, exclude, expel, exception Root: exo Definition: oustide

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