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Electrostatics Electric charges at rest (static electricity)

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Presentation on theme: "Electrostatics Electric charges at rest (static electricity)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrostatics Electric charges at rest (static electricity)
Involves electric charges, the forces between them, and their behavior in materials

2 Electric Forces Arise from the particles in atoms
Alone: Billions and billions of times as strong as the force of gravity In Pairs: Cancel each other out and have no noticeable effect

3 Charge In an atom, a positively charged nucleus is surrounded by electrons The protons (+) in the nucleus attract the electrons (-), while the electrons repel each other This attraction and repulsion behavior gives an object its charge

4 Properties of Atoms All electrons are identical, with the same mass and same quantity of charge The nucleus is composed of protons (all of which are also identical) and neutrons (neutral) Atoms usually have as many electrons as protons, so the atom has a zero net charge

5 Like charges repel; opposite charges attract
The Fundamental Rule… Like charges repel; opposite charges attract

6 Ions If the total positive charge balances the total negative charge, the atom is neutral If a particle is removed from the atom, it becomes an ion Positive Ion: Has lost one or more electrons and has a net positive charge Negative Ion: Has gained one or more electrons and has a net negative charge

7 Removal of Electrons The inner electrons are bound very tightly to the atom The outermost electrons of many atoms are bound loosely and can be easily dislodged

8 Conductors and Insulators
Conductor: Materials which allow electric charge to flow freely Metals are good conductors because their outer electrons are not bound tightly Insulator: Materials which do not allow electric charge to flow freely (i.e. glass, rubber)

9 Conductors and Insulators
Semiconductor: Materials that can be made to behave as either a conductor or an insulator of electricity i.e.) germanium, silicon Superconductor: Material that has infinite conductivity at low temperatures so that charge flows through it without resistance

10 Conservation of Charge
Electrons are never created nor destroyed, but are simply transferred from one material to another No case of the creation or destruction of net electric charge has ever been found Electrons are always transferred in whole – they cannot be divided into fractions of electrons

11 Coulomb’s Law The force between two charges depends on the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them F = k q1q2 d 2

12 Coulomb’s Law q1q2 F = k d 2 Units of charge = Coulomb (C)
k is a proportionality constant called the Coulomb constant k  9,000,000,000 N·m2 or 9·109 N·m2 C2 C2

13 Other Useful Numbers Charge of an Electron qe = -1.6 · 10-19 C
Charge of a Proton qp = +1.6 · C

14 Coulomb’s Law The force between two charges depends on the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them F = k q1q2 d 2

15 Two electrons are a meter apart. What is the force between them?
Sample Problem Two electrons are a meter apart. What is the force between them? What direction is it in?

16 Sample Problem q1q2 F = k d 2 F = 2.3*10-28N d = 1m
qp = -1.6*10-19C qe = -1.6*10-19C F = k q1q2 d 2 F = (9*109N*m2/C2) (-1.6*10-19C)* (-1.6*10-19C) (1 m)2 F = 2.3*10-28N

17 Two electrons are two meters apart. What is the force between them?
Sample Problem Two electrons are two meters apart. What is the force between them? What direction is it in?

18 The force between the two particles falls off as 1/d2
Coulomb’s Law The force between the two particles falls off as 1/d2 F = k q1q2 d 2

19 Charging Items may be charged by friction
Electrons are moved from one object to another by being scraped away Items may be charged by contact Electrons are moved without being scraped off

20 Charging by Induction Induction: The charging of an object without direct contact

21 Charging by Induction Grounding: Allowing charges to move freely along a connection between a conductor and the ground (shown in sketch c)

22 Induction and Lightning
The bottom of the negatively charged cloud induces a positive charge at the surface of the ground below.

23 Objects are electrically charged in one of three ways:
In Summary. . . Objects are electrically charged in one of three ways: By friction, when electrons are rubbed from one object to another By contact, when electrons are transferred through direct contact without rubbing Through induction when electrons are gathered or dispersed by the presence of a nearby charge (without physical contact)

24 Field Lines Electric Fields have a magnitude and direction
Vector Quantities Lines go away from positive Lines go toward negative

25 Drawing Field Lines From + to –
Lines start perpendicular to the surface of the charge Field strength is shown by the density of the field lines

26 Electric Shielding All charge on a conductor gathers on the outside
If a charge is contained inside a conductor the electric field is zero If a charge is outside a conductor the inside of the container will not be affected by the outside charge Example: Faraday Cage

27 Faraday Cage

28 Electrical Polarization:
Charge Polarization Electrical Polarization: When one side of a molecule is induced to be slightly more positive than the other side

29 Capacitor A capacitor stores difference in electric charge
Usually stored in parallel plates Consists of two conductors with an insulator in between

30 Capacitors Can hold this separation of charge for large periods of time This is why it is not smart to take apart an Old Television Set

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