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Presentation on theme: "Zines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zines

2 Zines Small magazine or book Mixed-media
Handmade collage or digitally laid out and printed Can be about anything! What do YOU want to say?

3 Early Zine Making Small scale DIY efforts Often anti-authoritarian
Small-circulation Self-published Inexpensive or free

4 Zines have been shaped by the predominant themes of sci-fi, punk music, but there have always been zines on a variety of subjects.

5 Contemporary Zine Making
Play through ~1:15

6 Contemporary Zine Making
Play to ~ 1:15


8 Fanzine A non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon (such as a literary or musical genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest.





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