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OC3570 Operational Meteorology

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1 OC3570 Operational Meteorology
Analysis of Refractive duct trends during July 2002 Pt Sur cruise LCDR John Daziens

2 Project Definition - Analysis of elevated & surface ducting conditions
- Propagation impacts of surface ducting conditions (AREPS)

3 Standard Atmosphere vs. Surface Ducting

4 Vaisala RS-80 specifications
Sensor Type Range Accuracy Resolution Response/Lag Time Pressure (and Height) capacitive aneroid 1060 to 3 hPa 0.5 hPa 0.1 hPa Temperature capacitive bead -90 to 60 oC 0.2 oC 0.1 oC <2.5 sec Humidity (and Vapor Pressure) thin film capacitor 0 to 100% 2% 1% 1 sec

5 Data Analysis Part I * 21 Rawindsonde profiles analyzed (Full & “Up Downs”)

6 What affects refractivity?
N is affected by temperature (T in degrees K), pressure (P in mbar) and humidity (vapor pressure, e, in mbar) in the following manner:

7 Modified Refractivity
Properties Modified Refractivity The modified refractivity (M) is used to determine how radar rays are bent relative to the earth’s curvature: where: T is temperature in K P is atmospheric pressure in mb e is vapor pressure in mb z is height above the surface in m


9 Determine Elevated Duct Trends
Data Analysis Part II: Determine Elevated Duct Trends

10 Downward Analysis: (14 Rawindsondes)

11 Data Smoothing Benefits
Up / Down Downward Leg Ambiguous Elevated Duct (~800m) SMALL Lower Level Duct

12 Elevated Duct Height Analysis

13 Elevated Duct Thickness Analysis

14 EM Frequencies Trapped by Duct

15 Propagation Modes: Atmospheric & EM Regions
Alt (km) GROUND WAVE SKYWAVE SCATTERING SPACEWAVE 400 300 200 150 100 50 Ionophere Ionophere Scatter Volume SAT-COM Ionosphere Communication Meteor scatter Line of site microwave Ducting(surface) Ionoscatter 1500Km range D-layer Daytime Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposcatter 400 km range 10 10 Mm Mm km km km m m m cm cm mm Wavelength radio bands frequency ELF VF VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF 30 Hz Hz KHz KHz KHz MHz MHz MHz GHz GHz GHz CONTROLLING INFLUENCE - Number of free electrons (N) in the IONOSPHERE CONTROLLING INFLUENCE - Vertical variation of pressure, temperature, and humidity (P,T,e) of TROPOSPHERE CONTROLLING INFLUENCE - Absorption by water vapor and oxygen molecues in the TROPOSPHERE

16 Trend Analysis Lowest elevation for “significant” ducting
100m = “Significant” Thickness 190600Z Z

17 Large Thickness High Elevation

18 Trapping Layer Formation
Initial T After Subsidence Height 9.8 0K/km e Vertical Velocity

19 Surface Duct Detection: Rawindsonde vs. Kite Methods
Elevated Duct

20 Conclusions Surface Ducting not evident from rawindsonde data (differs from 19July02 Kite Data). Diurnal variance of elevated duct height / thickness not indicated by analysis. Thickness maximum / elevation minimum corresponded to period of higher subsidence.

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